


Blvd,boulevard,城市裡的大道,類同avenue,或由於是來自法語,顯得更雍容一些,例如:日落大道Sunset Boulevard



Fwy,freeway,高速公路,基本等同於expressway,也可指市區快速路,中國的高速路統稱為expressway(或許freeway來自toll-free way,免費高速,所以中國不適用)。



xxx Wy,way,路/街

xxx Cir,circle,環路

xxx Ln,lane,弄/巷



Blvd 一般是很大很大的大道,中間有隔離帶,每側至少三條車道這樣的。Ave 和 St 都比 Blvd 小。

Highway 是 Express Way 和 Free Way 的統稱,共同點是限速都高於 40mph,區別是 Express Way 有紅綠燈,Free Way 沒有紅綠燈。Free 指的是紅綠燈,不是收費站,Free Way 上也可以有 toll-gate 的。


比如 Phoenix 這樣的城市。因為氣候的問題,Phoenix 在上個世紀才開始發展,所以城市的布局相當規則,基本上城市由東西向和南北向的大路劃成一個個的方格,大路是每隔一英里一條。


先看南北向的。南北向道路主要以數字命名,中間一條大路叫 central avenue。從中間向西都叫 avenue,就是 1,2,3,的排下去,大路是 7th avenue, 19th avenue, 27th, 35th avenue, 等等。從中間向東都叫 street,也是1,2,3 的排下去,大路是 7th street,16th street,24th street,32th street 等等。

再看東西向的。東西向多叫 road,比如從市中心北側的大路,分別叫 McDowell road,Thomas Road,Indian School Road,Camelback Road,Bethany Home Road。但是,市中心的幾條大路卻叫 street:Van Buren Street,Washington Street,Jefferson Street。而繼續向北,又連續出現四條大 avenue,才回到 road。再往北又有用 drive 命名的大路 Union Hill Drive。

就 Phoenix 這樣一個規劃這麼整齊的城市,road,avenue, street, drive 都用得如此沒規則,其實美國街道命名沒啥規律。就是有,也是很地方的。比如 Manhattan 這樣 street 和 avenue 正交分布的規律,讓人很容易覺得是有規則的。但這很有可能只是歷史原因的約定俗成,而沒有任何死板的要求。









2.漢語地名:地名分專名和通名,專名按照中文拼音方案處理,首字母大寫,連寫,不需要連接符。通名要按英文翻譯。如:廣東省 Guangdong Province.

單音節的名稱要專名和通名連寫:如泰山:Taishan Mt.

注意:景德鎮應該是: Jingdezhen, 不是 Jingde Town,

3. 非漢語地名本著「名從主人」的原則,按照羅馬字母(拉丁字母)原文書寫;非羅馬字母文字的地名,按照該文字的羅馬字母轉寫法拼寫。

如: 呼和浩特: Hohhot,

倫敦: London

4. 位址翻譯的順序差異,如英文中一串地名是按照從小地方到大地方的順序排列的,漢語相反,從大到小;翻譯時,不可照搬順序(見樣例)。

5. West Columbus Avenue; South Pleasant Street;(在文章中遇到的普通地理名詞不指專門的地名的部分不用大寫,其中有些跟在兩個專門名詞或一般名詞後面有複數形式的一般地理名稱,如 the Himalaya and Andes mountains; the Zhujiang delta, the river valley, the Caribbean islands, the Atlantic coast of Labrador)。

6. 機構名稱詞首字母必須大寫,the Ministry of Education; Daxinya Translation Co., Ltd.;

7.在翻譯位址時,所有大廈、住宅樓、公寓、房間或套房的編號用阿拉伯數字表示,除「1」外(這要寫出文字來―One);如:6 Lincoln Road, 2368 Baoannan Road; Apt. 281, Regency Park Drive; Room 617, Jiahuage; One Baoannan Road;

8.街道編號要把數字寫成序數詞,如145th Street,Bagua 3rd Road (八卦三路);如果遇上「第十二大街238號」這樣的地址怎麼辦?可以這樣翻譯:238-12th Street, 或238 Twelfth Street;

