US NEWS大學排名中,為什麼有些美國的大學,世界排名比全美排名還要靠前?

一個學校的排名跟很多因素有關(師資,畢業率,就業率,畢業生的社會貢獻等等),但是某些美國的大學,世界排名比全美排名靠前很多。(比如:麻省理工世界第二,全美排第7。洛杉磯大學世界第八,全美第8。排名來自us news2014)排名對於去美國讀書的學生來說,有多大的指導意義?

3. How are the Best Global Universities rankings different from the Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools rankings?

First, none of the data from the Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools rankings are used in the Best Global Universities rankings, and vice versa. The Best Global Universities rankings are powered by Thomson Reuters InCitesTM research analytics solutions, whereas U.S. News collects all of its own data for the Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools rankings.

Second, the methodology used to compute the Best Global Universities rankings is different in many key ways from the methodologies used for Best Colleges and Best Graduate Schools, because the global rankings focus specifically on schools" academic research and reputation overall and not their separate undergraduate or graduate programs.

It"s true that all of these rankings use peer reputation surveys. However, the survey process used to compile and calculate peer assessment rankings in the Best Global Universities rankings relies heavily on evaluating institutions" research performance, as measured by bibliometric indicators such as publications, citations and highly cited papers. The U.S. NewsBest Colleges and Best Graduate Schools rankings do not use any bibliometric indicators.

Third, the Best Global Universities rankings contain 21 subject area rankings in fields such as clinical medicine, computer science and economics and business. The subject rankings measure a school』s global position in the field using data on global and regional reputation and academic research performance in that field, using citations and publications.

This is very different from our Best Graduate Schools rankings, where we rank medical, education, engineering, law and business schools, as well as Ph.D. programs in science and the social sciences and humanities. The Best Global Universities subject rankingsare not of academic majors, departments or specific schools at universities, such as business schools or medical schools.

This means that it"s possible for a university to be ranked in economics and business without having a business school. The subject rankings show which universities worldwide are the leaders in key academic subject areas.」

抱歉iOS上貌似找不到引用符號??這是來自於US News的官方解釋,我就不翻譯了,來自於


Us news美國最佳大學排名是本科排名,綜合了學校多方面的情況,是目前認可度最高的美本排名。世界排名往往只考慮到學術研究方面,所以規模龐大的學校佔優勢。所以出現了這樣的情況:很多大型的美國公立大學在Us news上的排名五十開外,而在世界排名上卻能排到十幾位。

如果去美國讀本科建議參考Us news排名,錄取難度也基本與這個排名差不多。

Us news排名是可以並列名次的,世界第一、第二的學校,按照us news加起來可能有數所



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