
Eurasian Hapa Problems ? r/hapas


The Half Asian Reality; The Truth About Asian Women and White Men, from the half-Asian son of White father and a Chinese mother





他的言論得到了無數在西方長大的歐亞混血兒的共鳴,最近他們的圈子越來越有影響力,subrredit的流量統計每個月能有10萬的不重複瀏覽,100萬的瀏覽量。如果你觀察他們的言論就會發現,原來這個世界上最痛恨白男亞女(他們稱作WMAW:white male asian whore)組合的不是國男,而是這些家庭所孕育的孩子。

Reddit論壇里的r/hapas板塊創始人Eurasian Tiger個人博客還有一篇文章,迫於未知壓力刪掉了,不過呢,在百度帖吧有人很早就將其翻譯出來了,Eurasian Tiger對自己親生父母的仇恨幾乎達到頂點:









我長得並不像亞洲人,但我確實有亞洲人的特徵。同時,我曾經很長一段時間因為長得像白人而感到驕傲。我一生都在逃避自己亞洲人的一面,直到有一天,一個我喜歡過的女孩告訴我「你長得有點像亞洲人,而我不喜歡亞洲男人」。這個理念讓我吃驚, 從小到大,我一直被教育那所謂的愛情不分種族,不分膚色。那時候起我意識到了這個世界到底有多糟,還有,找伴侶看對方的膚色有多糟糕,其中包括我的母親。我非常希望可以為自己的亞洲的一半而感到自豪,可是我越是察覺,越發的了解到,我的母親就是因為看到我父親是個白人所以就倒貼上去的!時間久了她也開始憎恨我的父親,因為我父親賺的錢不如她女性親戚中嫁給中國男人的賺的多。她對待我也和對待我的哥哥不同,因為我長得像白人,哥哥長得像亞洲人。




不,我不是下一個殺人狂,像Elliot Roger 一樣。(如果大家不知道Elliot Roger是誰,他是一個歐亞混血的殺人犯,在他的日記中他想殺死自己同父異母的弟弟,因為弟弟是純白人,比他更白,同時也嫉妒那些比自己更白的人,鄙視純亞洲人,因為自己20多歲沒女朋友沒人喜歡,於是就殺人了,白男黃女就容易生下這種孩子)。我說過我不會用暴力,因為我做的比這些有用多了;有成千上萬個白黃混血兒,如果我可以讓他們清醒,讓他們清楚地認識他們的父母到底是什麼樣的人。對一個母親來說,有什麼比被自己的孩子拋棄更悲慘的嗎?沒有!而且也有很多其他的白黃混血兒告訴我,他們也有和我一樣的感覺,一直都有。



我再重申一遍: 白男黃女的組合是世界上最病態,最卑鄙,最邪惡,和最不道德的組合!


STICKY UPDATE: I am a Eurasian male who passes mostly as white, and I

(non-violently) denounce the racism of my own mother and the

hatefulness of the AW/WM

I 100% denounce the Asian woman and white male pairing as being the

most repugnant, debased, hateful relationship on the planet. It』s this

simple: YOUR SON WILL BE ASIAN. You will tell him, somewhere down the

line, that it』s 「okay」 to be Asian – but yet he』ll realize that it』s

only 「okay」 to be Asian, yet we all have white fathers (and guess what,

they』re all 「coincidentally」 tall and fair haired). There is very little

that can rationalize a healthy mindset in a child whose very own

parents were either ambivalent to the imbalance of power between the

races, or, at very worst, were complicit and embraced this imbalance of


The purpose is this site isn』t to instigate, it isn』t to promote

violence, it isn』t to do anything EXCEPT to fight racism in one of its

most veiled forms – in sexuality and culture.

If you don』t notice, I have no problem with Asian women marrying

blacks, Indians, or other people of color. I have a problem with the

blatant white supremacy and denigration of all men of color in the

Western world. I don』t care how you rationalize it, how you say that I

am fake, how white you think I look, your child will be exposed to the

exact same issues and God forbid if somewhere down the line reads what I

or any other Eurasian writes – he will distrust and despise you, as I

have come to distrust the very woman who birthed me.