9.跨省的國道及其他高速公路編號用阿拉伯數字,如:137國道,翻譯成: State Highway 137 (或 Interstate 137)

10.在位址的翻譯中經常用縮寫,表示縮寫的句號 "." 經常也省略了(見樣例)

11. 不會讀的地名要查字典。如:


東莞: Dongguan (稍有常識即可避免)

樂清: Yueqing 麻湧: Machong 泌陽 Biyang

蚌埠 Bengbu

12. 將外國位址翻譯成中文時,基本原則是採用音譯;可以查《英漢-漢英世界地名》,查到鎮一級的地名。網上查詢也可以試試。但須讓客戶知道,只能作為瞭解該地址的確切位置,如果客戶用來通信,則應該用外國地址的外語原文,否則寄不到目的地。拉丁化音譯是國際標準,各國郵政系統通用的。中國大陸的中文拼音方案是拼寫漢字的國際唯一標準。在商業翻譯實踐中,只需要翻譯到市級單位就可以了,同時把外語的原文加上括弧放在譯文的後面。



RM508,5/F, Federal Bldg, 369 Lockhard Rd, Wanchai, Hong Kong


省: Province; 市: City; 縣: County; 區: District; 可以簡寫成 Dist

(住宅)社區(村): Estate; 工業區: Industrial Park/Zone;

街道:Street;可以簡寫成 St; 路:Road; 可以簡寫成 Rd 巷:Lane;

大廈的其中一棟樓 (如大樓的東樓西樓)叫作:東座/西座,翻譯成East/West Tower;

大樓的樓層:Floor, 可以簡寫成 「 /F」

樓宇編號,如第4棟: 4th Building, 其中Building 可以簡寫成 Bldg

樓層的東側西側或東翼西翼:East/West Wing

(大廈中的)單位/房:Flat/Room;Room可以簡寫成 Rm

套房:suite; 公寓:apartment,可以簡寫成 Apt.


1. 國家及各國州省的縮寫參照其他資料。

2. 地名級別詞的縮寫如下:

3. District 可以簡寫成 Dist

Industrial可以簡寫成 Ind


Road 可以簡寫成 Rd

Avenue可以簡寫成 Ave

Boulevard 可以簡寫成 Blv

東路,西路,南路,北路中的East, West, South, North 可以分別簡寫成 E, W, S, N

Floor 可以簡寫成 「 /F」

Building 可以簡寫成 Bldg

Room可以簡寫成 Rm

apartment可以簡寫成 Apt


  • A road has no special qualifiers. It connects point a to point b.
  • A street connects buildings together, usually in a city, usually east to west, opposite of avenue.
  • An avenue runs north south. Avenues and streets may be used interchangeably for directions, usually has median
  • A boulevard is a street with trees down the middle or on both sides
  • A lane is a narrow street usually lacking a median.
  • A drive is a private, winding road

  • A way is a small out of the way road

  • a court usually ends in a cul de sac or similar little loop

  • a plaza or square is usually a wide open space, but in modern definitons, one of the above probably fits better for a plaza as a road.

  • a terrace is a raised flat area around a building. When used for a road it probably better fits one of the above.

  • uk, a close is similar to a court, a short road serving a few houses, may have cul de sac

  • run is usually located near a stream or other small body of water

  • place is similar to a court, or close, usually a short skinny dead end road, with or without cul de sac, sometimes p shaped

  • bay is a small road where both ends link to the same connecting road

  • crescent is a windy s like shape, or just a crescent shape, for the record, above definition of bay was also given to me for crescent

  • a trail is usually in or near a wooded area

  • mews is an old british way of saying row of stables, more modernly seperate houses surrounding a courtyard

  • a highway is a major public road, usually connecting multiple cities

  • a motorway is similar to a highway, with the term more common in New Zealand, the UK, and Austrailia, no stopping, no pedestrian or animal traffic allowed

  • an interstate is a highway system connecting usually connecting multiple states, although some exist with no connections

  • a turnpike is part of a highway, and usully has a toll, often located close to a city or commercial are

  • a freeway is part of a highway with 2 or more lanes on each side, no tolls, sometimes termed expressway, no intersections or cross streets.

