如何評價 Andy Grove 的生平成就?
看到今天 Andy Grove 去世,遂開一題緬懷逝者。
沒有Andy Grove,就沒有Intel的今天,甚至整個IT行業的格局都會不同。
1. 「好好的一個做存儲器的廠,怎麼就去做CPU了呢」
2. 「堅持x86架構不動搖」
這個圖上列出了各個時期性能最佳的CPU,可以看到90年代末以前根本就找不到Intel的影子,什麼MIPS啊,PowerPC啊,Alpha啊,比Intel都高到不知哪裡去了。Intel簡直是被友商按在地上打的節奏。由此也可想而知Andy當時作為Intel CEO面臨的競爭壓力。
但Andy頂住壓力不和友商彪性能,而是讓Intel的晶元在永遠向前兼容(backward compatible)的基礎上,穩步提高性能。Alpha的CPU,跑得比誰都快,但跑著跑著,就發現沒人願意給他寫軟體了。。(碼農:憑啥你每出一代CPU我就得重新寫一遍軟體??) 反觀Intel,我這次出的CPU雖然還是比對手慢了點,但你們的軟體可以拿來就跑啊,你是願意花一大筆錢雇一批碼農再把軟體重寫一遍呢,還是直接到我這買買買呢?
3. 「Andy Bill『s Law「
"What Andy gives, Bill takes away." 安迪給多少,比爾(蓋茨)就拿多少,這個Andy當然就是Andy Grove了,意思就是說每次Intel出一代新的CPU,Windows都把性能壓榨光,於是消費者不得不一直買買買升級軟硬體。Andy和Bill這對好基友也是都看準了當時PC市場的潛力,於是軟硬結合,共築了PC普及的大業。
最後貼幾條Andy Grove幾條比較有名的語錄:
"Steve, I don"t give a 嗶--- about Apple."——沒錯Steve就是Steve Jobs喬幫主,當年喬幫主邀請Andy去主管蘋果的時候,Andy如是說道。(不愧是比爾蓋茨的好戰友。。)
"Bad companies are destroyed by crisis, Good companies survive them, Great companies are improved by them." ——差勁的公司會被危機摧毀,好的公司會挺過危機,偉大的公司會借危機上位。
"Technology happens, it"s not good, it"s not bad."——境界太高,不翻譯了。謝邀
首先回答問題:格魯夫為英特爾完成了產品轉型,在那個pc技術尚不成熟的年代意識到了微處理器的重要性,並使英特爾從一個「存儲器公司」變成了「微處理器公司」80年代的intel不像如今這樣如日中天,當時,intel的主要產品還是半導體存儲器,他們面臨著國外廉價存儲器的挑戰,甚至一度瀕臨崩潰,然而葛魯夫毅然決然的壯士斷腕,強行將產品定位到「微處理器」,並著重向pc業務進軍,於是,在90年代初期,intel順利成為世界上最大的半導體企業,並將該優勢保持至今。謝邀。對人物傳記很不了解。實在沒有資格回答這個問題。又覺得不回答很不禮貌,猶豫再三,希望得到邀請者的諒解。以前聽過一個廣播節目,說他的那本書名更貼切譯法應該是《只有迫害妄想狂才能生存》。說他以前有過偷渡的經歷,有過偷渡經歷的人就會有那種特殊的感覺,就是時不時的不知道前面會發生什麼,時刻總有一種極端的警惕感和對前方情況特別的敏感性。說有他去日本訪問的時候感覺日本人對他們雖然還是很尊重,可和以前的那種感覺已經有了難以察覺變化。回到美國就趕快進行調查,發現日本在存儲製造上已經趕上超過美國。馬上下定決心帶領英特爾轉型放棄存儲製造,設計生產CPU,成就了今天的英特爾。這是個人認為的最大的成就吧。第二個成就個人觀點是和IBM一起建立起了PC機的標準和市場。這個是英特而發家的基礎也是整個PC市場繁榮的基礎。如果沒有這個標準也就沒有PC的今天。有時想想真的很感謝英特爾和IBM建立起了這個標準,才能方便的安裝配件升級系統。自己的電腦想安裝xp還是win7,或是linux,FreeBSD?都由你,甚至有過破解了X86的OSX安裝在PC上的,只要你願意自己折騰,個人認為這都是PC標準的功勞,先建立起標準大家都按這個開放的標準去生產,就可以方便的開發系統升級硬體,PC才有了這麼強的可玩性。現在的安卓手機,沒有廠家相應的刷機包是沒有辦法升級的,廠家沒有相應的刷機包自己是沒有辦法升級版本或降低安卓版本的。個人猜想這就是因為各個廠家的手機和晶元的提供商都不是按照一個標準生產設計的吧。第三個成就個人觀點是建立了奔騰品牌,脫離了數字型號。以前的CPU都是按照286,386,486的名稱叫的,大家在購買處理器型號的時候往往也不太注意品牌。AMD和Cyrix在486時代的後期也推出了5x86這種運行在486平台上產品。從P5開始英特爾開始使用了Pentium的品牌和另外兩家區別開。能過大規模的廣告和補貼在人們心裡牢牢樹立起了「Intel inside」的概念,那會看到有電腦上有那個藍色的圈圈真是感覺高大上啊。