其實你只需要將那些分形集的數學公式變為你的代碼就能很容易地寫出來了,比如說這是一個 Mandelbrot 集的例子:
#include &
#include &
#include "svpng.inc"
double mandelbrot(double x, double y) {
double a = x, b = y;
for(int i = 0; i &< 128; ++i) {
double c = a * a - b * b + x, d = 2 * a * b + y;
a = c, b = d;
if(a * a + b * b &> 4) return 1 - i / 128.0;
return 0;
uint8_t data[1024 * 1536 * 3];
int main(void) {
uint8_t* p = data;
for(int i = 0; i &< 1024; ++i) {
for(int j = 0; j &< 1536; ++j) {
uint8_t n = mandelbrot(j / 512.0 - 2, i / 512.0 - 1) * 255;
*p++ = n; *p++ = n; *p++ = n;
FILE* file = fopen("Mandelbrot.png", "wb");
svpng(file, 1536, 1024, data, 0);
(方便起見,使用了 @Milo Yip 老師編寫的miloyip/svpng)
-------------- 代碼找到了,回來更新 (2017/05/26) --------------
// JuliaImage_WithCPU.cpp
// Writed by kondeu, 20,Oct,2016
// Standard header
using namespace std;
// OpenCV header
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
#define JI_CHANNEL 4
#define JI_ITERACOUNT 200
#define JI_THRESHOLD 1000
class CComplex
CComplex(float fR = 0, float fI = 0)
m_fR = fR;
m_fI = fI;
inline float CulcLength2()
return m_fR * m_fR + m_fI * m_fI;
inline CComplex operator *(const CComplex c)
return CComplex(
(this-&>m_fR * c.m_fR - this-&>m_fI * c.m_fI),
(this-&>m_fI * c.m_fR + this-&>m_fR * c.m_fI));
inline CComplex operator +(const CComplex c)
return CComplex(this-&>m_fR + c.m_fR, this-&>m_fI + c.m_fI);
inline void SetR(float fR)
m_fR = fR;
inline void SetI(float fI)
m_fI = fI;
inline float GetR() const
return m_fR;
inline float GetI() const
return m_fI;
float m_fR; // Real number
float m_fI; // Imaginary number
void BmpOrg2CrtOrg(float fCrtX, float fCrtY, const int x, const int y,
const float fScale, const int iBmpWidth, const int iBmpHeigth)
fCrtX = fScale * (float)(x - iBmpWidth / 2) / (iBmpWidth / 2);
fCrtY = fScale * (float)(y - iBmpHeigth / 2) / (iBmpHeigth / 2);
//fCrtX = fScale * (float)(x / 2) / (iBmpWidth / 2);
//fCrtY = fScale * (float)(y / 2) / (iBmpHeigth / 2);
//fCrtX = (float)iBmpWidth / 2 - x;
//fCrtY = (float)iBmpHeigth / 2 - y;
int IsJulia(int iIteraCount, const float fCrtX, const float fCrtY, const CComplex cJuliaConstant)
CComplex cCrtPix(fCrtX, fCrtY);
for (int i = 0; i &<= JI_ITERACOUNT; i++)
iIteraCount = i;
cCrtPix = cCrtPix * cCrtPix + cJuliaConstant;
if (cCrtPix.CulcLength2() &> JI_THRESHOLD)
return 0;
return 1;
void GenerateJuliaImage(IplImage * pImage, const float fScale, const CComplex cJuliaConstant)
for (int y = 0; y &< pImage-&>height; y++)
for (int x = 0; x &< pImage-&>width; x++)
int iIteraCount;
float fCrtX, fCrtY;
BmpOrg2CrtOrg(fCrtX, fCrtY, x, y, fScale, pImage-&>width, pImage-&>height);
int iIsJulia = IsJulia(iIteraCount, fCrtX, fCrtY, cJuliaConstant);
int iOffset = y * pImage-&>widthStep + JI_CHANNEL * x;
pImage-&>imageData[iOffset + 0] = ((iIteraCount &>= JI_ITERACOUNT) ? 0 : 255 - iIteraCount);
pImage-&>imageData[iOffset + 1] = ((iIteraCount &>= JI_ITERACOUNT) ? 0 : 255 - iIteraCount);
pImage-&>imageData[iOffset + 2] = ((iIteraCount &>= JI_ITERACOUNT) ? 0 : ((iIteraCount * 255) / JI_ITERACOUNT));
pImage-&>imageData[iOffset + 3] = 255;
int main(void)
char cCmd = "/0";
cout &<&< "------------------------ Julia Image Generater ------------------------" &<&< endl;
cout &<&< "Julia Image with CPU Core, coded by kondeu, 20,Oct,2016." &<&< endl;
cout &<&< "Press any key with enter to continue, or press "q" with enter to exit." &<&< endl;
cin &>&> cCmd;
if (cCmd == "q")
cout &<&< "Input param to create julia image." &<&< endl; int iBmpWidth, iBmpHeigth; float fScale; CComplex cJuliaConstant; cout &<&< "Image size - width:" &<&< endl; cin &>&> iBmpWidth;
cout &<&< "Image size - heigth:" &<&< endl; cin &>&> iBmpHeigth;
cout &<&< "Julia constant - real number:" &<&< endl;
cin &>&> fScale;
cout &<&< "Julia constant - imaginary number:" &<&< endl;
cin &>&> fScale;
cout &<&< "Scale:" &<&< endl; cin &>&> fScale;
cout &<&< "Alloc memory to store image." &<&< endl;
IplImage * pImage = cvCreateImageHeader(cvSize(iBmpWidth, iBmpHeigth), IPL_DEPTH_8U, JI_CHANNEL);
pImage-&>origin = IPL_ORIGIN_TL;
cout &<&< "Generating julia iamge..." &<&< endl; GenerateJuliaImage(pImage, fScale, cJuliaConstant); cout &<&< "Generated julia iamge successfully." &<&< endl; cvNamedWindow("Julia image generate", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage("Julia image generate", pImage); cvWaitKey(0); cvDestroyWindow("Julia image generate"); cvReleaseImage(pImage); cout &<&< "-----------------------------------------------------------------------" &<&< " " &<&< endl; } return 0; }
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