  • a parkway is a major public road, usually decorated, sometimes part of a highway, has traffic lights.

  • a causeway combines roads and bridges, usually to cross a body of water

  • circuit and speedway are used interchangeably, usually refers to a racing course, practically probably something above.

  • as the name implies, garden is usually a well decorated small road, but probably better fits an above

  • a view is usually on a raised area of land, a hill or something similar.

  • byway is a minor road, usually a bit out of the way and not following main roads.

  • a cove is a narrow road, can be sheltered, usually near a larger body of water or mountains

  • a row is a street with a continuous line of close together houses on one or both sides, usually serving a specific function like a frat

  • a beltway is a highway surrounding an urban area

  • quay is a concrete platform running along water

  • crossing is where two roads meet

  • alley a narrow path or road between buildings, sometimes connects streets, not always driveable

  • point usually dead ends at a hill

  • pike usually a toll road

  • esplanade long open, level area, usually a walking path near the ocean

  • square open area where multiple streets meet, guess how its usually shaped.

  • landing usually near a dock or port, historically where boats drop goods.

  • walk historically a walking path or sidewalk, probably became a road later in its history

  • grove thickly sheltered by trees

  • copse a small grove

  • driveway almost always private, short, leading to a single residence or a few related ones

  • laneway uncommon, usually down a country road, itself a public road leading to multiple private driveways.

  • trace beaten path

  • circle usually circles around an area, but sometimes is like a "square", an open place intersected by multiple roads.

  • channel usually near a water channel, the water itself connecting two larger bodies of water,

  • grange historically would have been a farmhouse or collection of houses on a farm, the road probably runs through what used to be a farm

  • park originally meaning an enclosed space, came to refer to an enclosed area of nature in a city, usually a well decorated road.

  • mill probably near an old flour mill or other mill.

  • spur similar to a byway, a smaller road branching off from a major road.

  • bypass passes around a populated area to divert traffic

  • roundabout or traffic circle circle around a traffic island with multiple connecting routes, a roundabout is usually smaller, with less room for crossing and passing, and safer

  • wynd a narrow lane between houses, similar to an alley, more common in UK

  • drive shortened form of driveway, not a driveway itself, usually in a neighborhood, connects several houses

  • parade wider than average road historically used as a parade ground.

  • terrace more common in uk, a row of houses.

  • chase on land historically used as private hunting grounds.

  • branch divides a road or area into multiple subdivisions.



街 道 的 稱 呼

如果有人問你,在英文中「街道」怎麼說,你的回答大概會是Street, Avenue, 或者 Road。如果英語辭彙量多一點的話,可能還會加上Boulevard。根據一般的英漢詞典,street , avenue 翻譯成「街」,road 翻成「路」,boulevard 翻成「大街」或者「林蔭大道」。

事實上在美國有很多詞都是用來表示街道的意思。在我所居住的德克薩斯州,常用的表示街道的詞除了Street 和Road,還有如下一大堆:

Drive 一般簡寫為Dr.,在這個時候千萬不要誤會成「博士」的簡寫,有的辭典上會有「街道」的翻譯。




Parkway,從字面來看,park可以翻譯成「停車」,也可以翻譯成「公園」。請先萬不用從字面來解釋這個字。Parkway既不是一個停車場也不是個公園,它就是一條路。(順便說一下,driveway 倒不是表示一條路,雖然從字面上來看好像是開車的道路。其實,driveway是指從家裡的車庫到馬路間的一段,你私人所擁有的車道。很多人會把車停在自己的driveway上。)





Country Road 一般寫成CR.,也就是鄉間小路的意思,但實際上不一定是一條很小的路。


Street 街

Road 路

Way 道

Lane 里(感謝 @左昊誠 補充)


pkwy 是parkway公園景觀路的意思 一般湖邊 河邊都修有這樣的道路

補充一個,我以前住的一個街道地址叫Rialto Heights, 簡寫為Rialto Hts, 那地方是個高地。

Toll-way收費公路, 今年5月份開車在florida toll way被警察抓了,忐忑不安以為要掏槍







如何用中文翻譯問題?義大利人相對於其他國家的人來說有哪些特點??下 Nicholas Balmas 的回答?

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