遊戲 Ready Steady Bang 的 31 種中槍死法怎樣翻譯最佳?

最近豌豆莢設計獎推了一款英文遊戲 Ready Steady Bang ,黑白像素牛仔對決風,可以測試反射弧。推薦雙人對戰的模式,和朋友玩了一下還蠻開心的。微博地址:http://e.weibo.com/1727978503/zCUcpj3D7


down the barrel

eye crosser

shoulder pin

spin cycle

ball banger

stagger dagger

internal pleading

coffin drop

sigh" n" died

hangman" s faint

human caterpillar

hard against the wall

face plant

hat juggler


headstand "n" land

trough splosh

bum slider

cart wheels

jack in the box

sausage circus

body poppin"


arm popper

dead head

reversa cowboy

dead arms

catherina wheel

pop hop

down the middle

mystery kill

這裡可以看到各種死法的小視頻:手機 app 「ready steady bang」視頻封面手機 app 「ready steady bang」視頻


down the barrel 一擊斃

eye crosser 正中眉心

shoulder pin 勾肩搭背

spin cycle 轉圈兒

ball banger 碉堡了

stagger dagger 三步蛇

internal pleading 尿急尿頻尿不暢

coffin drop 挺屍

sigh" n" died 捯氣兒

hangman" s faint 弔死鬼兒

human caterpillar 蠕蟲

hard against the wall 釘上牆

face plant 嘴啃泥

hat juggler 血帽徽

corkscrew 螺絲轉兒

headstand "n" land 大頭朝下

trough splosh 出水芙蓉

bum slider 屁蹲兒

cart wheels 飛輪

jack in the box 嚇人盒

sausage circus 包香腸

body poppin" 大炸彈

legless 半截子

arm popper 爆米花

dead head 沒頭腦不高興

reversa cowboy 牛仔翻

dead arms 人棍

catherina wheel 風火輪

pop hop 嘻哈

down the middle 等分

mystery kill (等通關ing) 絕殺


down the barrel 槍下亡魂

eye crosser 望眼欲穿

shoulder pin 正義一擊(VR特警的梗)

spin cycle 反身翻騰兩周半屈體

ball banger 蛋蛋獵手

stagger dagger

internal pleading 人有三急...

coffin drop 入棺式仰卧

sigh" n" died 嘆口氣就死

hangman" s faint

human caterpillar 人肉毛毛蟲

hard against the wall 撞牆而死

face plant

hat juggler 帽子戲法


headstand "n" land 倒立並成功著陸

trough splosh 水花飛濺

bum slider 屁股滑翔機

cart wheels 輪子轉啊轉

jack in the box 掙脫盒子の小丑

sausage circus 雙匯王中王

body poppin" 死了都要poppin

legless 蛋蛋著地

arm popper 鐵臂阿童木!...走火了

dead head 爆頭

reversa cowboy

dead arms 啊!...手掉了...

catherina wheel 無敵風火輪!

pop hop 跳跳虎

down the middle 腰斬

mystery kill 紅白機遊戲里敵人死亡後會出現的東東


down the barrel 槍下亡魂

eye crosser 正中眉心

shoulder pin 勾肩搭背

spin cycle 華爾茲

ball banger 蛋蛋獵手

stagger dagger 踉踉蹌蹌

internal pleading 人有三急

coffin drop 挺屍

sigh" n" died 死亡嘆息

hangman" s faint 弔死鬼兒

human caterpillar 人肉毛毛蟲

hard against the wall 釘上牆

face plant 嘴啃泥

hat juggler 帽子戲法

corkscrew 螺旋鑽

headstand "n" land 拿大頂

trough splosh 卧槽

bum slider 屁蹲兒

cart wheels 大風車

jack in the box 嚇人盒

sausage circus 包香腸

body poppin" 身體炸彈

legless 蛋蛋著地

arm popper 爆米花

dead head 沒頭腦不高興

reversa cowboy 翻滾的牛仔

dead arms 除你武器

catherina wheel 無敵風火輪!

pop hop 跳跳虎

down the middle 腰斬

mystery kill 絕殺


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TAG:英語翻譯 | iOS遊戲 | 英語學習 | Android遊戲 | ReadySteadyBang |