

中文翻譯: http://zhi.hu/7aL1 http://zhi.hu/76NX

Thank you, @shog and @鄭秋鳴, for the awesome translations!

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I usually avoid being so blunt because I don"t want to cause too much friction, but with pyramid schemes, I feel a responsibility to warn people.

1. I"ve never heard of Amway. I asked a couple friends, they"ve never heard of it. Of course, I"m not exactly the demographic that might use its products, but I"ve also never seen it at my friends" parents" homes either.

2. Whenever a company wants to sell me their business model, I"m immediately suspicious. Usually pyramid schemes are pitched by a friend or family member, so I had to go digging for the details.

First, when I searched "Amway", a big warning flag came up: http://isamwayascam.com/

It"s pretty hard to get to the top front page of a search engine amidst all of the company"s own advertising unless there"s some serious traffic going to that site.

So I clicked it and read about product-based pyramid schemes (multi-level marketing models) and how apparently the FTC legally allows it because it"s not solely about recruiting other people. (Just because it"s legal doesn"t mean it"s good for you though: smoking is legal.) I read about how 99% of people lost money, lost friends, etc.

But a couple angry people can put up a website. I wanted to decide for myself.

For that, I checked their Business Reference Guide (the legal stuff that they hope nobody reads) and some things jumped out at me.

Exhibit A.

The IBO [Independent Business Owner] Plan is not a pyramid or chain distribution scheme.

Hold on. I didn"t even search for that. But the document"s setting up some pre-emptive defenses. It lists what it categorizes as a pyramid scheme. And I have problems with all three conditions:

  1. The word "large" is meant to distinguish Amway from pyramid schemes, but really the key word is "required". Amway does require an initial investment: http://www.amway.com/start-a-business/low-cost-startup.

  2. This is a plain lie. Maybe previous pyramid schemes did require a fee for recruiting, but it"s certainly not a requirement. See Wikipedia: Pyramid Scheme.

  3. Again, the document tries to mislead you with the word "heavy", but any emphasis on recruiting more people for profit is questionable business practice.

So is there even a difference? According to the Wikipedia article on Multi-level Marketing,

Nearly all modern MLMs [Multi-level marketing] ostensibly sell vastly overpriced goods and services (if there even is a real product or service involved at all) as a thin cloak of legitimacy, while their members are driven to recruit even more people into the MLM, effectively turning these programs into pyramid schemes.

Exhibit B

Wait, they said that Amway"s business model is not based on recruiting additional people. But look at their suggestion for building a "successful" business: Registering Other IBO"s (Independent Business Owners / victims). What about providing a good customer experience? What about showcasing the advantages of the product?

Exhibit C

This is their own diagram! (Emphasis mine.) That tree just needs a couple more layers and you"ll start to see the pyramid structure.

Exhibit D

This is a very sinister clause. It sounds like it"s from the mafia or CIA or a guerrilla operation because it serves the same purpose: if, in the future, the Federal Trade Commission ever changed the law and conducted an investigation on Amway for being a pyramid scheme, nobody but the executives would have overwhelming evidence about the structure of the business contracts. They could destroy their records at a moment"s notice and really frustrate investigators. This also prevents participants in the pyramid scheme from looking at the overall structure and realizing that the funnel of money goes way to the top.

3. So maybe their business practice is shady, but as long as the product is good, it"s not a big deal right?

I wanted to see if there was any proof that their products are helpful. Usually I look for FDA approval or references to medical studies. But there were none. So the best I could find was something called an NSF Certification.

Wait. What is this NSF?

I"ve worked for various aspects of the federal government since I was in high school and I"d never heard of that regulatory agency. Luckily, Wikipedia had an article. But there were glaring problems with the article, most notably that it"s all from one source - NSF"s own website. So it"s not anymore reliable than a banner ad.

So I read the rest of the article and found this sentence quoted from the NSF website.

Today, most plumbing codes require certification to NSF standards for pipes and plumbing components in commercial and residential buildings.

Really? Well that"s pretty easy to double-check.

Unfortunately, nope. That claim is plain bogus. I searched elsewhere online and found no connection between plumbing codes and NSF except in NSF"s own material.

What NSF really is, I can"t really tell. But it doesn"t scream legitimate and trustworthy to me. If anything, I suspect it has deep financial connections to Amway.

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Maybe if I dug deeper I could find more holes; maybe I"d find evidence that Amway is actually legitimate. But the big warning signs hitting me in the face tell me to stay far, far away.

Either way, this is the conclusion I formed after doing some research: this is my opinion. I"ve witnessed friends of family get sucked into pyramid schemes - twice. And they all lost a lot of money and didn"t grow healthier. And I know people can take this information very hard and very personally, so I"m deeply sorry if I"ve offended. I felt like I needed to share.

