Clang parser是完全手寫的嗎?
是。Clang - Features and Goals
A single unified parser for C, Objective C, C++, and Objective C++
Clang is the "C Language Family Front-end", which means we intend to support the most popular members of the C family. We are convinced that the right parsing technology for this class of languages is a hand-built recursive-descent parser. Because it is plain C++ code, recursive descent makes it very easy for new developers to understand the code, it easily supports ad-hoc rules and other strange hacks required by C/C++, and makes it straight-forward to implement excellent diagnostics and error recovery.
We believe that implementing C/C++/ObjC in a single unified parser makes the end result easier to maintain and evolve than maintaining a separate C and C++ parser which must be bugfixed and maintained independently of each other.
用parser generator的話總會有彆扭的地方要跟那個generator「抗爭」一下,反而麻煩。其實GCC的C++ parser從GCC 3.4系列開始也改為手寫的了。
- A hand-written recursive-descent C++ parser has replaced the YACC-derived C++ parser from previous GCC releases. The new parser contains much improved infrastructure needed for better parsing of C++ source codes, handling of extensions, and clean separation (where possible) between proper semantics analysis and parsing. The new parser fixes many bugs that were found in the old parser.
而GCC的C和Objective-C parser從GCC 4.1系列開始也改為手寫的了。當然,還是有人覺得用parser generator更好。例如這裡:c - Are GCC and Clang parsers really handwritten?
- The old Bison-based C and Objective-C parser has been replaced by a new, faster hand-written recursive-descent parser.
來自Semantic Designs的Ira Baxter認為坊間傳聞C++ parser用generator不好寫不是因為generator這個概念不好,而是因為用的parsing演算法太落後了——傳統的parser generator很多都是用LALR(1)的,例如bison的默認模式。
他認為如果用更強力的parsing演算法,例如GLR,問題就迎刃而解了。嗯這個還是見仁見智。召喚 @vczh大神來發表對GLR的見解 &>_&<有興趣的同學可以看看一個用GLR的C++ parser,Elsa的設計文檔,就跟 @vczh 的回答說的一樣,在parse階段其實parse出了多份有歧義的AST,然後通過類型檢查把不合理的刪除掉,得到最終的乾淨的AST。
Clang官網文檔有對比Clang parser與Elsa parser的段落:Comparing clang to other open source compilers補充一下 @RednaxelaFX 的答案。GLR對這個問題迎刃而解的方法是,當你遇到下面的代碼:
補充一下 為何大家不用GLR呢?因為時間不確定性,一般情況下GLR一產生歧義處理就會增加內存消耗和佔用多核心。再加上挑選時間,最後效率總是不如手寫,所以知名通用語言很少用GLR來解析。相反,做各種DSL解析,用GLR就比較好,語法規則隨便寫,因為支持所有上下文無關語法,對效率又不是要求很高,所以這類情況會用parser generator比較多。
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