其實本案的真相挺撲朔迷離的,我比較贊同no one is innocent~在真正接觸法律案件以後,才會發現那些看似的弱著,或多或少都會有一些不對的地方,可能是因為貪心,可能是因為愚蠢。最高法院的行為總有它的原因。
輿論上,有些媒體為了迎合民眾,在報道這件事情時沒有尊重事實。其次,從法律來講 ,這件事判無期已經屬量刑過重。網上那些言論普遍沒有公正的同情心(這裡缺乏的是對7個被告的同情)。
I think this is totally absurd. There are multiple problems with this ruling. The court ruling says:
根據刑法第三百五十八條規定,強迫他人賣淫只有情節特別嚴重的,如大規模強迫賣淫犯罪集團的首要分子,強迫多名幼女賣淫的,多次在公共場所劫持他人拘禁後強迫賣淫的,或者強迫賣淫手段特別殘忍、造成被害人嚴重殘疾或者死亡等情形,才可考慮判處死刑。對於情節特別嚴重的認定,應結合行為人強迫賣淫的人次規模、作案對象、犯罪手段、強製程度、犯罪後果、社會影響等因素綜合加以判斷,確保罪責刑相適應。"Regardless of its validity, I want to argue that all factors considered, this is extreme crime and the charges should never be reduced or exonerated. To me, by listing the factors and explaining why they did that, the supreme court was only revealing its own logical inconsistency. Let list the six factors one by one:強迫賣淫的人次規模:
樂樂被救後,經醫生確診為嚴重的創傷後應激精神障礙 和性病,並極有可能喪失生育能力。
There is really no need to say anything.It is clear that except the "強製程度" factor, all other factors are extremely bad. And the "強製程度" factor is relatively insignificant only because the victim was young and innocent. Also, the court seems to have a misleading idea with "強製程度". This should be not just the level of physical coercion, but also involves the level of psychological cajolement, torture and manipulation. For example, the standard interpretation of the law says:
"「強迫他人賣淫」主要是指行為人採取暴力、暴力威脅或其他手段,違背他人意志,迫使他人賣淫的行為。這裡所說的「強迫」既包括直接使用暴力手段或以暴力相威脅,也包括使用其他非暴力的逼迫手段,如以揭發他人隱私或者以可能使他人某種利害關係遭受損失相威脅,或者通過使用某種手段和方法,使他人陷入絕境,在別無出路的情況下,違背自己的意願從事賣淫。無論行為人採取哪一種強迫手段,都構成強迫他人賣淫罪。"In this case clearly the victim has been exhorted to be a prostitute and coerced to make money for them. Even the court ruling acknowledged that:"
.....被害人張某某賣淫明顯違背其本人意願。案發時張某某是年僅10歲的幼女,身心發育尚未成熟,對性行為的性質、後果缺乏認知和判斷能力,不具有性的自主權,缺乏自願賣淫的基礎。張某某本人亦始終陳述,其系被迫賣淫。"I think all factor considered, this is extremely bad crime and I am short of superlatives to describe it. However the court claimed the death penalty is inappropriate because:
但根據被害人陳述及證人李某某、蔡某某、陳某某等的證言,證實被害人可與其他證人結伴外出、經常到附近網吧上網,未被完全限制人身自由,除有一次因不服從賣淫安排,被打臉部外,未發現被害人受到二被告人的其他暴力侵害。鑒於周軍輝、秦星強迫賣淫的暴力、脅迫程度,犯罪情節的惡劣程度尚未達到情節特別嚴重,第一審判決、第二審裁定對二被告人以強迫賣淫罪判處死刑立即執行量刑不當。"I think this is totally absurd. From this point of view, raping an innocent child and exhorted her to be a prostitute, damaging her life forever is not bad enough; one has to physically coerce her, abuse her, mutilate her to such a degree that one really "deserves" death penalty. Further, most of the "clients" of the gang that had raped her literally walked away without any serious punishment because they "did not know" the victim was underage. Does this make any sense?
The only argument that does make sense is:
此外,本案複核期間又出現新的證據,可能影響對秦星是否構成立功的認定,依法應予查明。據此,我院依法裁定不核准二被告人死刑,將案件發回湖南省高級人民法院重新審判。「and I agree it should be properly investigated. But - shouldn"t this be judged properly at the lower level court already?Overall I would say the ruling only showed how dark our legal system is. I do not think an ordinary Chinese citizen would be induced to believe that they can outwit the legal system by playing the martyr and win popular support. Instead they would believe whatever effort they put into to get justice for what they suffered, they would be facing unknown trouble from the legal system, because what is intuitively clear to them is not clear from the viewpoint of judges and lawyers(and journalists). This means the belief of the rule of law will be gradually discredited. Instead people would consider to revenge by seeking help from local crime organizations, powerful and corrupted officials, and even fight "the bad" guys personally themselves. The result will be more chaos and vengeance in our society, not progress towards "a state of law".
References:http://www.szse.cn/main/files/2010/11/04/409615597420.pdf刑法解釋:第三百五十八條【組織賣淫罪、強迫賣淫罪定義、量刑】唐慧案( the wiki article might be inaccurate)最高法回應"唐慧女兒案"兩被告人死刑複核案相關問題唐慧案再現案中案 周蘭蘭訴媒體名譽侵權案開庭唐慧女兒案兩主犯死刑未被核准 唐慧稱繼續上訪早上回復一網友微博,被人罵是水軍,對方辯論不擺論據,滿口問候和詛咒,最後還限制我回復,太傷心了。回到知乎來看,大部分還是比較理性的。