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As always, if you have the courage and patience to translate this into Chinese, then go for it!

我來完整翻譯一下@Brian 的答案


我一般不願意這麼直白,因為我不想引起過多的矛盾,但對於傳銷(pyramid schemes),我覺得有責任提醒一下大家。





所以我點擊鏈接,讀了裡面對於傳銷(多級營銷模式[multi-level marketing models])的敘述,了解了為什麼聯邦貿易委員會從法律上允許傳銷——因為它的模式不僅僅是為了拉人進來。(但是,合法並不意味著它對人無害:吸煙還合法呢。)裡面還說了99%是如何失去錢財、失去朋友的,等等


因此,我查看了他們的商業參考指南(Business Reference Guide)(這份合法的說明是他們壓根不希望有人去讀的。),果然發現了一些問題。


「IBO計劃(Independent Business Owner Plan,獨立商業經營者計劃)並非傳銷或者連鎖分銷機制。」



是明顯是謊話。可能之前的各種傳銷確實要求在新人進來的時候交一些費用,但肯定不是必須做的事。可以參考維基百科「Pyramid Scheme」詞條。











我想看看是否能有證據證明,它們的產品是有用的。通常我都會去找FDA的許可或者醫學研究的參考文獻。但沒找到。所以我能找到的最合適的東西,是一個叫NSF認證(NSF Certification)的東西。








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一般都是一些中國印度來的窮留學生在推銷這個,他們都會穿成套的西裝,熟練的背誦著一些從窮爸爸富爸爸書里抄來的句子和概念,滿嘴電子商務和社會化營銷,最後會邀請你參加他們的成功學講師舉辦的大會,要求你必須穿成套西服,告訴你他們一個月能掙兩千多刀,然後說sounds great?




Translated from @Brian』s answer, if you think it』s good, pleases give an up-vote to the original article.



I usually avoid being so blunt because I don"t want to cause too much friction,
but with pyramid schemes, I feel a responsibility to warn people.


1. I"ve never heard of Amway. I asked a couple friends, they"ve never heard of
it. Of course, I"m not exactly the demographic that might use its products, but
I"ve also never seen it at my friends" parents" homes either.


2. Whenever a company wants to sell me their business model, I"m immediately
suspicious. Usually pyramid schemes are pitched by a friend or family member,
so I had to go digging for the details.

首先,當我搜索「安利」,一個巨大的警告標誌出現了: Is Amway a Scam? Hear from Top Pyramid Scheme Experts

First, when I searched "Amway", a big warning flag came up: Is Amway a Scam? Hear from Top Pyramid Scheme Experts


It"s pretty hard to get to the top front page of a search engine amidst all of
the company"s own advertising unless there"s some serious traffic going to that


So I clicked it and read about product-based pyramid schemes (multi-level
marketing models) and how apparently the FTC legally allows it because it"s not
solely about recruiting other people. (Just because it"s legal doesn"t mean
it"s good for you though: smoking is legal.) I read about how 99% of people
lost money, lost friends, etc.


But a couple angry people can put up a website. I wanted
to decide for myself.

為此,我查閱了他們的商業參考指南(business reference guide)(這種法律條文,我覺得他們是壓根不想讓任何人讀),然後一些問題瞬間映入了眼帘。

For that, I checked their Business
Reference Guide (the legal stuff that they hope nobody
reads) and some things jumped out at me.


Exhibit A.




這明顯是一個謊言。可能之前的傳銷行為確實需要加入費,但是當然並不是必須的。見Wikipedia: Pyramid Scheme.


The IBO [Independent Business Owner] Plan is not a pyramid or chain distribution scheme.

Hold on. I didn"t even search for that. But the
document"s setting up some pre-emptive defenses. It lists what it categorizes
as a pyramid scheme. And I have problems with all three conditions:

The word "large" is
meant to distinguish Amway from pyramid schemes, but really the key word is
"required". Amway does require an initial investment: Amway | Low Cost Startup.

This is a plain lie.
Maybe previous pyramid schemes did require a fee for recruiting, but it"s
certainly not a requirement. See Wikipedia: Pyramid Scheme.

Again, the document
tries to mislead you with the word "heavy", but any emphasis on recruiting more
people for profit is questionable business practice.


So is there even a difference? According to the Wikipedia article on Multi-level


Nearly all modern MLMs [Multi-level marketing] ostensibly sell vastly
overpriced goods and services (if there even is a real product or service
involved at all) as a thin cloak of legitimacy, while their members are driven
to recruit even more people into the MLM, effectively turning these programs
into pyramid schemes.


Exhibit B


Wait, they said that Amway"s business model is not based
on recruiting additional people. But look at their suggestion for building a
"successful" business: Registering Other IBO"s (Independent Business
Owners / victims). What about providing a good customer experience? What about
showcasing the advantages of the product?


