


Dear Admitted Aggie PETE Applicant,

The Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering, Texas AM University, is pleased that you applied and were admitted to our top ranked petroleum engineering program. If you pursue a degree in petroleum engineering, our program is committed to providing the highest quality education available.

Recent data suggests that some concern about the sustainability of the entry level job market during a time of explosive growth in the number of students studying petroleum engineering in U.S. universities may be prudent.

Our advice is that you become aware of graduation projections and petroleum industry employment outlook for people with petroleum engineering degrees. For example, between fall 2011 and fall 2012, the number of freshmen in petroleum engineering programs in the U.S. increased from 1,388 to 2,153, a 55% jump in one year. Based on the many inquiries and applications TAMU is receiving for the petroleum engineering major, the number of U.S. students in petroleum engineering will probably continue a strong upward trend, as long as the employment market remains stable. These days, a very large number of people are already studying in petroleum engineering programs (see attachment, showing data made available through the Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE), at a time when: the number of recent graduates, who began their studies several years ago, is already at about historical highs and growing rapidly (see attachment); our program』s board of industry advisors are recommending that we 「do not grow」 our undergraduate program at this time; and oil and natural gas price projections and expectations of U.S. governmental policy influences are viewed as not particularly encouraging by the U.S. petroleum industry.

We are not trying to discourage you from a career that we think is among the most fascinating, dynamic, challenging careers that exist. However, we also want you to know that the Aggie PETE program is doing the right thing by providing you with information that could end up being important to your future.

然後是Chemjobber 對這封信的評價:

It is important to note, in retrospect, that there are some key differences between academic petroleum engineering and academic chemistry here: I believe that engineers are more comfortable in attempting to predict the future (statistically, looking at trends, etc.) than scientists are. I also think that there is much more alignment between academic engineering departments and their industry alumni. Finally (and most importantly), petroleum is probably one of the most accurately measured commodities in the history of mankind and the cyclical nature of the prices (and its effect on economies and labor markets) is widely understood and discussed.





As I mentioned many times in this forum, oil gas career is NOT for someone looking for "iron bowl" or for those who follow 火起 industry. If you have passion finding affordable energy for man kind, oilgas is the industry you can have a bright future. With all the modern technology we have, we only recover very small portion (less than 30%) of the discovered oil. For every barrel of oil we extracted, there are at least two barrels left in the ground. The key is technology and cost efficiency.

I have been in this industry almost 40 years, I went thru many business cycles. I saw people jumped into this industry when it was 火起 industry and only got swept out the door in the down cycle. I have witnessed the industry hitting the bottom and wrote off by young students.

One lesson I learned thru the cycles, oil gas career is like a marathon race, there are many stages http://running.compe...n-running_85491

So it doesn"t help if you are not prepared.

As for those saying the industry is in the dump now. If you have passion and skills, this is the best time to get in. When you are hired, you know for sure they need you to perform tasks that contribute to the company bottomline.....profit. The position is not a place holder nor flower pot.

As for salary and compensation. I have changed companies few dozen times. I never discussed compensation nor asked for raise thru out my career. As long as project is interesting and the tasks are meaningful, I will take the position. Granted, I took several less paid positions but none of them paid less than "average" salary.

As I mentioned several times in this forum, the key of good living is separating the "needs" and the "wants". I have travelled in every corner of this world, one thing is common, it doesn"t require top 1% salary to meet the "needs". For basic needs, it only requires McDonald minimum wage. It is the wants that get this world in the sorry state we are in.

As for current status of the industry, we will see low priced oil in the near future. The price war will last until either US shale players or Saudi blinks.

As for 白人 vs Chinese, if you buy into this outdated thinking, don"t consider oilgas career. To me, skin color is not as critical as the matter between your ears. When you have the skills, people will want you.














地球物理專業研究生,物探軟體開發,演算法研究。精通.net c++ java語言.









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