為什麼貓喜歡喜歡把桌子邊沿的東西撥拉掉? ?而且之前還要看我一眼?
我想任何一個貓的行為都是有原因的,比如貓怕水是因為家養貓咪的祖先起源於非洲野貓和亞洲沙漠貓,他們多數居住在沙漠,很少能接觸到水,因此它們都屬於旱鴨子類,遇到水後都感到害怕。這是有由於天生的環境,和極少接觸水而產生的心理恐懼。貓會喜歡跟著人上廁所洗澡,是因為他們將人看作領頭貓,需要時刻跟隨。而不是什麼一味的逗樂「他怎麼不用貓砂」 「怕他淹死」等。還有人眼裡以為貓在按摩的踩奶。我本人及其喜歡貓,也很好奇他們為何這樣做?神奇…
This is a common behaviour among cats, and most cat owners can tell you that their cats knock things down from shelves and tables on a regular basis, but why do they do it?A common explanation for this behaviour is that cats are just following their natural instinct to play and hunt. Cats knock things down such as a candle, a picture frame, or a figurine to see if it will play with them. Cats love to see things fall to the ground because they think that the object will run away so that they can chase it. Most felines are just curious about things around the house, and when they are bored they will nudge these objects to see if they can start a game.
This can also be an attention seeking behaviour for some cats. In these cases you might catch your cat staring directly at you as s/he knocks down your favourite Holiday ornament. This attention seeking behaviour could be due to boredom, or it could be a form of communication (is your kitty hungry?).
To stop kitty from breaking all of your favourite picture frames and figurines be sure to keep them out of his or her sight and reach. Try to make access to the shelves very limited (is there a chair your cat always jumps on first? Move the chair away from the shelf and kitty shouldn』t be able to access the shelf anymore). You will also want to give kitty lots of attention and toys to keep him or her from becoming bored.
These tips should help you to understand why cats knock things down from tables and shelves, and they will hopefully help you with your own kitty so that you can deter this bad habit in the future.