
如何學好 HTML ?

建議一開始不要使用Dreamweaver,否則你可能會陷入國內很多《XXX必學必會》、《X天精通XXX》和一些操著不太標準普通話大叔講解的視頻的陷阱(貌似在此黑了好多人。。。)回歸正題,建議先買一本html新手入門的教材,學習html每個標籤的含義和用法,推薦推薦《HTML之路:XHTML和CSS最佳實踐指南》,這本書是國外著名網站HTML DOG中的精華內容的集結,完全可以零基礎,零起點開始系統的學習HTML和CSS。最重要的是,它非常非常薄,看起來在心理上也不吃力。


  1. 可以當做參考手冊的w3school 在線教程

  2. 如果英語不是很吃力,可以看看Learn to code裡面的html foundatation教程,互動式界面,正確完成任務之後還有徽章獎勵,做起來很有動力
  3. 在完成了以上步驟之後,在上網瀏覽網頁的時候多去思考它的語義結構、布局怎樣的,配色如何,那些炫目的動態效果是怎麼做出來的,用到了哪些新的庫,新的框架,用瀏覽器的「查看源代碼」來驗證自己的想法也是很有意思的一件事
  4. 實踐是最好的老師,接一個小任務,一點一點的完成,過程中要學會用好http://www.google.com這個好東西
  5. 克服自己的惰性,培養自己對html的興趣 and Good Luck!

初學者跟著Learn to code這個網站學習HTML很有幫助,尤其對於調動積極性很有用,不會感到枯燥,我現在也在跟著學習,感覺特別好。以下答案來自Quora:

According to me HTML and CSS are very easy to learn. But, it might seem intimidating in the beginning. I would suggest you to follow these steps -

Step 1:

Start learning HTML, JavaScript/jQuery and CSS fromLearn to code. It"s the best site for learning how to code. You"ll enjoy this step very much.

Step 2:

Now, if you have followed Step 1 correctly, you should have become a semi-pro in HTML and CSS. Now, you need to learn advanced practices like "Cross Browser Hacks", "Transition Effects", "CSS3 Animation", "HTML5 Canvas" etc. For this I would suggest you to use http://www.csstricks.com. This is a very helpful resource. Practice all the tricks which you learn and start implementing them in the websites which you make.

Step 3:

Ok, so, if you have followed Step 2 correctly, you have now become a good "Web Developer", now it"s time to become a "Web Designer". I would suggest you to learn things such as "Typography", "Color Theory", "UI Design" etc. from Design lessons for everyone, curated by top designers.

Step 4:

So, if you have followed all the steps correctly, you have now become a good "Front-end Developer". Now, it"s time to hone your skills. I would suggest you to join Tavern | Daily Product Design Questions, it"s a social networking site for website designers. You"ll get to learn a lot from this site by interacting with other like-minded people. Also, you should start reading blogs such asSmashing Magazine.

Step 5:

Now, all you need is practice. Build your own personal website, put it up on the internet. Interact with web designers/developers or graphic designers. Try to get clients. If you are still "intellectually curious", and want to learn more, I would suggest you to do the HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) course in Coursera.

https://www.coursera.org/course/.... You can also learn Ruby, and then Ruby On Rails, by using these languages you can make your own web applications.

