燒HiFi 哪些環節會對音質產生影響
Nowadays, with the enthusiasts』 pursuit of sound quality being more andmore rigorous, traditional equipment upgrade can no longer meet their demand.As the effects of current in different regions on sound quality are concerned,it is easy to find that environmental factor will play a more and more importrole in sound quality. Combining with practical experience, the author willdiscuss the topic about the effect of climate, especially the air pressure, onsound quality.關鍵詞:氣候氣壓音質影響Key Words: Climate Air Pressure, Sound quality, Effect問題探索:眾所周知,聲音是由物體的震動發出,而聲波傳入人耳需要介質,介於目前的科技瓶頸,無論是音響還是耳機,都無法擺脫空氣傳播這個途徑。為什麼動圈對腔體依賴那麼大?在空氣這種介質中,腔體的結構作用主要是消除聲短路、抑制聲共振、拓寬頻響範圍、減少失真。結構的空間大小、內部的聲反射規律、承載喇叭的大小,都能直接影響聲音的音質。
為什麼目前最高級音響都沒有辦法完全還原出現場的效果呢?因為你聽音環境中空氣的密度、濕度、溫度和空氣成分都和現場相差甚遠!怎麼可能能還原出真實的聲音呢?所以說還原一個真實的聲場無異於還原整個世界。Problem and Exploration:As it is known to all, sound ismade by the vibration of the object. So, acoustic waves are vibrations of the medium inwhich they propagate. Limited by the bottleneck of science and technology,neither headset nor loudspeaker can eliminate the method of propagating in air.Why the moving coil『s performancedepends on the cavity? In the medium of air, the main function of cavity is eliminatingthe acoustic short circuit, suppressing the acoustic resonance, broadening therange of frequency response and reducing the distortion. So, all the volume ofcavity, the law of the sound reflection inside the cavity and the size of speakerscarrying by the cavity will have effects on the sound quality.And why none of the bestaudio-systems can restore the real live sound effect? The reason is that the density,temperature, humidity and ingredient of air in your environment are muchdifferent from the live place. How is it possible to restore the real voice?That is why to restore the real voice is as hard as to restore the whole world
浙江浙江屬於沿海,海拔1929米,平均氣溫15~18℃。聲音很糊,但是聲場和解析很優秀。不久前,我一位朋友,香港一位元老級的音響發燒友,一日和我們試聽hd800 聽著聽著突然摘下耳機說「今天沒法聽了,一定是要掛颱風了!」 令在場其他燒友目瞪口呆。第二天,果然報道颱風「菲特」登陸浙江,為近50年來風力最大的颱風!空間站根據傑·佩里,一位在 NASA 的馬紹爾太空飛行中心的空間工程師透露,空間站的氧氣來源於用電分裂水分子,以及儲存在罐中的壓縮氧。佩里在為一個被稱為 「環境控制和生命支持系統」(ECLSS)的項目工作。在馬紹爾的 ECLSS 工程師與約翰遜太空中心以及其他地方的工程師一道,為空間站設計並改進了主要的生命支持系統。此系統可以調節氣壓以及任何空氣參數。這樣的環境如果用來聽音樂是再合適不過的了,但是考慮到你我都沒有幸能上太空遨遊一番。還是等lz上了太空再做評測吧。Practical Experience:I will introduce some area with characteristicair conditions.We will start at Tibet, at where theair is thin. Tibet has an average elevation of 3700 meters. The main ingredientsof air are nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), noble gas (0.94%), carbon dioxide(0.03%), vapor and impurities (0.03%). I went to Tibet last year and the air conditionis extremely good. The background noise is so small, low frequency sound isvery deep and high frequency sound can be extended widely. As a result, the soundfield is bigger than other place.XinjiangXinjiang has a terrain ofmountain and basin, with an average elevation of 1375 meters and temperature of10.9 degrees Celsius. It has a temperate continental climate. So, the temperaturedifference is large at there. A headset will have a warmer sound between 6:00a.m. and 9:00 a.m. And after 12:00 a.m., the sound is obviously getting colder.Meanwhile, both the resolution and the transient response are improved.ZhejiangZhejiang is a coastal province, withan average elevation of 1929 meters and temperature of 15 to 18 degreesCelsius. The sound there is vague but the sound field and resolution are good.On a recent day, one of my friends,a headset enthusiast from Hong Kong, had an audition onhd800 with us. Unexpected, she put down the headset and said 」Shit! I cannot bearthe sound anymore. The typhoon must be at the corner!」 All of us are stunned byher. However, in the next day, Typhoon 「Fitow」 landed at Zhejiang, which is thebiggest Typhoon in the last 50 years.Space stationReference:(1) http://cdmd.cnki.com.cn/Article/CDMD-10487-1013014858.htm推薦閱讀:
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