你在 TeX Stack Exchange 看到過哪些令人驚嘆的回答?

聯動問題:你在 MathOverflow 上看到過哪些令人驚嘆的回答? - 數學


  • macros - How to implement (low-level) arrays in TeX,TeX 的哈希碰撞和 fontdimen 的另類用法。

  • best practices - Detecting unused packages in LaTeX document,實現很暴力。

  • xetex - The ^^ notation in various engines,這個回答最後部分顯示 XeTeX 字元串那部分。這個在新版的 XeTeX 中已經被修復了。
  • boxes - Measure a very large vbox,怎麼測量一個高度大於 maxdimen 的盒子。

  • spacing - Mathematical description of TeX"s infinite numbers?
  • counters - How to suppress page 13? active 被挪用成數字 13 了。
  • In LuaTex is it possible to change font/language according to the script/glyphs used? XeTeXinterchartoks 的 LuaTeX 模擬。正如在評論中提到的,LuaTeX 的這個模擬,功能上要比 XeTeX 的弱很多。



第一個是劉海洋前輩那個「如何找到一個宏在哪個宏包中定義」 的回答,第二個是有人用 TikZ 繪製了一個心臟的解剖圖,第三個是一個有趣的問題「如何給奶奶講解 LaTeX」。

tex core - How to find out where a macro is defined?

tikz pgf - Can we make a love heart with LaTeX?

How can I explain the meaning of LaTeX to my grandma?

當然,其實這個心臟解剖圖,是從矢量圖裡導出的 TikZ 代碼,並不是答主真的一點一點去繪製的。


如果要說有益的回答,那見過的就太多了。除掉中文處理方面(中文處理方面的精華大都在 CTeX 論壇),TeX.SX 上的幾個大牛的高票回答都很不錯。以下是一些精選。

TeX 相關文檔推薦


Any Known comprehensive tutorial about TeX fonts

TeX 核心以及相關概念

tex core - What is the basic mechanism for writing something to an aux file?



tex core - What"s new in TeX, version 3.14159265?

tex general - Why is % the comment character?

tex core - What is truecm?

Is XeTeX a complete rewrite of LaTeX/TeX?

tex core - How does TeX actually work?


macros - What do newcommand, renewcommand, and providecommand do, and how do they differ?

macros - Where are the necessary places to be appended with % to remove unwanted spaces?

macros - What is the difference between let and edef?

macros - What is the difference between ifxsomecommandundefined and ifdefinedsomecommandelse?

macros - What are the differences between
ewskip and

macros -
ewcommand vs DeclareRobustCommand

key value - A package template using xkeyval?

macros - What exactly do csname and endcsname do?

macros - When to use LetLtxMacro?

macros - Understanding @ifnextchar

macros - What does ifx\#1\ stand for?

tex core - Difference between if and ifx

tex core - letfooar vs letfoo=ar

macros - What is the difference between vskip and vspace?

macros - How to know whether or not we need expandafter?

tex core - On the basics of writing to reading from auxiliary files (.aux, .toc, etc.)

tex core - Advantages and disadvantages of fully expandable macros

boxes - setbox vs. sbox and savebox

tex core - Is it really bad to use makeatletter and makeatother in a package or class file?

tex core - What is the differences between mathcode and catcode and how can I use mathcode?


3d - Draw an aircraft with Tikz





best practices

math mode - What is the Necessity of $...$ Around Numbers?

amsmath - Is there a preference of when to use ext and mathrm?

math mode - Defining `$$$ $$$` to align(這個有點黑科技)

fractions - What is the difference between over and frac?

math mode - Why is [ ... ] preferable to $$ ... $$?


macros - What』s behind over?


spacing - Lengths and when to use them

margins - Difference between extwidth, linewidth and hsize

Absolutely, definitely, preventing page break

compiling - What"s the maximum number of pages a PDF produced by pdfTeX can have?

line breaking

counters - How to suppress page 13?


嗯,其實我也有一段時間沒看 TeX.SX 了,而且翻大牛們以前的答案也只是詳細翻了劉海洋前輩, egreg 和 David 的。所以這個列表肯定還差得遠啦。另外,從列表裡也可以看到我關注的 topics,其實也不一定適合知乎上的朋友們,所以最好還是自己去尋找啦。

TeX.SX 上有益的討論很多,大家如果想看,可以按照這樣的方式去找。

  1. Users - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange 這裡列出了 TeX.SX 上的活躍用戶

  2. 尋找你比較喜歡的作者
  3. 戳進去(以 David 為例):User David Carlisle
  4. 在 Answers 里點 View more:User David Carlisle
  5. 愉快地看起來~


  • http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/2674/leo-liu

  • User David Carlisle

  • http://tex.stackexchange.com/users/4427/egreg

  • User Heiko Oberdiek

  • User Joseph Wright

  • User Herbert

  • User Stefan Kottwitz

  • User Martin Scharrer


說到驚嘆,大概有兩種,一種回答是有奪目效果的炫技之作,配個明顯一般很難用 TeX 做出來的排版效果圖,然後貼一長段代碼或扔個鏈接出來;另一種是詳實厚重壓得人喘不了氣的回答。

前一類的代表,比如 Showcase of beautiful typography done in TeX friends 中由 ?aphink 給出的排名第一的回答,用 XeTeX 排版的 16 世紀法語聖經。是這個樣子:

後一類則以 LaTeX3 小組領導 Frank Mittlebach 的部分回答為代表。比如 How to influence the position of float environments like figure and table in LaTeX? 這個問題的回答,介紹 LaTeX 的浮動體機制,篇幅很長,瀏覽器需要滾動好幾屏才能看完,比許多專門的書籍總結得還要詳細。當然,對這類問題的回答,更常見的方式是給出詳細文檔的鏈接,而不是直接在 TeX.sx 上發一篇可以在 TUGboat 上發表的帖子。就舉這麼兩個例子。


在為知筆記本(wiz)里用 Latex 打黎曼曲率張量的那個R右下腳為什麼是扭曲的呢?
有沒有辦法在onenote (Mac)中使用latex命令輸入公式?
latex class與宏包的關係?

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