


盟軍2 最近還在玩,有些聽得出來,有些不確定;還有些有遺漏,別介意:

貝雷帽:This is mine! Okay?! Give it to me. Go this way, sir. All ready sir! That"s it. I am ready sir!

狙擊手:What"s the next target? I"m your man! I see! For what? Yes!

水鬼:Prepare! On the case! I"m going! Yeah!

工兵:Tell me! Let"s go! Yes sir! Quick wasn"t it? Follow me!

司機:It"s me sir! I like it! Okey dokey! Yeah! Recomemdo! No one could do without it.

間諜:Going there. Okay. AleAle! That was easy.

娜塔莎:Lalalalala! Ready sir! My phone! If you say so. I"m going there!

小偷:What a team you got? You got the right man. Good idea, I suppose. Let"s go team!

狗:Woef woef!


威爾遜:(吹喇叭) Yet! Can you finish it? Geoge! Make me chuckling sir! What"s next?

紅警1印象最深的是tanya神經質的大笑,和are there?別的都不記得了。如果不只是反饋的話,系統語音里unit ready,cannot deploy here,construction complete印象也比較深。

星際1印象深的就多了,比如scv could go sir,adun to be death,還有蟲子那幾個配音(基本就是一直張著嘴或閉著嘴說話的感覺)。印象最深的是tassader那一套,yes executer,i hear u,stand it along,shall be done.

盟軍1裡面德軍說的德語,很多年以後稍微懂了一點德語以後才知道他們說的是啥,比如guten tag。當然印象最深的是alarm,alarm。



1. Yes sir!

2. Waiting orders.

3. Ready and waiting,

4. Reporting,

5. Acknowledged,

6. Affirmative.

7. Ready and waiting.

8. Of course!

9. As you wish!

10. At once!

11. Agreed.

12. Very well.


1. Yes sir!

2. Engineering.

3. Affirmative

4. Moving out.


1. Medical reporting

2. Yes sir!

3. Moving out.


1. Yes commander

2. Indeed

3. On my way

4. For king and country

5. You?what?


1. Howdy!

2. Yee~~~haw!

3. I"ll give my range.


1. what"s up

2. Yes, sir

3. Yeah?

4. 蛤蛤蛤蛤蛤蛤!

5. Shake it baby!

6. That"s all you got?

7. Kissing byebye

8. I"m there!

9. Let"s rock!

10. Two on this!

11. give it to me

12. Cha-ching! Urban Dictionary: Cha-Ching


1. Vehicle reporting!

2. Reporting!

3. Ready and Waiting

放電兵 (小時候稱它為」搞舊次「……):

1. shocking!

2. Our own.

3. Burn, baby burn.

4. Fully charged

5. Extra crispy

6. Let"s Dance

7. Got jolts?

8. Need a jump?

9. Lights out.


1. Battle control on line.

2. Building.

3. Unable to comply, building in progress.

4. Can not be deployed there.

5. Training.

6. A-bomb available

7. A-bomb launch detected.

8. Unit lost.

9. Reinforcement has arrived.

10. Building infiltrated

11. Battle control terminated.

12. Mission accomplished.

13. Silos needed.

14. Insufficient funds.



小兵:I long for battle. 這話有氣勢,不愧為狂戰士

放電兵:I heed thy call。 It shall be done。沙拉拉拉......(為什麼這個記住得比較多啊,因為每次控制它去陰人的時候微操比較多嘛)

合體白球:Destroy! Annihilate! Obliterate! Eradicate! 反正都是些毀滅啊,消滅啊什麼的話,被人類科技球震一下就傻X了。

合體黑球:Must feed。該餵食了,不懂是什麼意思

對空小飛機:It"s a good day to die.(感覺很邪惡很牛X的感覺)



小兵:You wanna a piece of me boy? Standing by. gogogo Lets move rock n roll,很美國大兵的感覺。

噴火兵:Need a light? Lets burn. You"ve got it.

醫療兵:Need medical attention? Did someone page me? right away 小美眉聲音挺甜,最好玩就是用醫療兵去把對手的大單位:比如航母啊,老牛啊什麼的弄瞎

地雷車:What do ya want. 有點神經兮兮的一個駕駛員

坦克:我的大愛,多點幾次就會唱瓦格納的女武神,經典台詞:Yes sir, move it.

大飛機:不知道其他人怎麼稱呼,為什麼我們都叫它大和,但明顯帶俄羅斯口音。特別是那句:Good day commander.

蟲族:.......................嘰里咕嚕嘰里咕嚕嘰里咕嚕嘰里咕嚕嘰里咕嚕加各種吼叫,慢著,有一種蟲會說話,就是被女王感染了的人類基地里生產出來的那種,好像說的是: Ready to die, glad to sacrifise

星際1,坦克,in the pipe,five by five

這盟軍敢死隊里的alarm 有這麼個梗 青島話說「警報」是「拉畝」 就是根據當時殖民時期的德語來的吧




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TAG:遊戲 | 星際爭霸 | 命令與征服:紅色警戒 |