Exhibit C


This is their own diagram! (Emphasis mine.) That tree
just needs a couple more layers and you"ll start to see the pyramid structure.


Exhibit D


This is a very sinister clause. It sounds like it"s from
the mafia or CIA or a guerrilla operation because it serves the same purpose:
if, in the future, the Federal Trade Commission ever changed the law and
conducted an investigation on Amway for being a pyramid scheme, nobody but the
executives would have overwhelming evidence about the structure of the business
contracts. They could destroy their records at a moment"s notice and really
frustrate investigators. This also prevents participants in the pyramid scheme
from looking at the overall structure and realizing that the funnel of money
goes way to the top.


3. So maybe their business practice is shady, but as long as the product is
good, it"s not a big deal right?


I wanted to see if there was any proof that their
products are helpful. Usually I look for FDA approval or references to medical
studies. But there were none. So the best I could find was something called an
NSF Certification.


Wait. What is this NSF?


I"ve worked for various aspects of the federal government since I was in high
school and I"d never heard of that regulatory agency. Luckily, Wikipedia had an
article. But there were glaring problems with the article, most notably that
it"s all from one source - NSF"s own website. So it"s not anymore reliable than
a banner ad.


So I read the rest of the article and found this sentence quoted from the NSF


Today, most plumbing codes require certification to NSF standards for
pipes and plumbing components in commercial and residential buildings.


Really? Well that"s pretty easy to


Unfortunately, nope. That claim is plain bogus. I searched elsewhere online and
found no connection between plumbing codes and NSF except in NSF"s own


What NSF really is, I can"t really tell. But it doesn"t scream legitimate and
trustworthy to me. If anything, I suspect it has deep financial connections to

- - - - -


Maybe if I dug deeper I could find more holes; maybe I"d find evidence that
Amway is actually legitimate. But the big warning signs hitting me in the face
tell me to stay far, far away.


Either way, this is the conclusion I formed after doing some research: this is
my opinion. I"ve witnessed friends of family get sucked into pyramid schemes -
twice. And they all lost a lot of money and didn"t grow healthier. And I know
people can take this information very hard and very personally, so I"m deeply
sorry if I"ve offended. I felt like I needed to share.













The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires the makers of supplements to follow what it calls "good manufacturing practices," or GMPs. But some supplements carry 「seals of approval」 from independent certification programs, which claim to keep tabs on the supplements industry. These include:

ConsumerLab.com. The best known certification program comes from this private company, which has analyzed thousands of products in most popular supplement categories. http://ConsumerLab.com randomly buys products from stores, from catalogues, over the Internet or through multilevel marketing companies and coordinates their testing at independent labs. The labs test for identity of ingredients, strength, contamination and ability to disintegrate. If a product passes muster, it can then, for a licensing fee, display the ConsumerLab. com 「Approved Product Quality」 seal on its label and in advertising, subject to periodic retesting. Manufacturers may also pay to have their products tested under http://ConsumerLab.com』s Voluntary Certification Program.

The U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP). This nonprofit organization, which sets standards for drug manufacturers, also certifies supplements that pass testing under its Dietary Supplement Verification Program. For a fee, manufacturers can have products analyzed for accuracy of labeling, purity and speed of disintegration. USP, unlike ConsumerLab, tests more than the finished product; it also makes sure the supplement is made according to good manufacturing practices. If it passes testing (and random retesting) and an on-site manufacturing plant audit, the product may display the 「USP Verified」 seal. In contrast, the older USP seal, consisting of the initials 「USP,」 simply indicated that the manufacturer voluntarily met USP』s requirements; no one checked on compliance.

NSF International. This nonprofit organization, best known for certifying bottled water and water filters, also evaluates supplements under its voluntary certification and testing program. Products made under good manufacturing practices, with accurate ingredient labels and no contaminants, may display the NSF seal. Testing is done, for varying fees, in NSF』s own accredited labs.

來看看Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2014 Based on Consumer Satisfaction Top-rated Vitamin and Supplement Brands and Merchants for 2014 Based on Consumer Satisfaction

Each year, http://ConsumerLab.com surveys its free e-newsletter subscribers about the vitamins and supplements that they use. The results below are based on 10,326 responses collected in November, 2013. Respondents gave ratings for 1,639 brands and 788 merchants. Of these, 105 brands and 41 merchants each received at least 100 consumer ratings. Among these popular brands and merchants, those receiving the best (highest) rating on overall consumer satisfaction within their specific market segment are listed below. (See separate news release about the most popular types of supplements.)

