「美國陸軍步兵旅演習烏龍事件頻出 令人哭笑不得」新聞的真偽性?

美國陸軍步兵旅演習烏龍事件頻出 令人哭笑不得












1、U.S. Army W.T.F?! Moments是一個準官方(即名義上是「unofficial」,實際上信息源非常可靠)的fb公眾號,這個號的內容除了個別添油加醋之外總體是可信的。注意,我指的是原文可信。


3、引用中文新聞的最後一段,也就是《觀察者網》小編借題發揮的部分,everything is bullshit。



















With more on the Arctic Wolves debacle we go live to José. Si, José here. Last 24 hours have been widely entertaining. We talking Nogales farm show entertaining. The Arctic Wolves" leadership continues to drive them (and they strykers) into the ground.
As I drunk tweeted earlier, the Pentagon emailed me there Equipment Status Report for Jan. That"ll be the thing that captures all your broke stuff. Well if you scoring at home, they have 29 freaking pages worth of broke shit. No pass go LT, go straight to motor pool and fix yo broke ass shit. Might be why I got drunk last night counting the number of strykers being pulled out on a flatbed...that magical number would be over 10. Now for you naysayers that say that it just bad luck that all these strykers go down, I say this. Shit no be broke if brigade directives were telling people to roll out with no engine coolant, tranny fluid or oil; then when they no longer move to just pull them. I guess there be over 20 strykers needing new engines when this all done. Even more, I hope no one dies because of shitty leadership for enforcing maintenance. Like this one brave trooper that sent in picture of the fire suppression system dashboard that looked like a hooker shop in Amsterdam with all the red lights.
Then there was the convoy who had a rollover. While that no WTF moment as Murphy gets a vote, but when you leave 2 brave privates on they own to guard the wreckage...lets just say I, like the OCs were watching to see if OPFOR was going to swoop in for the kill. Oh speaking of OPFOR, Blackhorse knew that the Artic Wolves leadership deserved some special (I mean window licker quality) here, so they brought in some crayon eaters of they own to help understand how the mentally challenged think. That right WTF Nation, Blackhorse brought in the Marines in for some extra love. The fuckery ante just got upped!
Lastly, you may have seen my tweet [ @WTFTamaleJihad ]about forgetting your 50 cals? Well since a company left half their 50 cals in the RUBA in an unsecured in a connex and then rolled out without any magazines or blanks. Well somebody got a bright idea that how you counter that is to issue live ammo. That right, one of our diligent OCs found a magazine full after somebody shot up Razish. Shit looked like Fort Hood St. on a Friday night they so many holes. Now the brigade has to do a full magazine check to find out where they rest of the ammo is since an entire box be given out.
Who will save the brave souls of the Arctic Wolves as they only not have to battle OPFOR but they leadership too? Will 1/25 take the crown from 3CR??? Time will only tell but my sources in Vegas say the bookies are giving 3-2 odds that they are. This is José reporting live from NTC.

他們碰到一個軍士長就問,你是我的長官嗎?不幸的是,有人目睹說這些菜鳥最終在沒有任何武器彈藥的情況下進入了訓練場。 一個中尉在LMTV卡車裡想睡會覺,他覺得有點冷,所以試圖發動車子,結果不小心關掉了駐車制動,這導致卡車滑向懸崖。幸運的是一個正在工作中的悍馬看到了這一幕,悍馬直接擋到了卡車前面,雖然撞在了一起,但是卡車和中尉都因此獲救,沒有墜入懸崖。 我還發現了一些更勁爆的細節,這解釋了為什麼「北極狼」的車輛維護如此糟糕。看起來似乎超過100輛正在NTC執行任務的車輛在阿拉斯加沒有進行保養,這說明他們是在記錄上造假,以使其看起來更好一些。