好在那時Socket 7還是開放的,除了馬馬叉,AMD的K5、K6和K6-2,Cyrix的6x86、6x86MX、MII,IDT的Winchip C6都在上面跑,後來這些廠家還搞出個100外頻的Super Socket7。晶元組也是VIA,SIS,Ali好多家。回想起來那真是個黃金時代啊。當然英特爾為此不高興搞出了專利又短命的Slot1。第四個成就個人觀點是成功的解決了 Pentium FDIV bug危機,讓人們對英特爾樹立起了強大的信心,並且憑藉Pentium Pro開始攻佔工作站和伺服器市場。在奔騰pro之前PC就是PC。工作站和伺服器是小型機或者大型機的地盤,那時報紙上常見Digital的Alpha工作站和SUN小型機的廣告,後來都消失不見了,取而代之的是廉價高效的X86工作站和伺服器。這也是現在大規格雲計算基礎的開始吧。有了大量廉價的X86伺服器才有了今天的雲計算。
謝邀。維基百科對 andy grove的評價相對詳盡和豐富,以下引用。Helping start up Intel
"When I came to Intel, I was scared to death. I left a very secure job where I knew what I was doing and started running RD for a brand new venture in untried territory. It was terrifying."
Andrew Grove[3]
After completing his Ph.D. in 1963, Grove worked at Fairchild Semiconductor as a researcher, and by 1967 had become its assistant director of development.
His work there made him familiar with the early development of integrated circuits, which would lead to the "microcomputer revolution" in the 1970s. In 1967, he wrote a college textbook on the subject, Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices.
In 1968, Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore co-founded Intel, after they and Grove left Fairchild Semiconductor. Grove joined on the day of its incorporation, although was not a founder according to the company. Fellow Hungarian émigré Leslie L. Vadász was Intel"s fourth employee.
Grove worked initially as the company"s director of engineering, and helped get its early manufacturing operations started. In 1983 he wrote a book, High Output Management, in which he described many of his methods and manufacturing concepts.
Initially, Intel primarily manufactured dynamic memory chips, DRAMs. By 1985, with less demand for their memory, production problems, and the challenges created by Japanese "dumping" of memory chips at below-cost prices, Grove was forced to make radical changes.
As a result, he chose to discontinue producing DRAMs and focus instead on manufacturing microprocessors. Grove played a key role in negotiating with IBM to use only Intel microprocessors in all their new personal computers.
