這件事也挺奇葩的,堂堂美國總統與外國元首的通話內容居然今天被泄露了?一通電話是跟墨西哥總統的,另一個是跟澳大利亞總理的。通話內容被刊登在華盛頓郵報:『This deal will make me look terrible』: Full transcripts of Trump』s calls with Mexico and Australia『 挺有意思的,可以讓大家窺探一下總統之間私下是怎麼打電話交流的。
題主的圖片中引用的新聞是非常片面的,問題也不對,特朗普不可能懇求墨西哥總統,也就是商量。圖片中的對話讓人感覺特朗普和墨總統劍拔弩張,要吵起來了。實際上兩人人對話是相當愉快的。特朗普在其中說:「Believe it or not, this is the least important thing that we are talking about, but politically this might be the most important talk about.」 「相信與否,這可能是我們這通電話中最不重要的事情(指建牆),但是政治上或許是最重要的事情。」說白了,這就表明這是個面子工程,是為了實現競選承諾不得不做的事情。當特朗普說對方不可以告訴媒體我們墨西哥不會付錢修牆,因為會把他置於一個難堪的境地(「But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannot live with that. You cannot say that to the press because I cannot negotiate under those circumstances.」)墨總統說他表示理解,願意與美方一道想出解決辦法(I understand you well, Mr. President. I understand this critical point and I understand the critical political position that this constitutes for your country and for you, Mr. President. Let us look for a creative way to jump over this obstacle.)特朗普也同意以後再談及這個問題的時候讓步不再說墨西哥付錢,而說我們還在找解決辦法。(Trump:「I do not bring up the wall but when the press brings up the wall, I will say, 「let us see how it is going – let us see how it is working out with Mexico.」」)總之這是一個比較愉快的外交對話。
「愉快的談話」? 我就直接照搬墨西哥總統的話,高亮關鍵部分。這隻需要高中英語水平。
I understand you well, Mr. President. I understand this critical point
and I understand the critical political position that this constitutes for your country and for you, Mr. President. Let us look for a creative way to jump over this obstacle. It does not mean that this is not animportant issue – this is an important issue. However, this is why we
should walk on the path that we began, because when we start talking about the wall it prevents us from talking about other important issues that we must discuss. I clearly understand what this issue constitutesfor you in the United States. And for Mexico, it is also an issue that
goes beyond the economic situation because this is an issue related to the dignity of Mexico and goes to the national pride of my country. Let us for now stop talking about the wall. Let us look for a creative way to solve this issue, for this to serve both are your government, my government, and both of our societies. Let us leave this topic – let us put it aside and let us find a creative way of looking into this issue. And let us move forward on other issues that I think are positive for both of our countries. That would be my position, Mr. President.
TAG:墨西哥 | 唐納德·約翰·特朗普DonaldJTrump |