For every nasty word said about Asian men – a Eurasian son is born

and the legacy of hatred remains forever engrained in popular

consciousness, spoken from the lips of the Asian female collective. Why

am I taking the risk in writing this? Because at the end of the day –

your hatred and anger and poison doesn』t just affect you. It effects the

very children born from you and from your DNA. You may literally, being

young, think there are no consequences to your action but there are,

especially to your own children.

Nobody put me up to this. No Asian man put me up to this. I am not a

bitter Asian man. I came to my own conclusions over the course of my

life, I need to come to terms with who I am, and now it』s the time for

me to expose them until every last man and woman will question these

relationships and the effect that they have on the child. You know that

angry, liberated, edgy Asian woman who screams 「no Asian men,」 who is so

filled with generalizations and hate for the world that she finds

herself a partner merely based on the color of his skin? Guess what – so

many years later, I am the son born from her, writing about what really

is going on behind closed doors.

I do not look predominantly Asian though I do have clearly Asian

features. In fact, for the longest time I took pride in looking 「white.」

I spent my whole life trying to deny my Asian heritage until the day

that a girl I liked told me that I looked 「a little bit Asian,」 and that

「she did not like Asian guys.」 The concept of this blew my mind –

having grown up colorblind. It was at that moment that I realized just

how awful the world is – and how awful people who date according to race

are. And that included my own mother. I wanted badly to be proud of my

Asian heritage. The more and more I dug, the more I realized that she

had literally thrown herself at my father, because he was white – that

she eventually grew to hate him because he did not make enough money

compared to her Chinese family that all married Chinese – that she gave

me differential treatment because of my 「whiter」 appearance (my brother,

not pictured, looks much more Asian, and as we get older, more and more


The more and more I realized that Asian men were treated with

disdain, the more I realized that my mother was 「one of those women.」 My

father, despite everything, didn』t know any better. Frankly, I do not

think I can ever forgive my mother for who she really was. How could I

ever be proud of this? How can any Eurasian really be proud that his

parent』s relationship is based on such an unfair balance of power?

After those words came out from that girl』s mouth – I realized that

my mother was exactly the same way; after moving to China I learned to

become proud of my Chinese heritage (I always was, but hid it because of

the stigma of being Chinese in America), and became keenly aware of the

Asian women who chase white men. On seeing them I became extremely

ashamed of my appearance – extremely ashamed of who I was – and

extremely, extremely shamed of my parents. I go so far as to say that it

is my father who was Asian, not my mother. This all came after 26 years

of looking at my photographs and sinking into a deep depression when I

realized I looked Asian. I then realized that this horror of existence

was instilled on me both my society and by my mother.

Maybe you think I』m exaggerating – but other Eurasians literally have

been thanking me for giving voice to what seems to be pretty common

among Eurasian males. In fact, if it weren』t for the writer at

StuffEurasiansLike, I would never have been able to put two and two

together, though I knew something was always wrong with the way I grew


No, I』m not the next mass murderer, no, I am not the next Elliot

Rodger – I have said multiple times that I am non-violent – because I am

actually a lot more effective than that: there are hundreds of

thousands if not millions of Eurasians out there, and if I manage to

even give them an aha moment, make them recognize their parents for the

people they really are – this is far worse than whatever terror my

critics would portray me as. What could possible be worse for a mother

than to have her own children abandon her? Nothing. And I already have

other Eurasians telling me that I revealed things that they felt for a

long, long time.

Now let me reiterate: The Asian Woman and White Male relationship is

the most sick, vile, perverse, and morally corrupt relationship on the

face of the planet, hands down.

Eurasian Tiger還有這樣一段話:



在r/hapas里有個帖子:East Meets West: Best of Both.




