根域名伺服器的作用是什麼?全球 13 組根域名伺服器中有 10 組在美國,意味著什麼?
I: NetnodJ: VeriSign
L: ICANN起初它們可以服務亞太地區多國,但I組由於中國特色發生嚴重XXXXX全球擴散事件。之後北京鏡像便改為「中國特供機」,全部撤銷對海外的路由通告。DNS根伺服器是一種什麼樣的存在?一部分看這個,根域名伺服器是用來查頂域權威伺服器用的,作為全球網際網路DNS體系的固定統一入口。是13組,不是台(早期是),因為現在通過任播技術將其分布到全球386台物理伺服器,首先只是有10組現在營運組織是美國組織,其中包括大學,實驗室,商業公司,ICANN(就是負責IP與域名管理的非營運組織),由於ICANN的前身IANA已經和美國政府簽了協議,美國政府將互聯網營運交給組織運作並不予干預,即使做也只能按照流程去辦,可不像沒朝直接打橫來還以「有關法律」做幌子。其次386台物理伺服器並不是都在美國,但中國(包括台港)也持有其中5組14台伺服器,需要的話直接干預完全不成問題(大陸I根鏡像曾經某城牆的污染擴散至全球而停止過路由指向被踢出網路,你說這是組織規則恐怖還是「有關法律」恐怖)所以就算10組的營運組織是美國的,也沒意味著什麼,只是說明人家做這行早,基礎建設早而已。也比某朝的干預行為好看很多。另附根域名官方站,內有各節點分布圖和所屬地區Root Server Technical Operations Assn
相比之下有的國家毫無責任心,不在乎國際形象。這樣的國家就算再強大也只會被全世界人民所鄙視。A map of the thirteen logical name servers, including anycasted instances, at the end of 2006.
A root name server is a name server for the root zone of the Domain Name System (DNS) of the Internet. It directly answers requests for records in the root zone and answers other requests by returning a list of the authoritative name servers for the appropriate top-level domain (TLD). The root name servers are a critical part of the Internet infrastructure because they are the first step in translating (resolving) human readable host names into IP addresses that are used in communication between Internet hosts.
A combination of limits in the DNS and certain protocols, namely the practical size of unfragmentedUser Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets, resulted in a decision to limit the number of root servers to thirteen server addresses.[1][2] The use of anycast addressing permits the actual number of root server instances to be much larger, and is 504 as of 17 January 2016.[3]
The DNS is a hierarchical naming system for computers, services, or any resource participating in the Internet. The top of that hierarchy is theroot domain. The root domain does not have a formal name and its label in the DNS hierarchy is an empty string. All fully qualified domain names(FQDNs) on the Internet can be regarded as ending with this empty string for the root domain, and therefore ending in a full stop character (the label delimiter), e.g., Example Domain.. This is generally implied rather than explicit, as modern DNS software does not actually require that the terminating dot be included when attempting to translate a domain name to an IP address.
The root domain contains all top-level domains of the Internet. As of July 2015, it contains 1058 TLDs, including 730 generic top-level domains(gTLDs) and 301 country code top-level domains (ccTLDs) in the root domain.[4] In addition, the ARPA domain is used for technical name spaces in the management of Internet addressing and other resources. A TEST domain is used for testing internationalized domain names.There are also several alternative namespace systems with an alternative DNS root using their own set of root name servers that exist in parallel to the mainstream name servers. The first, AlterNIC, generated a substantial amount of press.[citation needed]
The function of a root name server may also be implemented locally, or on a provider network. Such servers are synchronized with the official root zone file as published by ICANN, and do not constitute an alternate root.
As the root name servers are an important part of the Internet, they have come under attack several times, although none of the attacks have ever been serious enough to severely affect the performance of the Internet.
Reference:Root name server
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