像大山、董默涵這些可以算是半個中國通的外國人是怎樣學中文的? ?
求助知友: 極其想要說好一口地道英文,一直在尋求各種方法能像外國人一樣說一口流利英文,嘗試過很多方法,最近在背誦大量的英文,突然想到小時候也是這樣學的中文背誦大量課文古詩文,但死記硬背感覺收效甚微。對比反思,難道那些中文說的好的外國人也是背誦背出來的嗎?怎樣才能靈活運用地說一口流利英文?(對於沒有條件出國的窮學生而言),大神求解答。
When I started learning Chinese, I was horrified to hear that it would take me 10 years to become fluent. 27 years later I"m still working at it. Due to my work on television, some Chinese language learners may consider me a role model of sorts, but every day I"m reminded of what I don"t know and how much more there is to learn.
When did I pass the "fluent" benchmark? Hard to say. After two years of university study in Canada, I could only engage in simple conversations during my first trip to China. However, I did manage to have a very spirited argument with a taxi driver that summer. Towards the end of the argument I realized that I was totally wrong, but didn"t care because it was so gratifying going toe-to-toe with a taxi driver in his own language.
After four years of university study in Canada and subsequent return to China, I was able to engage in basic conversations on a variety of subjects. I made my first appearances on Chinese television shortly after arriving in China, so the evidence is there to see -- basic fluency but with a very heavy foreign accent.
A year of immersion in Beijing had a huge impact on my accent and general fluency, as shown by the shows I recorded a year later.
So, based on my personal experience I would say that anyone can achieve good, basic fluency within 5 years if you work hard enough and have some immersion experience. That would include reading newspapers (slowly and with difficulty) and otherwise absorbing Chinese media (albeit nowhere near the level of a native speaker).
You may be able to shorten this by a year or two if you start off in an immersion environment, have great teachers, work like hell and are part android.
"Fluent" is a relative concept. I would summarize:
2 years to lie on your resume and hope no Chinese speaker interviews you for a job (because 2 years is enough to bullshit your way through a situation in front of non-speakers).
5 years for basic fluency, but with difficulty.
10 years to feel comfortable in the language.
One lifetime is not enough to attain the level of a native speaker, unless you start before the age of 10. (I was 19)
更多精彩,請關注公眾號「惡魔奶爸Sam」,id: lxg-milk,或掃以下二維碼,歡迎加入
大山在他本國大學學的asian study,一般這種課程都會有中文老師指導漢語發音,語法。 不過,大山剛來中國時中文並不像現在那麼流利,只是勉強能說出完整句子的水平。
※為什麼我能聽懂一些英文不錯的中國人說英文 但是就是聽不懂外國人說的英文?