steven holl 此種半透明幕牆材料怎麼認識為正確?
- 案例是 Steven Holl 的 Nelson-Atkins 美術館。
- 【選用材料】
Nelson-Atkins 的玻璃幕牆採用的是德國本德海姆(Bendheim)公司的解決方案, 本身是專為 Nelson-Atkins 美術館客制化的 LINIT 複合型U玻幕牆系統,應用在這一定製化產品中的主要玻璃技術有太陽能玻璃(Solar)、超透明低鐵玻璃(Low Iron)、噴砂玻璃(Sandblast)、鋼化玻璃(Tempered)。外表面是太陽能散射玻璃,內側採用噴砂玻璃,有效柔化光線,而超白/超透明玻璃通過降低玻璃材料中的鐵氧化物減弱玻璃中的淡綠色,從而有效防止從內部瀰漫出的燈光變色。內外兩層U型玻璃中間置熱絕緣空腔,保證了較好的熱工性能。
美術館定製化 U型玻璃幕牆中不同類型的玻璃特性
- 【清潔方式】
保溫隔熱玻璃材料選用的是 OKALUX 品牌的 OKAPANE 產品,清潔上和普通U玻產品並沒有什麼不同,在產品的 Cleaning Instructions 中有詳細的說明:
Immediately after installation for the glass remove all labels, tape, adhesive and advertising stickers.
Any adhesive left on the glass surface is cleaned off best with a clean cloth or paper tissue slightly
moistened with petrol.
For normal cleaning use a soft, clean, grit-free cloth and a mild soap, detergent or conventional window
cleaning solvent which do not contain abrasive materials or acids. Rinse immediately with clean water,
removing excess water with a clean squeegee, preventing the metal parts of cleaning equipment from
contacting the glass surface.
Abrasive cleaners, razor blades, cutters, putty knives, steel wool may cause scratches and damage to
hard coated reflective surfaces.
Fingerprints and grease or mastic stains, paint and tar can be removed with solvents such as acetone,
methyl ethylcetone (MEC) or ammonia provided that these products to not attack the seals and
penetrate into the rebate. Always rinse immediately with clean water.
Should trickling water carrying cement or steel residues come into contact with the glass the glass has
to be cleaned more frequently, specially after every period of abundant rain.
If an automatic cleaning machine is used it is best to test it out first before undertaking a large-scale
cleaning project.
- 【框架系統】
為了實現 Steven Holl 所構想的設計預期:呈現沒有被豎向支承框架打斷的連續透明界面。U玻供應商 LAMBERTS 不得不指定了 「Use as much glass and as little aluminium frame as possible!」 的項目實施的基本原則。再加上 Nelson-Atkins 美術館所處的美國密蘇里州堪薩斯城(Kansas City, MO, USA)常受颶風侵擾,因此對於工程中玻璃的強度和抗彎性能提出了更為嚴苛的要求。
最終的成品在強度和性能上比普通標準U型玻璃提高了5倍,經過強化的高強度玻璃足以滿足特殊的設計標準——支撐起最高達7米(701cm)的單片玻璃的設計要求。以下是玻璃幕牆系統的強身構造:Lamberts of Germany introduced new production techniques to fabricate the first tempered plank channel glass with custom widths and a combination of stippled and sandblasted treatments used to diffuse the light to the interior and soften the reflection on the exterior. Testing began in Germany and ended in Florida.
- 【熱工能耗】
U型玻璃幕牆系統的雙層玻璃設置了熱絕緣間層,保證了光線的進入和熱量隔絕,保溫隔熱性能較一般玻璃幕牆系統大大增強。所以這套玻璃幕牆系統不僅具有良好的熱工性能,而且還能滿足不同季節的能耗需求,在冬季貯存太陽熱,夏季釋放多餘熱量,起到微氣候的調節功能,使館內環境冬暖夏涼。Okapane Panel 產品的特殊構造和材料應用使得其自身具有優越的光熱性能。The double-glass cavities of the lenses gather sun-heated air in winter or exhaust it in summer. Optimum light levels for all types of art or media installations and seasonal flexibility requirements are ensured through the use of computer-controlled screens and usage of special translucent insulating material embedded in the glass cavities.
To accommodate buildings" significant inter-story movements, Heintges developed a unique channel-glass support system that is now in standard use by the industry. Heintges also proposed and developed the first use of this glass in a double-skin climate-wall construction, employing dual-mode humidity control to meet the challenges of a humidified museum environment.
另外, Holl在南京的四方當代博物館的立面材料用的則是雙層的半透明PC陽光板,因為該建築的展覽空間有很大一部分是懸浮在空中的,若採用玻璃作為立面材質太重了,故採用了PC陽光板。
Chanel Glass