LIVE just in from Jose at NTC!
For the next evolution of life"s hard when you"re stupid, we go back to NTC for an update from José. Si, I still José and still dodging bullets here at NTC. Before I get started some of the ladies from the brigade wanted me to tell you that it"s -51 up there and you have snow to shovel when you get back. I hear talk that there might be favors returned....and now back to the fuckery. As reported yesterday, 1/25 shot up the Raz yesterday with live ammunition causing everything to come to a screeching halt as the brigade tried to find the rest of the rounds, cause they didn"t know. My investigative skill has uncovered that the rounds used were 5.56 and that the unit involved in the building massacre hasn"t been issued any live 5.56 rounds here at NTC. That"s right, they brought that shit with them from Alaska. WTF is wrong with you people??? Was this planned???
Oh and not all is doom and gloom for the Wolves. Remember yesterday when I said brought in the Marines to join in the fun? Well the Apaches had a nice little greeting for them.
Members of the mafia from 5-1 contacted me and let me know the unit is out of wag bags (that be the shit bags) and has been denied a request for porta shitters. So now besides not stepping on turtles and snakes and scorpians, I gotta look out for 5-1"s finest leftovers. In other news, 1/25 received some brand new, out of the box privates. We"re talking, don"t even have barracks rooms out of the box. They were seen running around in parade rest asking every NCO if they were their team leader. Unfortunately, the lost souls were last seen heading into the box....without any weapons or ammo.
It also seems that the rotation is already starting to take effect on the junior officers. A lieutenant tried to grab some sleep in a LMTV, but when he got cold he tried to turn it on and released the parking brake causing the vehicle to roll downhill towards a cliff. Fortunately one of the working humvees saw this and threw himself infront of the LMTV causing it to crash into it and saving the poor Louie"s life. Lastly, and most devastating, I have uncovered more details into the Artic Wolves maintenance woes. It seems there are over 100 services being performed in Alaska for vehicles down at NTC. This comes from multiple BNs back at Ft. Wainwright that they were instructed by a BDE to make this happen so it would appear that they vehicles made their scheduled maintenance even though they aren"t there. So maintainers back in the rear are faced with the moral dilemma of creating and/or updating services on vehicles that aren"t there (which is highly illegal) so they look prepared for next month"s training at 29 Palms or not do it and face the wrath of the brigade and whatever trumped up charges the come up with.
Who will step in and stop the insanity? Will somebody please protect these junior Soldiers and NCOs and be the beacon of Leadership that this unit sorely needs? This is José continuing to report live from NTC.

這裡是José,我之前提到的那些如廁袋,1/25整個旅已經滿是這些東西了,他們終於要去租用一些移動廁所,並且設定一個統一歸集這些袋子的地方了。 一個士兵因為如廁袋的乾燥劑過敏,緊急召喚了一架醫療直升機前來。我們武威的直升機飛行員以一個超快的速度趕來接這位過敏的老兄,他們在醫療帳篷邊上降落,不幸的是,這些如廁袋沒有被固定起來結果被旋翼帶的排泄物在朝每一個方向亂飛醫療用品,睡袋和帳篷都像被龍捲風襲擊過一樣。當第一架醫療直升機飛走,所有東西落回地面的時候,有人聽到遠處有個老兄在呻吟,當他們跑過去檢查之後發現,他有四根肋骨剛剛被打斷了(被亂飛的排泄物???),由於第一架直升機已經離開,他們不得不又喊了一架直升機來拉他離開。 有一個好消息是,他們終於收到了第一批MRE 假想敵部隊,第11裝甲騎兵團的人不得不改變計劃,因為1/25旅的傢伙甚至打不下一個只有75人守衛的小鎮。第11團的人策划了一次自殺式進攻,只是為了給1/25旅的一個陣地送人頭,結果他們居然把這個陣地打下來了。

