


身邊也有很多學英語的朋友,也問過一些網上的4 6級學生,答案都不一樣。





在這個 音標 音圖 美式發音 英式發音 詞根詞綴 自然拼讀 聯想記憶法 背單詞app 語法大全 共同存在的季節里,我想請問,哪些是英語初學者應該注意的呢?





All right!

I just have a very simple question for you before unfolding our discussion.

Why are you enforcing yourself to learn something that you are not interested?

There are also a couple of questions that I want to understand beside the mainspring written in Bold. Would you like to help me understand, what do you mean when you mentioned "interests" and "resources" in your original questions? I do not see any recourses from your description. How do you define a type of recourse helpful for learning English? Do you have a language environment where you can practice with native English speakers everyday? Do not tell me school English club----it just does not work simply, you know, I know, and the lord knows it.

Or do you have enough money to buy sophisticated English teachers to train you one to one?



Or Do you really mean these people speaking like that are your good "resources"?

None of people around you can serve as a source to guide you, at least, from what they said. Some of them may pass cit 6 or others may have some baby conversations with foreigners by showing off their broken English to those people whose English lever are inferior than them, but they are far away from a competent English speaker.

Generally speaking, the way of how you proceed with your learning is detouring. You will be dragged into the trap of self-learning. Spending hundreds of thousands of hours in an effort to remember words which you will forget again three months later, then you will surprisingly find that you will keep asking yourself the same question that I posted on the beginning:

Why am I enforcing myself to learn something that I am completely not interested?

Then you answer: It is non-sense! I quit!

Good Luck!



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