


  • Accounts
    • return an empty account list (比如你要用淘寶,它會在系統的賬戶資料庫里註冊你的淘寶賬戶,把它幹掉了就可能會導致你無法用淘寶)
    • return fake account info
    • return empty authorization tokens
  • Browser
    • return an empty bookmark list
    • return empty search history
  • Calendar
    • return an empty calendar
  • Calling
    • prevent calls from being placed
    • prevent SMS messages from being sent
    • prevent MMS messages from being sent
    • prevent data messages from being sent
  • Clipboard
    • prevent paste from clipboard (both manual and from an application)
  • Contacts
    • return an empty contact list
      • content://com.android.contacts/data
      • content://com.android.contacts/raw_contacts
      • content://com.android.contacts/phone_lookup
      • content://com.android.contacts/profile
  • Dictionary
    • return an empty user dictionary
  • E-mail
    • return an empty list of accounts, e-mails, etc (provider)
  • Identification
    • return a fake Android ID
    • return a fake device serial number
    • return a fake host name
    • return a fake Google services framework ID
    • return file not found for folder /proc
    • return a fake Google advertising ID
    • return a fake system property cid (Card Identification Register)
    • return file not found for /sys/block/.../cid
    • return file not found for /sys/class/.../cid
    • return fake input device descriptor
  • Internet
    • revoke access to the internet
    • return fake disconnected state
    • return fake supplicant disconnected state
  • Location
    • return a random or set location
    • return empty cell location
    • return an empty list of (neighboring) cell info (你發先關掉定位後,百度地圖還是能找到你目前的大致位置,這個時候幹掉它和Wi-Fi scan results,百度地圖才能真的不知道你的位置,這兩類信息和當前位置高度相關,可用於定位)
    • prevents geofences from being set
    • prevents proximity alerts from being set
    • prevents sending NMEA data to an application
    • prevent phone state from being sent to an application
      • Cell info changed
      • Cell location changed
    • prevent sending extra commands (aGPS data)
    • return an empty list of Wi-Fi scan results
    • prevents connecting to Google Play services
  • Media
    • prevent recording audio (including from the microphone)
    • prevent taking pictures
    • prevent recording video
    • you will be notified if an application tries to perform any of these actions
  • Messages
    • return an empty SMS/MMS message list
    • return an empty list of SMS messages stored on the SIM (ICC SMS)
    • return an empty list of voicemail messages
  • Network
    • return fake IP"s
    • return fake MAC"s (network, Wi-Fi, bluetooth)
    • return fake BSSID/SSID
    • return an empty list of Wi-Fi scan results
    • return an empty list of configured Wi-Fi networks
    • return an empty list of bluetooth adapters/devices
  • NFC
    • prevent receiving NFC adapter state changes
    • prevent receiving NDEF discovered
    • prevent receiving TAG discovered
    • prevent receiving TECH discovered
  • Notifications
    • prevent receiving statusbar notifications (Android 4.3+)
    • prevent C2DM messages
  • Overlay
    • prevent draw over / on top
  • Phone
    • return a fake own/in/outgoing/voicemail number
    • return a fake subscriber ID (IMSI for a GSM phone)
    • return a fake phone device ID (IMEI): 000000000000000 (比如你開啟了微信的手機保護,這個時候它就會用IMEI、Android ID、Device Serial等信息識別你的設備,如果你幹掉了它,微信就會不停地告訴你「你已經在別的地方登陸」,因為每次微信拿到的設備識別碼都不一樣)
    • return a fake phone type: GSM (matching IMEI)
    • return a fake network type: unknown
    • return an empty ISIM/ISIM domain
    • return an empty IMPI/IMPU
    • return a fake MSISDN
    • return fake mobile network info
      • Country: XX
      • Operator: 00101 (test network)
      • Operator name: fake
    • return fake SIM info
      • Country: XX
      • Operator: 00101
      • Operator name: fake
      • Serial number (ICCID): fake
    • return empty APN list
    • return no currently used APN
    • return an empty call log
    • prevent phone state from being sent to an application
      • Call forwarding indication
      • Call state changed (ringing, off-hook)
      • Mobile data connection state change / being used
      • Message waiting indication
      • Service state changed (service/no service)
      • Signal level changed
    • return an empty group identifier level 1
  • Sensors
    • return an empty default sensor
    • return an empty list of sensors
  • Shell
    • return I/O exception for Linux shell
    • return I/O exception for Superuser shell
    • return unsatisfied link error for load/loadLibrary
  • Storage
    • revoke permission to the media storage
    • revoke permission to the external storage (SD card)
    • return fake unmounted state
  • System
    • return an empty list of installed applications
    • return an empty list of recent tasks
    • return an empty list of running processes
    • return an empty list of running services
    • return an empty list of running tasks
    • return an empty list of widgets
    • return an empty list of applications (provider)
    • prevent package add, replace, restart and remove notifications
  • View
    • prevent links from opening in the browser
    • return fake browser user agent string
      • Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android; en-us) AppleWebKit/999+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/999.9


Android 應用程序如何實現在線播放網路視頻呢?
以 92% 成功率劫持 Gmail 應用是怎麼回事,真的可以實施嗎?

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