
我讀大二是幼師專業 現在有機會去紐西蘭 媽媽一直不是很放心 希望得到大家的幫助 我的英語不是很好


鏈接:【紐西蘭留學】幼教為什麼這麼好移民? - 紐西蘭老油條的文章 - 知乎專欄







雅思四個7是有多難呢?LEO做了5年,每年諮詢幼教的平均下來再300個人,一共就考出來3個人;其他的多是問問,後來就不了了之,覺得英語不錯的,考了幾次也算是知道這個雅思確實不是善茬,放棄。其中一個印象最深的是前年一個復旦大學英語系的碩士,在紐西蘭交換了1年期間,找到LEO說想要學幼教然後移民,LEO經手了這麼多不靠譜的學生,終於迎來了一個大腿,那口語,那聽力,碾壓LEO十條街好么!外加復旦光環,LEO那個開心啊,不過咱先把雅思考了吧!大神若有所思說沒問題,給她三個月時間;後來半年內大神連刷3次,總分很高啊,聽說讀8 8.5 7.5 ,結果寫作始終6.0、6.5徘徊。LEO也是著急的很,可大神簽證到期回國去了,臨走大神還說回國了繼續考!LEO表示鼓勵,後來又過了半年,大神聯繫我說,回國又考了3次,寫作還是沒上7,遂放棄!唏噓感慨一番,選擇了LEO給她推薦的其他專業。







Bachelor ofEducation (EarlyChildhood Teaching)


This is a three-year degree designed to preparestudents with the understanding and skills needed tobe a qualified early childhood teacher with children inthe 0–5 age range.

Papers coverfour broad strands:

l Professional Inquiry/Practicum

l Curriculum

l Health and Safety

l Educational studies relevant to working in an earlychildhood centre (tikanga/te reo Māori is required forall students)

Academicentry requirements

The qualification is designed for those who haveachieved University Entrance.

The qualification is also open to applicants over20years of age who have appropriate life and workexperience. Evidence of being able to study at tertiarylevel may be necessary.

Experience in working with young children, plusqualities such as a pleasant personality,communication skills, a sense of humour, acaringnature, integrity and reliability are also important.

If English is a student"s additional language, theywillhave to provide an Academic Version IELTS test scoreof 7.0 or higher in each component of the test. Anexemption may apply.

Bachelorof Education (Pasifika EarlyChildhoodTeaching)


This is a three-year degree designed to preparestudents with the understanding and skills needed tobe a qualified early childhood teacher with children inthe 0–5 age range.

Paperscover four broad strands

l Professional Inquiry/Practicum

l Curriculum

l Health and Safety

l Educational studies relevant to working in an earlychildhood centre (tikanga/te reo Māori is required forall students)

l Pasifika pedagogy and practice is integratedthroughout the programme in the Educational Studiesstrand. In the third year, students choose from optionpapers in the Pasifika specialty.

Academicentry requirements

The qualification isdesigned for those who haveachieved University Entrance.

The qualification isalso open to applicants over 20years of age who have appropriate life and workexperience. Evidence of being able to successfullystudy at tertiary level may be necessary.

Experience in working with young children, plusqualities such as a pleasant personality,communication skills, a sense of humour, a caringnature, integrity and reliability are also important.

If English is a student"s additional language, they willhave to provide an Academic Version IELTS test scoreof 7.0 or higher in each component of the test. Anexemption may apply.


二、Massey University(梅西大學)

Graduate Diploma of Teaching (EarlyChildhood Education)

Qualification outline

The Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Early ChildhoodEducation) is a one-year full-time, or over two-yearspart-time, comprehensive qualification that preparescandidates to become knowledgeable, skilled andreflective teachers in early childhood education.

The programme emphasises equitable practice as wellas understanding and successfully employing a varietyof methods to promote learning for diverse learners inearly childhood settings. Our graduates have a highsuccess rate in winning jobs as teachers at theconclusion of their initial teacher education programme- why don"t you join them?

This programme also includes a total of 14 weeks(three blocks) of practica, where students will gainteaching experience in kindergarten and earlychildhood centres.

The Graduate Diploma is a professional qualificationand, as such, the papers studied are compulsory. TheGraduate Diploma is made up of papers from threebroad areas of study:

  • Professional Inquiry and Practice, which integratessupervised teaching experience in early childhoodsettings

  • Professional Studies

  • Curriculum Subject Studies.

Academic entry requirements

Applicants must have one of the following:

  • a New Zealand primary teacher education degree,diploma or New Zealand Qualifications Authority(NZQA) assessed equivalent (which meets therequirements of the Education Council of AotearoaNew Zealand for registration as a teacher)

  • an overseas primary teacher qualification assessedby the NZQA, and to be at least registered andprovisionally certified with the Education Council ofAotearoa New Zealanda

  • Zealanda Bachelor"s degree at Level 7 (or higher) on theNew Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF)consisting of at least 360 credits, and havecompleted approved papers in education to thevalue of at least 30 credits. The approved papers ineducation should be from the following areas ofunderstanding:

  • Human Development or Child Development

  • Education in Aotearoa/New Zealand, whichincludes a study of te tikanga and/or te reo.

Please note these papers will not count towards theGraduate Diploma of Teaching (Early ChildhoodEducation) and they do not guarantee you a place inthe programme.

