現在有興趣和學習的資源了,卻不知道怎麼走了,身邊也有很多學英語的朋友,也問過一些網上的4 6級學生,答案都不一樣。有的說,英語就是要死記硬背,每天抄每天背;有的說,學英語首先要有興趣,每天利用零碎的時間多聽多看多讀;有的說,你有點英語基礎,也會說一些句子,那就去學自然拼讀;還有的說,首先就是學習音標,音發好了,然後就詞根詞綴,最後抱著語法書背吧!
以前吧,路少的時候,人們都不會關心路有多長,只知道肯定會到的。現在吧,路多了亂了,人們開始糾結,走那條路最近,最好。有的甚至迷路了。很多人都說音標不重要,外國人從來不聽,讓我模仿母語是英語的人學習。還有的說語法不重要,多看多聽美劇英語故事書就會了。在這個 音標 音圖 美式發音 英式發音 詞根詞綴 自然拼讀 聯想記憶法 背單詞app 語法大全 共同存在的季節里,我想請問,哪些是英語初學者應該注意的呢?
All right!I just have a very simple question for you before unfolding our discussion.
Why are you enforcing yourself to learn something that you are not interested?
There are also a couple of questions that I want to understand beside the mainspring written in Bold. Would you like to help me understand, what do you mean when you mentioned "interests" and "resources" in your original questions? I do not see any recourses from your description. How do you define a type of recourse helpful for learning English? Do you have a language environment where you can practice with native English speakers everyday? Do not tell me school English club----it just does not work simply, you know, I know, and the lord knows it. Or do you have enough money to buy sophisticated English teachers to train you one to one?Then you answer: It is non-sense! I quit!
Good Luck!推薦閱讀: