
If you are considering doing your LinkedIn Profile (LIP) by
yourself, think in terms of completeness. The LinkedIn system will
rank you higher than other users if you have more information on your
webpage in each of the sections. Also the internal and external search
engines look in every section of the LIP for keywords. Your profile
status will be at the highest level in their system with the following:

For reference sake, you achieve "All-Star" status by:

1) Adding a profile photo

2) Listing 2 or more positions you』ve held, along with descriptions of your roles

3) Having 5 or more skills on your profile

4) Background/summary

5) Filling out your industry and postal/zip code

6) Adding where you went to school

7) Having 50 or more connections

course, an excellent summary or personal statement (PS) detailing your
tangible achievements and strengths is important but so are the
Education, Employment, Groups, Volunteer, Skills,
Certifications sections, and online presences such as github or similar in the
PRC, etc. And there are many other techniques professional LIP editors use to raise the image of your personal brand and increase chances
of being found by employers.

Please let me know if you would like this answer in Chinese. Thank you.

Vince Fulco, CFA, CAIA



1. 照片/頭像很重要,而且最好是比較自然的職業照,而不是硬邦邦的證件照。

2. 職業概述中可以總結職業歷程、個人技能或者特點,也可以介紹個人的使命(mission)或者職業目標。

3. 一定要多使用高頻的關鍵詞,一些具體的技能。想像一下HR會搜索的關鍵詞。

4. 加更多的好友,為他們的技能點贊(endorsement)或寫推薦信,也邀請他們為你點贊寫信,增加檔案的可信度。

5. 關注你感興趣的公司,你會收到該公司最新的消息,系統會為你推送相關職位。

6. 在申請某家公司的時候,可以在右上角看到你在那家公司的好友,可以邀請他內部推薦你,或者了解下內部情況。

7. 要是收到HR的添加好友邀請,一定要及時通過並且看看他們公司是否有適合你的職位。

8. 還可以參加一些專業的群組(groups),增加自己的曝光率。



  • Linkedin / 領英秘籍 - 知乎專欄

  • The Top LinkedIn Tricks for Outfoxing your Competition

  • 29 Linkedin Tips, Tricks And Strategies For Success. by Wyn Davis

  • http://www.businessinsider.com/how-to-make-the-most-of-linkedin-2014-2



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