Applicants with qualifications gained overseas willrequire an NZQA assessment to determinecomparability with New Zealand qualifications (foreducational purposes). The NZQA assessment must beprovided with the selected entry application. NZQAAssessments older than three years at the time ofapplying may not be accepted. If this applies to you,please contact NZQA Qualification Review Servicerequesting a review of the original assessment notes.They will inform you if you need to re-apply.

NZQA accreditation can take up to 35 working days.For more information on applying to the NZQA

If English is an applicant"s additional language, and theapplicant does not hold a degree (Level 7 or higher)from either a New Zealand or an Australian tertiaryeducation institution, where the medium of instructionwas fully in English and studied in a campus model ofdelivery in each year of the degree, they will need toattach a verified copy of their results from an AcademicVersion of an IELTS test. The IELTS test result musthave a score of 7.0 or higher in all components of theAcademic Version of the test. If the applicant holdsteacher registration with the Education Council ofAotearoa New Zealand and holds a current PractisingCertificate, they will be exempt from meeting thisEnglish language IELTS requirement.

Programme entry requirements

Selection, and the subsequent offer of a place in theprogramme, is determined by the information submittedin the selected entry application and the interviewprocess.

Applicants are also expected to:

  • have demonstrated competence in literacy andnumeracy skill

  • shave a disposition suitable for working with children

  • demonstrate involvement and experience in thecommunity.


三、NZTC(New Zealand Tertiary College )

Graduate Diploma in Teaching (EarlyChildhood Education)

Qualification outline

Our Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early ChildhoodEducation) is a 52-week programme that combines anintroduction to early childhood education, research,critical analysis and reflection with practical teachingskill development. Students are supported in theirgrowing knowledge of multiple perspectives of earlychildhood teaching, learning, curriculum andassessment.

With extended blocks of field practice, the programmeempowers students to practise with confidence, valuingbiculturalism within the New Zealand early childhoodenvironment.

Our Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early ChildhoodEducation) is an Education Council of Aotearoa NewZealand and New Zealand Qualifications Authority(NZQA) recognised qualification.

Our Graduate Diploma in Teaching (Early ChildhoodEducation) qualification is available through ourBlended Learning mode of learning.

Blended Learning (throughout New Zealand)

Students who choose the blended learning study modewill:

  • have daily access to a computer with broadbandinternet access

  • complete courses with specified timeframes, andundertake self-directed study (typically between 15–20 hours per week; this may increase whenassessments are due)

  • undertake work experience (voluntary or paid) in anapproved, licensed early childhood centre for aminimum of 16 hours per week throughout theprogramme under the supervision of a fullycertificated associate teacher

  • complete 14 weeks of full-time field practice underthe guidance of a fully-registered associate teacherin a licensed early childhood centre

  • attend two 16 hour regional block courses per stage(study year). These will be 8 hours each day and willbe held on a consecutive Sunday and Monday

  • demonstrate a mastery level of InformationTechnology competency prior to graduation of theprogramme

  • participate in a New Zealand-wide learning community

  • integrate the use of study resources by accessingstudy guides, academic journals, email and theinternet from one place

  • utilise discussion forums and eMessaging in order toreceive timely feedback

Academic entry requirements

Before being accepted into the programme studentsmust:

  • hold a Level 7 Bachelor"s degree (360 credits), or aLevel 8 Bachelor"s degree with Honours (480credits), or a Level 9 Master"s degree (240 credits),or a Level 7 New Zealand Diploma of Teaching(Primary)

  • demonstrate their ability to meet the EducationCouncil of Aotearoa New Zealand" s Good Characterand Fit to be a Teacher Policy (2012) criteria.

  • provide written referee reports(s)

  • satisfy New Zealand Police clearance conditions

  • declare any physical or learning disability or diverseneed that may impact on your performance as astudent

  • astudentsucceed in a personal interview

  • meet the New Zealand Tertiary College literacy, ITcompetency and numeracy requirements.

Students with an overseas qualification must provide aNew Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)Assessment Report confirming the level of their entryqualification and whether it matches the descriptorsabove. The assessment report must have beencompleted in the last three years.

Please note: If English is an additional language for anapplicant and they have not studied in New Zealand fora minimum of two years at secondary school andgained 10 Level 2 NCEA University Entrance literacycredits (5 credits in reading and 5 credits in writing),they will need to provide evidence of their Englishlanguage proficiency. This will be through a verifiedcopy of IELTS test results which must have a score of7.0 or higher in each component of the AcademicVersion of the test.











本人在國內也是學的師範,可是因為對自己的語言不自信,當時就選擇了讀商科,在奧克蘭理工大學商科畢業後雖然也找到了一份不錯的工作,可是心裡卻十分的後悔。現在一直有想法想重回校園攻讀幼師。 在這邊我以一個過來人的身份對你說,學妹真的,如果你想來紐西蘭求學的話,千萬別放棄幼師,這個專業在紐西蘭挺好找工作的,待遇又好,而且不需要像其他專業那樣要處於社會這個大染缸中,一個小女生從事幼師真的很不錯。語言確實是一道難關,可是你要知道只要突破了這道檻,你的幼師生涯就開啟成功模式啦。你可以加我詳聊。

英語好可以去 不好直接放棄吧 出國想走幼師這條路是要多大的決心啊....我覺得正常人都難以堅持下去吧



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