After his stunning mission to deliver a package to @USAMurphy, he"s back at NTC to deliver another update on the Arctic Wolves. José, whatcha got?
Si, this José. I a little jet lag from yesterday"s no fail mission but had great success. But while I been away my sources from both sides of the fence have been busy and I even got a commercial endorsement request so I start there.
As I last report the infamous wag bag (which I call the sunflower shit bag), the brigade is now mostly out. Unbeknownst to me Brazzers also follows our page and sent me a request. They say they will rent porta-johns for the entire brigade if the COL CSM do a 2 dudes and a wag bag spot. I dunno, sounds like a good offer to me...
It also seems that Murphy has initiated his attack on the rotation as well. So there was a MEDEVAC called for a dude that was all jacked up, prolly an allergic reaction to the wag bag, but he"s really jacked up. So our fearless MEDEVAC pilots race in a ludicrous speed to pick this guy up. Unfortunately in their haste, they literally set down right next to medical tent. Well you know that shit isn"t tied down so shit is flown in every direction. Medical supplies, sleeping bags, the tent all go flying like a tornado rolled through. As the dust (and tent supplies) begin to fall back to the earth, they hear someone moaning in the distance. It is none other than the BN CDR rolling on the ground. So they run over and triage him and discover he has 4 broke ribs and has to be MEDEVAC"d as well. But since the first bird has already left, they have to call in another MEDEVAC to pull him out of the fray.
Over at 5-1, I learn they have been off of the network most of the rotation. Apparently they have been resorting to using smoke signals to pass information. But there is some good news for 5-1, the BDE finally received a shipment of MREs which resulted in a small cheer in the TOC since they"ve only been issuing 1 MRE a day for the past 2 days.
Over in OPFOR land, the Blackhorse guys are pissed to high heaven. Apparently all of their planned attacks get changed because 1/25 can"t take a city. I asked for clarification and apparently 75 dismounts were able to stop an entire BN from taking a city. I look the the now famous city which has taken on the image of the Alamo where OPFOR troopers were heard yelling "Remember the Raz!" But in a STUNNING revelation, the BDE Command Team applauded the loss of the whole battalion and consider it a WIN by proclaiming "We were able to correctly predict what the enemy was going to do!" Newsflash - Blackhorse has been whipping your ass since you entered the box and you haven"t changed your tactics...fucking Stevie Wonder could see what"s going to happen. Even after the credulous statement made by the Wolves Command Team, the wizards back in the star wars building tried to give 1/25 joes a morale boost by having OPFOR attack a dug in platoon on a hilltop. Well that didn"t work out as planned cause the platoon was wiped out in the assault. Now OPFOR can no longer get easy kills either. An example of this is the picture below of a 1/25 Observation Post. This picture was take by an OPFOR operative and wasn"t discovered.
Also while I was gone, one of 2-8 FAs Batteries got overrun completely. Medics couldn"t locate the brigades medical casualty point after losing radio contact and supposedly being overrun also. 3-21 sent their 11B"s out to attack and save the gun bunnies. But some rather salty BMPs and OPFOR dismounts were waiting for them aaaaand they got slaughtered. Back over in that galactic clusterfuck called brigade maintenance. Strykers that breakdown are being left as there isn"t enough operational strykers to spare. Oh and 1/25, I found your missing lubricants (sit down cav guys), it"s currently up in the CL IV yard back in Wainwright.
How much more can this unit take? Will the COG step in and do the right thing and not rubberstamp a "successful" rotation? Will impending rain that is coming this weekend be the final nail in the coffin? How much more "winning" can the Joes of 1/25 take? 1/25 has 3CR on the ropes as they look to take the title from them. This is Jose for USAWTFM.
*If you missed my previous reports on 1/25 and want a recap of all the fuckery, here ya go...



fortunately went crashing into a vehicle from A Co 3-21. Two individuals were MEDEVAC"d out with one requiring to be life-flighted out due to injuries sustained.
But these are no isolated incidents.
This seems to be the mindset of senior personnel across the brigade. Back in the RUBA, where those who are on major profiles work, they are being made to violate their profiles daily. Most of them have profiles against lifting due current injuries. But they made to move jersey barriers filled with water, mounds of pickets, piles of C-wire. Those in charge of the white cell have taken on a sadistic nature as a one SFC Archer of 2-8 FA was heard telling those with profiles "You think you got PTSD? Wait until I"m done with you". Then to rub further salt into the wound, SFC Archer had three Soldiers who WEREN"T on profile to sit and watch the the Soldiers with profiles lift the heavy shit. I talk to personnel on white cell duty and they said it was like being a slave or indentured servant back there.
Normally a unit gets better as they progress through the rotation. These guys are going in reverse and they didn"t start off on a good foot either. Speaking of a foot. Last night, 14 OPFOR attacked the BSB and killed 57 troopers. Only 7 actually made it to the mortuary tent because the other 50 were too busy to die. So the OPFOR GOD had to come in and smite them and it might be a while before they get reconstituted because they didn"t want to play fair.
Then lastly there"s the general fuckall by the leadership. Do they care that C Troop 5-1 has gone three days being black on water. Not one goddamn minute, but the 393rd CSSB Commander threw his unit the middle finger and went back to the RUBA to take a shower and restock at the PX while his guys continued to suffer in the box.
This has gone beyond just being bad a bad rotation. I normally not use words like toxic or unqualified but the actions, or lack there of, by both commissioned and non-commissioned leaders is starting to border on the criminal side of the house. Even the higher up OCs at the COG level have stopped laughing how bad these are because of how bad it"s getting and they are starting to get worried that someone is going to end up being killed. I not even gotten the bad stuff that I still investigating. Will the 25th Infantry Division Commander MG Cavoli step in and protect the Joes from this ineptitude? Or will GEN Mark A. Milley step in, or will he send the Soldier"s Champion @15thSMA in for some wetwork action? This is Jose reporting live from NTC.