By the late nineteen nineties in the over the 30 years since its founding, the company"s revenue increased from $2,672 in its first year, to $20.8 billion in 1997. Grove was Intel"s president in 1979, its CEO in 1987 and its Chairman and CEO in 1997. He relinquished his CEO title in May 1998, having been diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years earlier, and remained chairman of the board until November 2004. Grove continued his work at Intel as a senior advisor and had been a lecturer at Stanford University. He reflected back upon Intel"s growth through the years:
In various bits and pieces, we have steered Intel from a start-up to one of the central companies of the information economy.
Grove is credited with having transformed Intel from a manufacturer of memory chips into one of the world"s dominant producers of microprocessors. During his tenure as CEO, Grove oversaw a 4,500% increase in Intel"s market capitalization from $4 billion to $197 billion, making it the world"s 7th largest company, with 64,000 employees. Most of the company"s revenues were reinvested in research and development, along with building new facilities, in order to produce improved and faster microprocessors.
Management methods and styleEdit
"Probably no one person has had a greater influence in shaping Intel, Silicon Valley, and all we think about today in the technology world than Andy Grove."
Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware[18]
As director of operations, manufacturing became Grove"s primary focus and his management style relied heavily on his management concepts. As the company expanded and he was appointed chairman, he became more involved in strategic decision-making, including establishing markets for new products, coordinating manufacturing processes and developing new partnerships with smaller companies. He helped create the Intel Architecture Laboratory (IAL) in Oregon to ensure that software was developed in time to take advantage of their new microprocessors. Grove stated that "you are making decisions about what the information technology world will want five years into the future ..."
Grove created a culture within Intel that allowed innovation to flourish. As CEO, he wanted his managers to always encourage experimentation and prepare for changes, making a case for the value of paranoia in business. He became known for his guiding motto: "Only the paranoid survive," and wrote a management book with the same title.
According to Grove, "Business success contains the seeds of its own destruction,"
explaining that "Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive."
As a result, he urges senior executives to allow people to test new techniques, new products, new sales channels, and new customers, to be ready for unexpected shifts in business or technology.
Grove biographer Jeremy Byman observes that Grove "was the one person at Intel who refused to let the company rest on its laurels."
Grove explains his reasoning:
A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation.
Intel Senior Vice President Ron Whittier notes that Grove preferred to keep open channels of communication between employees, and encouraged people to speak their minds: "People here aren"t afraid to speak up and debate with Andy."
They termed this style "constructive confrontation."
According to Grove"s successor at Intel, Craig Barrett, "It"s give and take, and anyone in the company can yell at him. He"s not above it." Grove insisted that people be demanding on one another, which fostered an atmosphere of "ruthless intelligence."
Grove"s office was an 8-ft by 9-ft cubicle like the other employees, as he disliked separate "mahogany-paneled corner offices." He states, "I"ve been living in cubicles since 1978 — and it hasn"t hurt a whole lot."
Preferring this egalitarian atmosphere, he thereby made his work area accessible to anyone who walked by. There were no reserved parking spaces, and Grove parked wherever there was a space.
This atmosphere at work was partly a reflection of his personal life. Some who have known him, such as venture capitalist Arthur Rock, have stated that "he has no airs." Grove has lived modestly without expensive cars or an airplane.
Grove was noted for making sure that important details were never missed, with one of his favorite sayings being, "The devil is in the details." Intel Vice President Dennis Carter states that "Andy is very disciplined, precise, and detail oriented ... But at the same time, he has an element of intuition and creativity that is fundamental to Intel"s innovation."
According to Industry Week magazine, Grove feared that the "brilliance that sparked the creation of Intel" during its early years, "might come to nothing if somebody didn"t pay attention to details." Carter recalls that Grove would even correct his spelling errors:
When he came to this country from Hungary in 1956, he didn"t speak English. Yet I learned spelling from him. Not only does he have the instincts of a teacher, but he also has a great deal of patience.
Other accomplishmentsEdit
Grove is also a noted author and was a notable scientist. His first book on semiconductors, Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Devices(1967),
has been used by leading universities. Another book he penned on business operation methods, High Output Management (1983), has been translated into 11 languages. He also wrote over 40 technical papers and held several patents on semiconductor devices.
