
因為這樣做無利可圖,無論是1959年還是1965年 李光耀的人民行動黨都是打著社會主義旗號,迎合當時亞非民族獨立運動潮流的,當然不會選擇英聯邦王國這種留有殖民統治色彩的政治體制,新加坡國旗的五顆星,據李光耀說,都是為了迎合新加坡華人希望和五星紅旗有類似元素而設計的。當然李光耀上台之後就改弦易轍了

新加坡在獨立之前屬於馬來西亞的一部分,而馬來西亞的元首並非英王,而是Yang di-Pertuan Agong (譯作馬來西亞最高元首,英文Supreme Head of Malaysia)。這個元首實際上是世襲制度的。




而且李光耀自己在英國讀書的時候就讀過馬克思, 他馬克思理論分分鐘飛起知乎所有大v。 這種共產黨屬性的結合,能接受英女皇嗎


There is no sadder commentary how Singapore used to fight Communism
than the broadcast made by the former Director of Special Branch, Mr. Khaw
Khai Boh. As a professional anti-Communist he has done well for himself. He
wangled expatriate abolition terms giving himself a few hundred thousand dollars
compensation and a pension, all by persuading the former Secretary of State for
the Colonies that this life and career was in jeopardy because he was a special
branch officer. Even without waiting to see whether the Communists won in
Singapore and before the general elections in 1959, he picked up is abolition
terms and quit.
The government"s chief adviser on how to fight the Communists and
Communism could have shown a little more loyalty and courage to the cause for
which he said he was pledged to serve.

Mr. Khaw Khai Boh has now joined some cranks in the S.F. saying that
the word "non-Communist" is vague and equivocal. One must either be a proCommunist,
or anti-Communist. This was what a former American Secretary of
State, John Foster Dulles, said. He denounced as morally wrong Nehru"s
neutralist stand in the conflict between the East and the West. But his views did
not prevail in history. It was Nehru and Nasser during the acute East-West
conflict of the late 1950s who rallied the Afro-Asian nations on a non-aligned,
non-Communist stand. Afro-Asian national interests did not necessarily coincide
either with the West led by the Americans, or the East led by the Russians. So
they refused to pledge their support beforehand to either side. They formed a
non-aligned group of non-Communist nations. Their stand each specific issue in
the East-West conflict was decided by the merits of each case and by where their
national interests lay. Nehru and Nasser were the first non-Communists in an
Afro-Asia where the anti-Communists were Chiang Kai Shek of Formosa, Ngo
Dinh Diem of South Vietnam and Sygman Rhee of South Korea.

The anti-Communist
The anti-Communist is a person who is anti the Communists in everything
the Communist does, whether it is right or wrong, good or bad. So Mr. Khaw Kai
Boh is anti-Communist in this way. So he recently denounced the PAP has a neo-
Communist party because we are also competing against the Communists for
mass following and support for what he calls "pandering to mass emotions". In
other words, in his view, because the Communists try to win mass support by
manipulating mass emotions, therefore the anti-Communists must be against this
technique. Hence, the MCA does not worry about mass emotions with the result
that today they have got no mass following.
Non-Communists, more effective
"Non-Communist" means that internationally we are not committed either
to the East or to the West. Internally, it means what it says, not Communists.
Like Nehru and Nasser, we have no hesitation in countering the Communists
within our country.
Mr. Khaw has made two astonishing propositions about the PAP First, that
it is still Communist at heart, second it is still under Communist influence. He has
not given any evidence to support this. But for his position as former Director of
Special Branch, Singapore, his statement would not have drawn any comment.
The simple answer to Mr. Khaw is that the Director of Special Branch, Malaysia,
the Inspector-General, and the Minister of Internal Security do not think so. If
they did, then they would have been guilty of a reckless breach of security in
giving the Singapore government crucial information regarding Communist
activities and Indonesian saboteurs, information which led to the arrests of over
30 saboteurs in just four months ago in December 1963.
Communists know who can fight them
The people who are best qualified to judge who counter the Communists
effectively in Singapore are the Communists themselves. And they preferred the
SPA/MCA to win in Singapore as against the PAP. They knew that these
SPA/MCA types like Tun Lim Yew Hock and other now wealthy professional
anti-Communists would have meant insensitive and crude policies which would
have swelled the ranks of the discontented and antagonised the neutrals, leading
to a collapse of the regime. They hated the PAP because they knew we knew
them and their tactics and could counter them. We are the only party whose
rallies they have disrupted. They know who can expose them. They have
experienced how we have countered Communism by intelligent economic and
social policies, whilst being sensitive and discriminating in security actions,
leaving aside the Chinese chauvinists and others manipulated by Communists and
tackling only the Communists

加多幾句,光耀同學能夠成功是有硬道理,當年英國人攻擊共產黨的宣傳手法相當腦殘,即使以當時角度來看。 但是英國人是真心害怕馬共,馬共奪取政權的手法,怎麼說了,一直以來都頗為。。。 但是馬共高層多數為馬來亞富家子弟,在華人圈有相當支持度,你覺得人家沒人性加是一群惡魔,拜託,也不要直接說出來嗎









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