thinkpad t460p i7好一點還是i5的?
從性能看i7的肯定好,而且i7 6920,6820明顯好於6700hq的。但是考量溫度的體驗的話,i5發熱量小,因為太燙的話,肯定會降低筆記本的攜帶性,移動辦公性的價值。那麼,在表壓情況下 i7究竟比i5強多少,所以綜合考量,希望大家給一個中肯的建議,謝謝。
有一個概念有些怪異,發熱怎可與便攜相關?外殼材料是否質輕、筆記本尺寸大小、硬碟是機械還是固態、電池芯數 這些才是影響便攜性的重要因素。
選購何種配置,如果自己資金充裕,那麼自然往高配選;如果對運算要求不高,那麼則選擇i5 6300HQ配置的也可以。
連限制到35W的i5 6440HQ都壓不住,i7就更壓不住了Lenovo ThinkPad T460p Notebook Review
A bigger problem is the temperatures of the processor: Even with CPU load-only by Cinebench, it reaches almost 90 °C (~194 °F) and even up to 93 °C (~199 °F) in Prime95, which results in a slight clock reduction from 3.1 to 2.9 GHz. In this case, the temperature will level off at around 90 °C (~194 °F). When we also stress the graphics card as well as the CPU with the tools FurMark and Prime95, we can also see the effect of the TDP limitation at 35 watts. The latter has to suffice for the processor and the graphics card. The full performance is only available during the first 30 seconds, when the chip can consume 45 watts, before the limitation at 35 watts sets in. The temperature climbs to 95 °C (~203 °F) in this short period. The processor levels off at 2.7 GHz, while the graphics card runs at 900 MHz. Technically, it is not throttling, since the CPU does not drop below the nominal clock of 2.6 GHz, but the result is particularly disappointing for such a performance-focused device like the ThinkPad T460p. The 3DMark 11 run immediately after the stress test did not determine a lower score.
Because of these results, we do not expect that the two i7 chips are configured at 45 watts, but rather at 35 watts, which will reduce the multi-core performance in particular. As you can see on the pictures from the inside, there is still room for another heat pipe. It will probably be used for configurations with the dedicated Nvidia GPU and it also runs across the processor. We still have doubts that this solution will perform better due to our results.
需要高性能就買i7 ,要麼就i5 T460P 散熱至少比T440P好!需要工作站的我也沒見誰嫌太重就不買了,所以根據自己需求來選!
百度貼吧蛋總發了開箱測評貼,I7雙烤雞,15分鐘後降頻到2.5GHz掌托兩邊發熱。支持2242ngff口,這點差評,竟然不是2280 PCIE。供參考。
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