Grove received honorary degrees from the City College of New York (1985), Worcester Polytechnic Institute (1989) and Harvard University (2000). He also taught graduate computer physics courses at the University of California, Berkeley and the Stanford Graduate School of Business. In 2004 the Wharton School of Business recognized him as the "Most Influential Business Person of the Last 25 Years."
In an interview in Esquire magazine in 2000, Grove encouraged the United States to be "vigilant as a nation to have tolerance for difference, a tolerance for new people." He pointed out that immigration and immigrants are what made America what it is.
對於英特爾員工來說,借用BK的話,All of us stand on Andy"s amazing shoulders.
「Andy Grove, former Chairman and CEO of Intel came to the United States as a refugee from Hungary. With a relentless energy and exceptional mind, he helped build the iconic tech company Intel — and in the process, Silicon Valley itself.」
謝邀,我剛好寫了一篇微信公眾號文章《有樣學樣,迎頭趕上~和格魯夫學hands on管理精髓》,放在這裡作回答吧。
2016年3月21日,英特爾公司的偉大管理者,前任CEO,英特爾三駕馬車之一的安迪.格魯夫病逝,終年79歲。對曾經的英特爾員工和現在的英特爾僱員,安迪的去世標誌著一個時代的落幕,我們由衷地懷念英特爾文化中那些由他植下的基因。在去年翻譯出版的《三位一體-英特爾傳奇》一書中, 作為公司第四位工牌號的格魯夫,和創始人羅伯特.諾伊斯, 戈登.摩爾的關係被形容為聖子,聖父和聖靈。羅伯特.諾伊斯的個人魅力,遠見和寬容,包括他的學識和影響,在當時的格魯夫眼裡就是應該超越,糾正的父權一般。在接任CEO,用他無與倫比的堅決和智慧,無情而有效地將英特爾變成一個強有力的企業之後,晚年的安迪格魯夫,又復歸謙卑與包容。就像年輕人總想顛覆父權,然而到自己當父親之後,發現自己不過只是在繼承和超越,並且深深理解。傳記作者馬龍顯然運用了弗洛伊德的精神分析法則,可是看起來又合情合理。
安迪.格魯夫本人是一位有紮實著作的科學家,對半導體科技的發展有重要的貢獻,也是幾項半導體技術的專利擁有者。然而,他對英特爾和整個企業界最大的貢獻,是在管理學方面的創造。英特爾公司文化中最為獨特的部分:一對一會議,建設性衝突,當仁不讓(assume responsibility), 管理槓桿率,「有樣學樣,迎頭趕上」,「十倍速變化」,「戰略轉折點」等等精妙的創造,都是針對半導體企業第一線和中層經理的實操典範。格魯夫是德魯克欣賞的那種實戰專家,他的著作《高產出管理/High Output Management》在國內的譯名是《格魯夫給經理人的第一課》,如此平實的書名,在那些敢於make your hands dirty, 擼起袖子乾的一線和中層經理們那裡,是一本常讀常新的經典手冊 - 小米的雷軍不止一次提到這本書。如果你讀過這本書,那麼也許會同意我的觀點,雖然由於《Only Paranoid Survive》這本書安迪被稱為偏執狂,事實上本書體現出來的,是一個理工科思維從管理的本質出發,自底向上創生出一套科學高效的制度和做事的方法,樸素如讀一本數學推導。