Top-rated Supplement Brands on Overall Consumer Satisfaction:

  • Catalog/Internet Brand: Swanson
  • Direct Selling (MLM) Brand: Nutrilite
  • Discount/Warehouse Brand: TruNature (Costco)
  • Food/Drug/Mass -- Broad Product Line: Vitafusion
  • Food/Drug/Mass -- Narrow Product Line: Ester-C
  • Grocery Store Brand: Kroger
  • Healthcare Practitioner Brand: Integrative Therapeutics
  • Health Food Store Brand: Kyolic
  • Pharmacy Brand: Walgreens
  • Vitamin Store Brand: Vitamin Shoppe
  • Canadian Brand: Natural Factors

Top-rated Supplement Brands on Consumer Satisfaction with Specific Types of Supplements:*

  • Calcium: Puritan"s Pride
  • CoQ10: Puritan"s Pride
  • Digestive Enzymes: Puritan"s Pride
  • Fish Oil: Life Extension
  • Glucosamine Chondroitin: Swanson
  • Multivitamin: Life Extension
  • Probiotic: Renew Life (Ultimate Flora)

* Excludes direct sales brands due to potential respondent bias

Top-rated Supplement Merchants on Overall Consumer Satisfaction:

  • Catalog/Internet: Swanson
  • Direct Sales (MLM): Nutrilite
  • Grocery Store: Vitamin Cottage
  • Mass Market: Target
  • Online Multi-Category Retailer: http://Amazon.com
  • Online Supplement Retailer: http://iHerb.com
  • Pharmacy: Walgreens
  • Vitamin Store: The Vitamin Shoppe
  • Warehouse Store: Costco

The comprehensive, 121-page http://ConsumerLab.com 2014 Survey of Vitamin and Supplement Users Report analyzes and compares consumers" satisfaction with popular brands of supplements and supplement merchants. The report also examines the use of 32 specific types of supplements and nutritional products. Results are analyzed by respondent age, gender, and level of supplement use. The report is available for purchase. Custom analyses are also available. For more information or to purchase the report, go to http://www.consumerlab.com/reports/CLSurveyBrochure2014.pdf or contact Lisa Sabin, Vice President for Business Development, at lisa.sabin@consumerlab.com.

再來看看《膳食補充劑的選擇》美國加州大學電視台公開課:飲食與營養 沒耐心的可從24分鐘開始看介紹USP、NSF、CONSUMERLAB的部分




關於 NSF International 的職能和地位,FDA 的網站上有詳細說明,在此僅舉例一二:

  1. Evaluation and Definition of Potentially Hazardous Foods. NSF International 是公認的食品微生物測試方案制定者,且 FDA 認為其方案「過分嚴苛」 (overly stringent)。
  2. FDA 1999 Food Code. 為了與 NSF International 的規範一致,FDA 專門修改了食品代碼。

然後,請去美國看看,有哪個維生素是直接得到 FDA 背書的?






Dietary supplements are complex products. The FDA has established quality standards for dietary supplements to help ensure their identity, purity, strength, and composition. These standards are designed to prevent the inclusion of the wrong ingredient, the addition of too much or too little of an ingredient, the possibility of contamination, and the improper packaging and labeling of a product. The FDA periodically inspects facilities that manufacture dietary supplements.

In addition, several independent organizations offer quality testing and allow products that pass these tests to display their seals of approval. These seals of approval provide assurance that the product was properly manufactured, contains the ingredients listed on the label, and does not contain harmful levels of contaminants. These seals of approval do not guarantee that a product is safe or effective. Organizations that offer this quality testing include:

  • U.S. Pharmacopeia
  • http://ConsumerLab.com
  • NSF International


About NSF NSF International, the Public Health and Safety Organization

Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world』s food, water, consumer products and environment. Our mission is to protect and improve global human health. As an independent, accredited organization, we develop standards, and test and certify products and systems. We provide auditing, education and risk management solutions for public health and the environment.

Founded in 1944 as the National Sanitation Foundation, we changed our name to NSF International in 1990 as we expanded our services beyond sanitation and into global markets. The letters in our organization"s name do not represent any specific words today.

安利在美國怎麼樣不好說,沒怎麼聽說,也許我看得少。保健品基本是GNC,Vitamin Word,善存之類的。反正我對安利產品不反感,對其營銷模式不是太認同,僅此而已。


我覺得說從來沒聽過有點過於誇張了 安利之前贊助過奧蘭多魔術隊 主場都有好多標牌 作為廣告也不可能完全沒聽過吧。。 呃魔獸時期的NBA比賽


美國這邊比較有名的保健品是 GNC, 安利真沒聽過

ConsumerLab.com 你聽說過Nutrilite么?呵呵,這個網站從2008年開始每年都有調查報告的,查查哪些品牌上榜。

2014 Medscape 醫生生活方式報告:你的生活方式健康嗎?



Urban Dictionary: Amway




據我了解,安利是美國非常普通的小品牌,美國人不屑用. 在中國,安利這樣能放心吃放心用的很少很少了




TAG:美國 | 調查類問題 | 安利Amway | 直銷 |