那些SB純亞洲媚外女對跨種族交往有興趣完全是出於對自己種族的自卑,還有希望自己的孩子變得像白人。她們對生物學基因學雜交學愚蠢又無知;不知道那些最成功,最高最漂亮,長得最像白人的混血兒99%都有白人母親!不要拿白人母親的亞歐混血兒的照片來為你的媚外洗白!黃男白女的混血是你們最痛恨的,不要說謊,我見過我父母對那些黃男白女組合都給予臭臉色,並仇視他們。我應該相信我的父母不是種族歧視嗎??還best of both worlds ??

我真希望我自己是純種白人,純種亞洲人,或者是有白人母親的亞歐混血。Fuck 虎媽,我希望你們死得很慘。

OMG Please STFU about the best of both worlds bullshit. More like

worst of both. Me and my siblings are mired in mental pain and so are

pretty much all the half-asians with asian moms that I know and have

met. We hate your guts. Every rascist comments and humiliating

denegration you people heap onto white women and asian men we hear and

experience too.

I keep hearing about how beautiful eurasian people are. Stop fucking

lying. Me and my siblings look like short mexicans. Some stupid asian

bitch one time was talking to me about how beautiful her half asian kids

are going to be not knowing that I was half-asian myself. She thought I

was a latino. When I told her she just walked away like the idiot she

is. My bother has had white men come up to him just to tell him how easy

asian women are and how shitty white women and asian men are. Again,

stupid white guys don』t know that my brother is half-asian, Just admit

it. You don』t give a shit about your kids.

Stupid full asian womens only motivation in these couple pairings is

to satisfy their own inferiority complex and to make the whitest looking

kids they can. They so fucking dumb and ignorant of biology; not

knowing that like 99% of all the sucessful, whitest tallest looking

half-asians all have white moms! Stop justifying your evil relationship

by showing and mentioning pictures of half-asian people with White

mothers! The offsprings of the two group of people(white women,asian

men) you psychos hate the most. Don』t fucking lie. I seen my own parents

give the stinky eye to a young asian man, white woman couples. And Im

supposed to believe my parents relationship is not rascist??Best of both

worlds?? I wish I was either full white or full asian or Half-asian

with a white Mother. Fuck tiger moms. I hope you all die horrible



我記得看到一篇關於這個愚蠢的亞洲碧池如何高興的文章,當林書豪來到現場時,她的半個亞洲兒子終於可以仰慕某人! 吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦。這是真的嗎?這些亞裔女人有多諷刺,又有多可悲?這些SB正在使用一個純種的亞洲男人的成就為她們變種的孩子提升一些自尊。一個純種的亞洲男人….正是被這些女人fucking鄙視的那種。這是什麼樣的病態喜劇?

為什麼不使用Travis ishikawa,Marcel nguyen,Julian Kang,Kelly Hu,Lyoto Machida,Alexa Chung,Chloe Bennet,MylèneJampano?Brandon Lee或其他健全的成功的半個亞洲人的名單?為什麼不???是不是……是不是……因為所有的人都有令人渴望的白人母親。

This is why I fucking hate asian women like my mother. Some of them

only start to care when they notice their own children are suffering.

The most infuriating thing is that they when they seek some kind of

desperate help they call on the Asian community! Are you kidding me? You

ask the very community you turned your back on???? A community where

half the population you fucking publicly despise???

I remember reading an article about how this stupid asian bitch was

so happy when Jeremy Lin came on the scene beacause her half-asian son

could finally have someone to look up to!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA. Is this for

real? How ironic and how fucking pathetic can these asian women be?

These idiots are using a full blooded asian man achievement as some kind

self esteem boost for their mutant kid….. A full blooded Asian man….the

kind that these women fucking despise. What kind of sick comedy is


Why not use Travis ishikawa, Marcel nguyen, Julian Kang, Kelly Hu,

Lyoto Machida, Alexa Chung, Chloe Bennet, Mylène Jampano? Brandon Lee or

the other long fucking list of wholesome succesful half-asian people??

Why Not??? Is it….is it… beacause all of them have gasp white mothers.








TAG:歧視 | 種族 | 混血 | 美籍華人 |