




關於運動有一些不錯的印度電影。阿米爾汗演的 lagaan. 這電影是印度還是英國人殖民地,阿米爾汗是農村接受英國軍人挑戰要比賽板球。這電影特別成功的。 沙魯克汗演的chak de india,加油印度 是個穆斯林教練的故事,他是年輕時囚困球隊長,給巴基斯坦輸了冠軍賽,大家說他出賣了國家因為是穆斯林,後面他教練女孩囚困球隊贏回來自己丟的尊榮。也有bhag malika bagh 等運動員和教練故事的電影。



Dangal is not fully real story....in real life the only thing happened is mahavir want a son so that he can win gold medal ,but a girl was born...he after few years himself realize that he can train her daughter and make her win medal....and when he took this decision his villagers thought him mad why he is making his daughters to struggle so much.....this is only truth

After geetha selected for nationals his father never interfered in her training as shown in film,he just trained them in their childhood....also in real life the final common wealth games geetha won first 2 rounds itself with big difference in score very easily ...but in film it is shown very artificial to last moment

Dangal was copied from other Indian film SAALA KHADOOS....jealousy coach character,last second final match,encouragement from her true godfather is taken from this film SAALA KHADOOS ....as his character is shown with negative shades the original coach of geetha even planned to file a case against amir which was later cooled....after geetha selects nationals there is no amir episode actually in true life,but as he wants to show heroism SAALA KHADOOS story was taken to give entertainment

That"s the reason baahubali is preferred over dangal when Indian best films to be selected ,but as SAALA KHADOOS is not released in China due to foreign film restrictions Chinese may think dangal is wonderful....

So coach character in dangal is not real but taken from SAALA KHADOOS,also most of dangal is fiction and not that happened in real life...like coach character, father interference in her national level coaching,final match etc etc....hence baahubali is preferred over dangal by


如何評價《摔跤吧 爸爸》這部電影,如何評價阿米爾·汗?

TAG:電影 | 印度 | 印度文化 | 摔跤吧!爸爸電影 |