為什麼 Word 總是建議把 according to 改成 per?
這是否是一個主流的語言建議?是否已經比較「放諸四海而皆準」,以致 Word 將其作為語法建議收錄其中?用 per 或者 as per 代替 according to 其實是否是很奇怪的英語?所以是不是 Word 的語法建議有問題?
Hi, Word 哥的解釋是:使用簡明英語,能用簡明的詞語表達相同的意思就不廢話:
據 Merriam-Webster"s Learner"s Dictionary, per 本來就有 according to 的意思:Consider using
concise languageEliminating
redundant or unnecessary words often improves
Instead of: Adding sugar is
absolutely essential.·
Consider: Adding sugar
Instead of: Her backpack was
large in size.·
Consider: Her backpack was
至於用 per 還是用 as per,該詞典的編輯說:per: according to —often used with as&<per instructions&>&per usual&>
Per | Definition of Per by Merriam-Webster
所以,Word 哥選擇了 per。EnjoyThe fact is that both per and as per have existed in English in the sense 「according to」 for a very long time–since the 15th and 16th centuries, respectively. The choice of which to use (or avoid) is entirely a matter of taste. The more ponderous as per is often found in business and legal prose, or in writing that attempts to adopt a formal tone.
As Per | As Per Definition by Merriam-Webster
As per/per一般用在郵件和商業溝通上,according to一般用在學術文章上。而且according to一般會用在有據可查的典籍方向;as per/per只是一般引用,沒有強烈的可考證性質。
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