


The history of ?le-de-France dates back to The Middle Ages when ?le-de-France was also known as Isle of France.

The name "Isle de France" first appeared in 1387 when the term "France" designated certain Crown territories, replacing the pays de France ("pays" means "region/county" as well as "country"). Literally, the name "Island of France" was derived from its being bordered by the Seine, Marne, Oise and Beuvronne rivers, which surround it like an island. The name may also inherit from the FrankishLidle Franke / Lilde Franke, or, "little France". Because the "French"/Frankish kings were bilingual until the 12th or 13th century,

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the Frankish expression may have evolved when Francia ("Franko/n", "Franke", or "Franchonolant" in Frankish) no longer meant the entire Frankish Empire but only the smaller West Francia, and later the even smaller "Pays de France". The expression "Lidle Franke" / "Lilde Franke" may have persisted until the 13th century when locals quit pronouncing the "s" in "isle"; then "Lilde France" [lild?fr?nts?] would have been difficult to distinguish from l"?le-de-France (IPA: [lild?fr?ns?]).

Isle de France最早出現於1387年,因為當時法王領地是被馬恩河、塞納河以及瓦茲河環繞,就像島一樣。此外另外一個原因是當時法蘭克語尚未廢止,Isle de France和Lilde Franke(小法蘭克)諧音




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