求問在開場空戰中抵抗組織轟炸機投下的炸彈是否是thermal detanator?是否會是在bloodline小說中提到的那一批?po一下原文 "Thank you, everyone, for coming tonight," Leia began. "Whether you"re an old friend or a new one, you"re here because you"ve shown courage. You"ve shown initiative. You"ve seen the coming danger, and you"re willing to do whatever it takes to protect the peaceful worlds of this galaxy from war."
"We"re ready." Joph"s blue eyes were bright with excitement. War would dim that joy too quickly. Leia wished she could keep his youthful enthusiasm safe somewhere, that she could bottle it or tuck it away, but knew it was just one more sacrifice the approaching conflict would claim. She warned, "Don"t speak too soon. Every one of you has to fully understand that this movement, this organization, is not sanctioned by the Galactic Senate. For now, and possibly forever, we operate beyond governmental control. That may mean bending some laws, and breaking others.""Never stopped us before," Ackbar rasped. Greer added, "We"ve already got a few hundred thermal detonators. It"s a start." Leia scanned the room and saw no doubts, no hesitation. These people trusted her. They were ready. Finally she was ready, too. "The sun is setting on the New Republic," Leia said. "It"s time for the Resistance to rise." 注意Greer的那句話。
首先抵抗組織轟炸機MG100星際堡壘是正規轟炸機,炸彈艙應該是匹配正規彈藥的,不太會使用改裝的熱能榴彈作為炸彈。查了一下官方小說Bomber Command,裡面提到每架轟炸機裝有1048枚磁性炸彈。那麼在彈種和載彈量上看,都肯定不是小說《血脈》里提到的熱能榴彈。開場這一幕讓我很困惑,都已經掌握超空間跳躍技術了,怎麼轟炸機還是像一戰那樣得飛到敵人頭上轟炸?講真,就是現在的轟炸機都有遠程巡航導彈之類的可以在防區外發射的武器了。另外無畏艦的防空火力也忒弱了吧,就在表面裝了幾個防空火炮,被一架輕型戰機全報銷了。。。
thermal detonator威力和手雷差不多大,這個東西怎麼炸爛一艘無畏艦?
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