

先給出答案: 分散式 1920 CPUs + 280 GPUs + 64 threads

15/03/2016 更新:當前Elo值為3586僅次於Ke Jie的3621

14/03/2016 更新:Elo值見Go Ratings,當前值為3533,僅次於Ke Jie、Park Jungwhan、Iyama Yuta



1、Aja Huang 已證實使用分散式(見一之3),Demis Hassabis 賽前一天表示使用分散式(見二之3),Demis Hassabis 第三盤賽前Twitter、第四盤賽後發布會以及第五盤賽後發布會多次表示整場比賽使用同一台分散式AlphaGo




1. reddit有人提問 Does anyone know how much hardware AlphaGo is using for its matches with Lee Sedol? : baduk 然後 s-mores 回答

 ====&> "Economist has an update on the 2nd match, there they state 1920 CPUs and 280 GPUs."

2. 上述回答中提到 Artificial intelligence and Go Showdown | The Economist

 ====&>"The version playing against Mr Lee uses 1,920 standard processor chips and 280 special ones developed originally to produce graphics for video games—a particularly demanding task."

3. [官方] Aja Huang 於 奕城論壇 發帖澄清(感謝 圍棋吧小根錫醬 提供 消息 以及 @Bull Barry 於 回答 中 提供原文鏈接)





  發佈時間:Today 8:37"


關於作者身份,新浪體育 和 新浪科技 在報道中均表示新浪已向本人證實該消息的真實性。

4. [官方] Demis Hassabis 第三盤賽前發布兩條 Twitter



 ====&>"We are using roughly same amount of compute power as in Fan Hui match: distributing search over further machines has diminishing returns"

 ====&>"Distributed version is only ~75% win rate against single machine version! Using distributed for match but single machine AG very strong also"

5. [官方] Match 4 - Google DeepMind Challenge Match: Lee Sedol vs AlphaGo - YouTube 6:01:04 第四盤賽後發布會回答記者提問時 Hassabis

 ====&>"Just to clarify we are using the distributed system and it"s the same version we using for the whole match."

6. [官方] 第五盤賽後發布會同樣強調了前條觀點,不再贅述。


1. 維基百科AlphaGo頁面 及 維基百科本次比賽頁面 引用 韓國最大的傳媒機構《中央日報》中文網 (感謝 @石磊 於 某回答 中的評論提供本消息)

 ====&> "對弈期間,Alpha Go將在谷歌雲計算環境中啟動計算,實際伺服器設在美國中西部地區。 "

2. 關於發布會的報道 Human-AI Match : Lee Se-dol Vs. AlphaGo Broadcast Live on YouTube

 ====&>"「During the matches, the AlphaGo is to be operated on the Google Cloud,」 said the CEO, adding, 「The server is actually located in the Midwest of the United States and we will link the AI system to the hotel with a high-speed connection.」 "

3. [官方] Hassabis 於 3月8日賽前發布會 14分14秒(感謝 圍棋吧r6144 即 @Milfia Flore 於 失效帖 中提供視頻鏈接與原文 及 淚春醪 於 關於Alphago的版本 一帖中提供視頻鏈接)

 ====&>"So we will be using the distributed version for the match."



根據 @朱某某 的 回答

問答 提到Demis發布會提到本次AlphaGo對戰Lee Sedol硬體與前次對戰Fan Hui相同

1、首先考證前次與Fan Hui對戰時配置,根據論文第10頁

 ====&>"Finally, we evaluated the distributed version of AlphaGo against Fan Hui, a professional 2 dan, and the winner of the 2013, 2014 and 2015 European Go championships."


 ====&>"We also implemented a distributed version of AlphaGo that exploited multiple machines, 40 search threads, 1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs."

可推斷出前次為1202 CPUs + 176 GPUs。


  ① [Computer-go] guess AlphaGo"s CGOS rating

  ② AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol Fair Game? : baduk中swenty的回復  

  ③ Can AlphaGo defeat Lee Sedol?中Ben Kloester的評論 

  ④ AlphaGo beats the world champion Lee Sedol in first of five matches中多位用戶根據Nature及livestream確認配置為1202 CPUs and 176 GPUs

  ⑤ 囲碁の歐州王者に勝利した「AlphaGo」に見るナローAIとグーグルのアプローチ

  ====&>"2015年10月の対局で囲碁の歐州チャンピオンである樊麾氏を破ったAlphaGoは、「Google Cloud Platform」上の分散処理環境でおよそ170個のGPUと1200個のCPUによって実行されていたという。"

2、考證 Demis 是否於發布會中有此說明

 ① Julian Schrittwieser答

  ====&>"As Demis said during the press conference, it"s roughly the same amount of hardware."

 ② AlphaGo beats the world champion Lee Sedol in first of five matches中Teodolfo問

  ====&>"Demis said it used roughly the same hardware resources as against Fan Hui?"


  ====&>"When playing, yes. Training is a different kettle of fish."

 ③ [官方] Hassabis 於 3月8日賽前發布會 13分27秒

  ====&>"So I just want to be clear we get to use roughly the same amount of compute power as did in Fan Hui match."

  請注意此處使用了"power"而非"hardware",因此應認為本次機器能力與前次相當。根據論文附表(見後),1920 CPUs + 280 GPUs 與 1202 CPUs + 176 GPUs 的Elo僅相差28,因此該條與之前的推斷不矛盾,同時完全排除了單機式的可能

  此條與 Demis 第三盤賽前Twitter互相印證。(見二之4)


1. 硬體版本


2. 各硬體版本之間對局勝率


3. 題外話



阿爾法狗 (豆瓣)



AlphaGo 經過大數量的 CPU 和 GPU測試,通過非同步或分布模式運行。每個模式有兩秒的思考時間. 以下是alphago性能的 Elo ratings[也就是天梯分,差200分時,雙方勝率比約3:1,2016年2月29日截止時排名第一的柯潔為2732,時越 2664]


Configuration and performance結構與性能


Search threads搜索線程


AlphaGo is currently challenging South Korean professional Go player Lee Sedol, who is ranked 9 dan,


with five games taking place at the Four Seasons Hotel in Seoul, South Korea on 9, 10, 12, 13, and 15 March 2016,



which will be video streamed live.


Aja Huang, a DeepMind team member and amateur 6-dan Go player, will place stones on the Go board for AlphaGo, which will be running through Google"s cloud computing with its servers located in the United States

AlphaGo was tested on hardware with various numbers of CPUs and GPUs, running in asynchronous or distributed mode. Two seconds of thinking time is given to each move. The resulting Elo ratings are listed below.

Configuration and performanceConfiguration



No. of CPUNo. of GPUElo ratingAsynchronous404812,151Asynchronous404822,738Asynchronous404842,850Asynchronous404882,890Distributed12428642,937Distributed247641123,079Distributed401,2021763,140Distributed641,9202803,168

在Computer Go上有人問:

Btw, is there any information on what hardware AlphaGo is running. And how does it compare to the version used against Fan Hui?


As Demis said during the press conference, it"s roughly the same amount of



Finally, we evaluated the distributed version of AlphaGo against Fan Hui, a professional 2

dan, and the winner of the 2013, 2014 and 2015 European Go championships.



韓國媒體和民眾是如何評價 2016 年 3 月 AlphaGo 和李世石的對決的?
AlphaGo 用了哪些深度學習的模型? 模型的輸入是什麼?

TAG:圍棋 | 深度學習DeepLearning | AlphaGo | 李世乭 |