kinematic coupling 當中需要選擇一個control point,比如我想限制一個平面上的所有點它們的U2方向位移相同,那麼在設置coupling的時候control point選誰呢?或者這樣一個要求就不應該用耦合?(因為我在計算的時候就發現那個面的行為根本不是我想要的)換句話說,僅限於運動耦合,這個耦合到底是什麼意思,用在哪裡?本人有限元小白,help文檔確實看了,沒看懂,請看懂的講解一下……
創建一個reference point,把你需要控制的節點耦合在這個點上即可,control point即為這個參考點。
Kinematic coupling constrains the motion of the coupling nodes to the rigid body
motion of the reference node.
Distributing coupling constrains the motion of the coupling nodes to the
translation and rotation of the reference node.This constraint is enforced in an average sense in a way that enables control of
the transmission of loads through weight factors at the coupling nodes
where is the weight factor at coupling node i, is the coupling node radial distance from the reference node, andis the distance to the furthest coupling node.
※做純FEA/CAE和產品設計相比 哪個更有前途?