一個發現了事物本質規律的人選擇執行必須的戰略,在庸眾的眼裡,也許就是偏執狂吧。安迪.格魯夫後來在斯坦福大學和羅伯特伯格曼一起教授戰略管理課程,名牌大學的名牌課程,夫子論道必有精到之處。但他在英特爾創立的hands-on的管理實戰智慧,卻實實在在證明了,一個睿智的工程技術人才和科學博士幾十年由底向上旨在解決問題而淬鍊出來的制度如何基業長青 - 這也告訴那些理工科思維的技術人才,即使沒有讀管理,MBA和機場領導力讀物,從解決問題的本質規律中,你也可以實現科學管理的創造,不必妄自菲薄。 2015年是摩爾定律發表50周年,在總結這條由全體英特爾員工和半導體行業共同遵守的承諾的50年創新時,我開了個玩笑 - 如果有一個外星文明比如三體生命想消滅人類科技,它們首先考察要消滅哪些公司和技術?那麼發展了50年從不跳票的摩爾定律,是一條人類「自我實現的預言」和偉大的持續創新,是必須滅之而後快的。我總結了一下英特爾文化中如何能夠促成這50年的創新,大概得到下圖所示的個人觀點,其中大多數都有安迪格魯夫管理智慧的功勞。安迪格魯夫的管理學,從一個早餐店的生產線開始描述,到底「生產」包含哪些因素的分析,就像做一道數學題。你會隨著這位智慧的數學老師,推導出生產麵包,煮蛋的生產流程的「限制步驟」,然後隨著他發明了英特爾的「indicator/指標體系」,後來甚至可以指導應用程序優化的方法論!從一線和中層經理的產出的分析,安迪又創造性地提出了「管理槓桿率」的原創概念 - 經理人的產出定義為直接管轄和影響力所及的組織產出的總和。怎樣保證你的時間和精力放在了最有槓桿率的活動上?於是格魯夫開始分析管理的日常活動,他提出了g開會是管理的必經之路,然而如何開會,開會的真正目的和流程是什麼?他指出不同會議的目的和方法,比如一般決策討論是要從同儕下屬身上「學習」,必須保證「不揮舞權杖的決策」。就像遵守羅伯特議事規則一樣,決策的經理人必須忍住最後發言,才不會因為「權威,地位」誤導了他人的發言而得不到真正有價值的群體智慧 - 現在有些喜歡指點江山,陶醉於互聯網領袖的大拿們,誰又能時時意識和遵守這一條呢?格魯夫還創造出了混血型組織和雙重報告(2 in 1 box )的獨特製度,一切從尊重事實和解決問題出發,而不是從個人權力運作出發。試想如果在一個官本位的組織里,誰會為自己找一個2-in-1 Box的平級搭檔合作使用權力呢?安迪格魯夫建立了特別獨特的建設性衝突(Constructive confrontation),鼓勵衝突和明智的冒險(informed risk taking)的文化。這些種種細節,都值得單開文章來講。在我以前的一篇文章里,談了為什麼要一對一的談話,以後有時間再談談建設性衝突的感受。
管理著英特爾這樣一家引領半導體行業最高水平的公司,一個工程技術人員和科學家,對任何事情都會有非常sharp的觀察。我在講Presentation Skill課程的時候,喜歡引用格魯夫一篇談演講的文章,可以看到他「Only Paranoid Survive」的犀利風格。大概的意思是,他說:「 PPT sucks - powerpoint這玩意兒糟透了...」「我們那個時候,拿起粉筆就在黑板上寫寫畫畫討論上了,很快就找到了解決問題的關鍵,現在的人,都把時間花在powerpoint上....」。 犀利,是因為智慧和抓住了事情的關鍵,而不是什麼Paranoid。 「有樣學樣,迎頭趕上」,偉大的安迪在他的書里談到為什麼要聆聽下屬和同事的聲音來做決策時候說。這是一個謙恭,尊重事實和規律的人,一個科學家和偉大的管理者,他的管理智慧,值得更多地學習和舉一反三。只有偏執狂才能生存吧。
經歷80年代如此慘烈,如此驚心動魄的太平洋工業決戰,格魯夫領導下的英特爾此後在產品技術上的研發創新上不遺餘力,以多系列多層次的創新特戰隊推出一個又一個的「X86 CPU」核心產品系列,配合綿密強韌的產品創新開發能力,以絕不留情的強悍的多系列產品攻擊,用「產品海」戰術淹沒整個戰場平原,佔領每一個市場空隙。
只有偏執狂才能生存《游向彼岸》, 一個人的歷史,也是一個國家的歷史。
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