作者:By Dr. Mercola
出處鏈接:Why Most Americans Don"t Own a Bidet in Their Toilet節選如下:Why Bidets Aren"t Popular in AmericaThere are a number of theories why bidets haven"t taken off in the US the way they have in other countries. The device is said to have originated in France in the early 1700s. At that time, the bidet was basically a bowl full of water, from which you could splash water using your hand.
Around 1750, a hand pump was added that allowed water to be sprayed upward. From there, the modern bidet was born. As reported by Today I Found Out:
"The modern bidet that resembles a toilet was developed in the 19th century, and the very popular bidet seat came about in the 1960s, with one of the most popular invented by an American, Arnold Cohen…
In the 1980s, the modern seat was improved with the creation of the "washlet." Using remote-controlled wands that spout water jets and finish with a warm-air dryer, the washlet is hugely popular, particularly in Japan.
So why don"t Americans use this? After all, if fecal matter got on just about anywhere else on your body, you wouldn"t just wipe it off with toilet paper and call it good. Why should your derrière be any different?"
The most plausible theories for why Americans prefer to be sans-bidet include:
- History: In the 18th century, Britons had a disdain for French aristocracy (which were among the first to champion the use of bidets). When the early colonists came to America, they may have brought this sentiment with them.
- World War II: During this war, US soldiers likely saw bidets in French brothels (and probably nowhere else), which spread the idea that they were "dirty" or "immoral"
- Conservatism: The first bidets involved using your hand to cleanse your genitals directly. Americans have, traditionally, been conservative in this area and probably preferred the "shield" of toilet paper between one"s genitals and hands (in fact, the US was so conservative that the first toilet flushing wasn"t seen on film until the 1960 film Psycho)
1. 十八世紀的英國殖民者瞧不起法國貴族,所以他們在移民的時候便根本沒考慮把這個法國宮廷產品帶去美國。2. 二戰時期美國大兵在法國妓院或別的什麼地方有見過坐浴盆,然後覺得挺不潔或者不道德吧。3. 過於保守,坐浴器第一代產品還得靠手來清理某些部位,對這些傳統的美國人而言不太好意思上手嘛。先說到這兒吧,回頭再更。希望對你有幫助。:)說實話,有痔瘡或者想預防痔瘡的朋友,每天便後沖洗一下菊花,真的是非常有幫助。我之前有痔瘡,沒有到脫垂那麼嚴重,但是大便過於乾燥或者便秘的話,每次上廁所都會出血。到了歐洲之後,看到廁所里這個東西,了解作用之後,每天都會沖洗一下,兩三個月之後再也沒有出現過便血或者疼痛的情況。後來回國想給家裡裝一個,朋友說不用那麼麻煩,直接買智能馬桶,去朋友家試用以後,發現確實帶沖洗功能,甚至還有烘乾之類的附加功能。但是水量和溫度的調節還是總覺得不夠滿意,再加上自己還是習慣了凈身器那種方式,智能馬桶就不再考慮。不過已經裝修好了的房子再加這個確實有點麻煩,準備等自己房子裝修的時候再裝。
其實這個比電子馬桶蓋好用很多 水量比較大 唯一的缺點是比較涼冬天 而且真心不是專給女人用的 男女都用好嗎 上完大號就洗一洗 有些很潔癖的小便後也會洗
都有智能馬桶蓋了 要那幹嘛 多餘
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