








雙保理模式( Two Factors )在雙保理模式下,由出口商與出口國所在地的保理商簽署協議,另外出口保理商與進口保理商雙方也簽署協議,相互委託代理業務,並由出口保理商根據出口商的需要,提供融資服務。

雙保理模式有 4 個當事人:

1 出口商
2 出口保理商
3 進口保理商
4 進口商


FCI 官方國際保理流程圖:?

The international factoring service offered by FCI members involves six stages:

  1. The exporter signs a factoring contract with the Export Factor. The exporter then assigns all receivables approved to the Export Factor. The export factor is now responsible for all aspects of the factoring operation.
  2. The Export Factor selects a counter party, the so-called Import Factor, usually in the country to which the goods are to be shipped. These receivables are then assigned to the Import Factor.
  3. At the same time, the Import Factor investigates the credit standing of the buyer and establishes lines of credit. This allows the buyer to place an order on open account terms without opening letters of credit.
  4. Once the goods have been shipped, the Export Factor may advance up to 80% of the invoice value to the exporter.
  5. Once the sale has taken place, the Import Factor collects the full invoice value and makes sure the funds are swiftly forwarded to the Export Factor who in turn pays the exporter the rest of the money due.
  6. If, after 90 days past the due date, an approved invoice remains unpaid, the Import Factor will pay 100% of the invoice value under guarantee.

Each stage of this process ensures risk-free export sales – and it allows exporters to offer more attractive terms to overseas buyers. Both the exporter and the buyer also benefit by spending less time and money on administration and documentation.

Export factoring allows the exporter not only to ship risk-free on open account terms to a buyer abroad, but also to outsource the collection of the receivables through an Import Factor in the buyer』s country. The exporter works with a top quality Export Factor who contracts with a top quality Import Factor. Both factors are members of FCI. This protects the interests of the exporter. As well as the credit protection provided by the Import Factor, the money due to the exporter is collected by the Import Factor in the buyer』s own country, in local currency, by a reputable local institution that is recognised by the buyer.

常見雙保理流程: ?

  1. 出口商與進口商有遠期結算的貿易意向;
  2. 出口商向出口保理商提交保理申請;
  3. 出口保理商向進口保理商提交對進口商的額度核准申請;
  4. 進口保理商對進口商的進行額度核准;
  5. 進口保理商向出口保理商反饋額度核准結果;
  6. 出口保理商向出口商反饋結果,如通過核准並同意,雙方簽訂保理協議;
  7. 出口商向進口商發貨;
  8. 出口商向出口保理商轉讓應收賬款;
  9. 出口保理商向出口商提供一定比例的貿易融資;
  10. 出口保理商轉讓應收賬款給進口保理商;
  11. 賬款到期後,進口商向進口保理商支付貨款;
  12. 進口保理商扣除費用後,將貨款劃轉至出口保理商;
  13. 出口保理商扣除相關費用後,將餘款支付給出口商。


  1. 出口商與出口保理商簽訂協議後,一切有關問題均可與出口保理商交涉,並可由此獲得全部的保理服務,從而消除在語言、法律、貿易習慣等方面存在的障礙。
  2. 出口保理商不必深入細緻地研究債務人所在國的有關法律、貿易習慣等就可提供各項專門服務,因為債務人所在地的進口保理商將負責這方面的工作,並為債務人核定相應的信用限額供出口保理商和出口商參照執行。儘管進口保理商對貿易糾紛不承擔責任,但出口保理商可以要求進口保理商予以協助。尤其在出口商發生破產倒閉的情況下,進口保理商的這種協助對收回債款、減少損失將發揮非常重要的作用。
  3. 對於進口商來講,它僅需同本國的進口保理商打交道,也免除了在語言、法律、商業習慣等方面可能存在的困難。
  4. 有了進口、出口兩個保理商,才能使出口商的債權得到保障,督促進口商清償債務。



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