Linus Torvalds 開過哪些著名的嘴炮?



噴 Nvidia 的圖鎮樓


吐槽 XML:

XML is crap. Really. There are no excuses. XML is nasty to parse for humans, and it"s a disaster to parse even for computers. There"s just no reason for that horrible crap to exist.

吐槽 EFI:

EFI is this other Intel brain-damage (the first one being ACPI).


吐槽 Mach 內核:

My personal opinion of Mach is not very high. Frankly, it"s a piece of crap. It contains all the design mistakes you can make, and even managed to make up a few of its own.

吐槽 Mac OS X:

OS X in some ways is actually worse than Windows to program for. Their file system is complete and utter crap, which is scary.

吐槽 Windows:

Microsoft isn"t evil, they just make really crappy operating systems.

吐槽 OpenBSD:

I think the OpenBSD crowd is a bunch of masturbating monkeys.

Mach 和 FreeBSD 一起吐槽:

I claim that Mach people (and apparently FreeBSD) are incompetent idiots.

LKML 日常 shit:

噴別人的 pull request:

Your code is shit … Are you just making changes by randomly inserting and deleting characters until you don"t see warnings? Or what? … I don"t want to see obvious and shitty crap like this … F*ck me, what"s wrong with you people?


Comprende? None of this "there is no way to continue" bullshit. Because it is pure and utter SHIT.


What the F*CK, guys? This piece-of-shit commit is marked for stable, but you clearly never even test-compiled it, did you? … There aren"t enough swear-words in the English language, so now I"ll have to call you perkeleen vittup?? just to express my disgust and frustration with this crap.

以上所有段落皆可在 找到具體來源

著名的嘴炮應該都知道,與 Minix 作者的內核架構之爭,炮轟 C++,Fuck u nVidia 等。

訂閱 Linux 郵件列表你可能經常會看到 Linus 罵人,把開發者罵走並不少見了。

但我挺佩服的還有 Linus 豐富的想像力,例如他曾經形容 OpenBSD 那群人是自慰的猴子(Masturbating monkeys),Digg 的用戶都是手淫的海象(Wanking Walruses)。


例如在他的想像中,Linux 的吉祥物 Tux 是這樣誕生的:

一般的企鵝是黑嘴巴黑腳蹼,但 Linux 的企鵝是黃嘴巴黃腳蹼,看著是不是就像是鴨子和企鵝的雜交品種?因為它有可能是唐老鴨南極之旅與當地企鵝一夜情的結晶。

而且 Tux 的並不是隨隨便便的一隻企鵝,它的神態必須要特殊。



所以:你要想像 Linus 那樣嘴炮出眾,不僅要技術能力強,想像力還得豐富。

Talk is cheap. Show me the code.

Torvalds, Linus (2000-08-25).



&> Get rid of it. And I don"t *ever* want to see that shit again.


&> Your code is shit.


&> Talk is cheap. Show me the code.


" The fact is, that is exactly the kinds of things that C excels at. Not just as a language, but as a required mentality. One of the great strengths of C is that it doesn"t make you think of your program as anything high-level. It"s what makes you apparently prefer other languages, but the thing is, from a git standpoint, "high level" is exactly the wrong thing. "

"And if you want a fancier language, C++ is absolutely the worst one to choose. If you want real high-level, pick one that has true high-level features like garbage collection or a good system integration, rather than something that lacks both the sparseness and straightforwardness of C, and doesn"t even have the high-level bindings to important concepts.

IOW, C++ is in that inconvenient spot where it doesn"t help make things simple enough to be truly usable for prototyping or simple GUI programming, and yet isn"t the lean system programming language that C is that actively encourags you to use simple and direct constructs."

So NVIDIA, fuck you.

BUG_ON vs WARN_ON: BUG_ON() in workingset_node_shadows_dec() triggers






and Fxxk u




噴別人的pull request:

People should try to compare the quality of the kernel git logs with some

other projects, and cry themselves to sleep.


I don"t know how to even describe the level of brokenness in those kinds of spam numbers. There were a few pages of email (I"ve got it set up so it shows me 50 threads per page) where more than half of the "spam" wasn"t.

……They didn"t try to sell me a bigger penis or tell me about how somebody is cheating on me. Really.


Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.


Software is like sex: it"s better when it"s free.


「Software is like sex. It『s better when it』s free.」


User or not User That is the question User or not User


C 語言中,a+=1 和 a=a+1、a++ 有區別嗎?
郝斌的 C 語言教程怎麼樣?

TAG:Linux | C編程語言 | 林納斯·托瓦茲LinusTorvalds |