






In explaining both the meaning of the difference principle and its choice by the parties in the original position, Rawls treats it as the solution to what is often called a bargaining game. He then contrasts the solution represented by the difference principle with other proposed solutions, in particular that of classical utilitarianism (what he calls the Bentham point) and that proposed by John Nash, the Nash point (JF 62–63).

In a bargaining game, players must divide up a pay-off between them, which they forfeit if they cannot agree. The size of the pay-off can be dependent on the agreement reached. Bargaining games capture essential features of social cooperation that raise the problem of distributive justice in the first place: social cooperation produces a surplus, but the size of the surplus is dependent on the rules governing the cooperation including how the surplus is to be divided.

In a bargaining game, any agreement that distributes all of the surplus will be what is called a Nash equilibrium: once adopted, there is no way for any player to improve her outcome by unilaterally changing her actions. The question is then which equilibrium point should be chosen. The difference principle can be thought of as a rule for choosing an outcome to the bargaining game. It says to choose the outcome that maximizes the pay-off to the worst off. Classical utilitarianism also yields a principle for choosing an outcome: it says, choose the outcome that maximizes the sum of the pay-offs, understood as utilities.


在議價博弈中,決策各方必須在他們之中瓜分報酬 (pay-off);若他們不能達成統一則他們必須,該報酬必須被放棄。這份報酬的份額多少可以基於他們達成的共識。議價博弈體現了社會合作中最初引起分配公平問題的那些特徵:社會合作可以產出盈餘,但是改盈餘的多寡是基於合作所受限的規則的,譬如,盈餘應當怎樣被分配。

在議價博弈中,任何能將全部盈餘都分配到個人的共識都可以被稱為「納什均衡」(Nash equilibrium):一旦被採納,任何一個個體都無法通過單向操作改善他自己的結果。那麼,問題是,【分配者】應該選擇哪一種均衡點?差異原則可以被看作一種選擇議價博弈結果的規則。它旨在選取一種使得境遇最差者的報酬最大化的結果。古典效益主義也能得出一種選取結果的原則:它說,【應該】選擇使得所有人獲得的報酬(在這一流派中被看作是「效益」)最大化的那種結果。

在Google的Cache中,發現知乎用戶 @米哈伊 回答過這個問題,不知道出於什麼原因,這個答案現在看不到了。米的答案的核心內容引用了劍橋羅爾斯辭典對Nash Point(納什點)的解釋。現轉錄如下:


In explaining both the meaning of the difference principle and its choice by the parties in the original position, Rawls treats it as the solution to what is often called a bargaining game. He then contrasts the solution represented by the difference principle with other proposed solutions, in particular that of classical utilitarianism (what he calls the Bentham point) and that proposed by John Nash, the Nash point (JF 62–63).

In a bargaining game, players must divide up a pay-off between them, which they forfeit if they cannot agree. The size of the pay-off can be dependent on the agreement reached. Bargaining games capture essential features of social cooperation that raise the problem of distributive justice in the first place: social cooperation produces a surplus, but the size of the surplus is dependent on the rules governing the cooperation including how the surplus is to be divided.

In a bargaining game, any agreement that distributes all of the surplus will be what is called a Nash equilibrium: once adopted, there is no way for any player to improve her outcome by unilaterally changing her actions. The question is then which equilibrium point should be chosen. The difference principle can be thought of as a rule for choosing an outcome to the bargaining game. It says to choose the outcome that maximizes the pay-off to the worst off. Classical utilitarianism also yields a principle for choosing an outcome: it says, choose the outcome that maximizes the sum of the pay-offs, understood as utilities.




納什點N的意思是,這個點上,合作產生的全部效用都被瓜分乾淨了,即任何人都沒有辦法在不損害別人的效用的前提下,來提升自己的效用。這種點的一個特性是,一旦被採納,任何一方都沒有辦法提出一個可以讓另一方甘心接受的新方案。在經濟學中,納什點被稱為納什議價的解(Nash Bargaining Solution)。



Laden, A. (2014). Nash point. In J. Mandle D. Reidy (Eds.), The Cambridge Rawls Lexicon(pp. 546-547). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139026741.141






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