調查結果是、:A - 98%, B - 2%, C - 0%, D - 0%, E-0%。

We go back to NTC for an update from José. Si, I José, I still here fighting the good fight but my fingers are tired and I need a new key board now. I change the format a little because WTF HQ tell me senior leaders have started reading my reports more than the Early Bird so I help them out a little.
- COG concerned for safety as he sends note 1/25 leadership to fix before someone dies.
- Commander of 3-21 tells unit for 2 days that logistics are too far away so they aren』t going to be resupplied.
- Soldier wanders NTC for 2 days before stumbling across a convoy and is picked up.
- MICO crashes Shadow in questionable weather while OPFOR has theirs grounded.
- Hotspot detected in Logistical TOC, OCs smite them.
- Force Protection at BDE TOC optional as OPFOR operatives visit BDE S2
1/25 uses 「questionable」 tactics to take village.
So a brave mafia member shared with me that he saw a CPT get destroyed by a field grade because he got his ass ripped by his boss. Apparently a note by the Supreme Emperor COG telling the 1/25th leadership to right themselves before they kill someone. Apparently that constructive criticism was not well received as mafia members hidden in dark corners of TOCs across the box watch junior officers destroyed in place. Speaking destroyed, any guesses on what happens when you don"t bury the sides of your mess tent when high winds come a calling?? Let"s just say your salad gets tossed.

I receive a report from an OC that the Commander of 3-21 told his leaders that the logistics were just too far away to get any resupplies so they are just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. Apparently the commander just thought the mission would fail and just wrote it off. Word on the street is that the OCs were going to report it as a safety incident if the problem isn』t fixed today. I keep my eye on this one.

I got a note from a spouse that a Soldier from 1/25 was picked up by a random convoy after wandering the box for 2 days. I』m still working to find out how he was separated from his unit but I have confirmed that 1//25 hadn』t been conducting a personnel recovery mission and the brigade TOC wasn』t aware that the individual was missing. This poor soul was picked up on the 19th and is now being treated by medical staff as fluids and food are being administered.

I receive a report from the US Army Safety Center in Ft. Rucker that an investigation has been opened on a Shadow UAV that crashed and burned into the box. While they no share specifics with me because it is an active investigation, and I no ask them either, I can confirm that the weather that day was not good and OPFOR forces confirmed that their UAS systems were grounded at the time of the incident because of the weather.

While I was moving around the battlefield, I got a notification on my phone that a wifi hot spot was available. I was not expecting to see this option in the box, so I pull out my phone to see what was going on. Sure enough there was an open hotspot with the name Not my Loggie, or something like that. But anyway no kidding I was able to connect and watch some of the college basketball. Well until I hear some screaming inside the toc and then watch some OCs walk out cussing up a storm about the ineptitude of these guys and that all comms to their base was going to be shut off if it happened again. I was somewhat sad cause I lost my ability to watch the rest of my basketball game and it was a good one.

Back over at the Wolf Den aka the BDE TOC, apparently if you are dressed like a local, say please and thank you, and offer information, you can get pretty much anywhere at the TOC. That"s the case for 3 brave OPFOR who were dressed as Atropian citizens just strolled through security unchallenged for 3 days while giving misinformation. Things got so good for the OPFOR that 1/25 was giving them MREs and drinking tea with them right next to the tents. The first time these guys rolled up, they asked a random CPT where the S2 was located and was given detailed directions how to find them. I may not be a smart man, but I"m pretty sure a key tennant to Intelligence is not letting them know where you are?? On the 4th attempt to go get some more MREs and tea, one of the ECP guards gave them some flack and told them they couldn"t enter....so the insurgents tossed some grenades into the EPC taking them out and walked away like a boss. The Supreme Bfb commander was so impressed by their skills that coins were given to all.

Lastly as the brigade continues to push to take objectives, some rather odd strategies are being used to take various towns. One BN used 150 pax to take a village being held with by 15 OPFOR. Instead rolling in and using supreme firepower and force, the chose to confuse the enemy by not using comms, clearing buildings 3+ times. I talk to joes in a differnt BN who was also confused because his particualr unit hadn"t trained on urban operations in years which resulted a disjointed operation that truly was confusing the OPFOR. Word passed to my by the Legion is that the commander thought they were all going to die. I glad to report that they did not, but it wasn"t pretty. Lastly some units were able to claim victory after leaders authorized the use of active camouflage on the side of their Strykers

I take an anonymous digital straw poll with OPFOR. Choices were: A: Worst rotation in your stay; B: Top 5 worst rotation; C: Middle of the Road rotation; D: Top 5 best rotations; E: Best rotation ever. Result are in. A - 98%, B - 2%, C - 0%, D - 0%, E -0%.

Lastly, I received disturbing news. Someone left an old but valid duress code in one of my dead drop locations. I not sure which source left it but I pass to WTF HQ. As a result they have raise the JOSECON to Charlie +. This make things harder for me, but I have to follow SOP. This is Jose reporting from undisclosed location on the west coast.

U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
Sergeant Major of the Army
National Training Center/Fort Irwin
GEN Mark A. Milley
U.S. Army Alaska
1/25 SBCT "Arctic Wolves"

















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