接下來讓我們一步步學習如何製作一份地道的英式早餐吧炒雞蛋(Scrambled Egg)英國人對雞蛋的熱愛是不一般的,介紹起來的時候總有一股莫名的自信,其實也就是煎蛋,水煮蛋,英式荷包蛋和炒雞蛋這幾種(我們明明也都會好嗎?).一般早餐會使用荷包蛋和炒雞蛋兩種方法.其中炒雞蛋更為有特色.關於炒雞蛋,關鍵在於黃油,具體做法是:- 將雞蛋倒入碗里,將雞蛋打散
- 加入黃油,並且使其與蛋液充分混合併融化.
- 加入適量黑胡椒粉和牛奶
- 在鍋里加入油,待油熱之後倒入做好的蛋液,不斷翻炒至熟即可.
- 放入烤箱里內烤熟即可
- 放入油鍋內用油煎熟
如果自己做燉豆子,做法如下:- 前一天晚上將黃豆加入水中,使其泡發.
- 將泡好的豆子放入高壓鍋中,同時加入小半個洋蔥(切碎),一個番茄(切成小塊),黑胡椒粉,生抽和糖,並加入3倍體積的水
- 在高壓鍋中大火煮至響以後,改小火煮半小時再撈出來倒入小奶鍋
- 再加入一個去皮的番茄,一勺番茄醬,一勺白糖慢慢熬煮直到粘稠狀態.
http://weixin.qq.com/r/wUMrM93EO4BErZlQ9xbT (二維碼自動識別)
[CeeChoo西廚早餐2桌|BreakfastTable] 英式早餐=早餐桌上的煉獄嗎?|English breakfast=The living hell?當全英國人為其全球享有盛名的全套英式早餐(Full English breakfast)驕傲時,有人卻說:「英式早餐是早餐桌上的煉獄,優質農副產品的最慘結局。」為啥這樣說?2分鐘給你展示天使般的優質農副產品變成魔鬼般的悲劇全過程:While British people are so proud of their world famous full English breakfast, some people comment:" English breakfast is the living hell of the breakfast table and a tragedy of the best farming by-products.Why? 2 mins show you how British turn an "angel" into an "evil":視頻點這裡|click here for the video:??早餐2桌:英式早餐=早餐桌上的煉獄嗎?|English breakfast=The living hell?
英國有句老話叫「早飯吃得像國王,午飯吃得像王子,晚飯吃得像乞丐。」(Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, Dine like a Pauper.)。早飯為什麼和國王有關係?傳說那時國王和騎士到處去打仗,為了上戰場殺敵能夠更有體力和幹勁,豐盛的早餐就尤為重要了。可是荒郊野外哪兒去弄神馬山珍海味是不是?!於是他們就地取材,番茄蘑菇等等。最早的時候,只有貴族和地主才能享用這豪華早餐。豐盛的食材是他們向賓客炫富的一種方式。之後這種王室般豪華的早餐走進了普通百姓家。現在,不論貧富,全套英式早餐在全英國廣為流行,是當之無愧的一道英國國菜。
This plate of food that is oily, fatty, hardcore, dead lazy to make and the highest calories of all breakfasts of the world is doomed to be the "the living hell for the breakfast table". You can certainly denigrate English breakfast, but you can"t ignore a fact: this is a breakfast traditionlly associated with the gentry and British nobility, it is in their blood,it is a food that they are proud of.
There is an old saying" Breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, Dine like a Pauper.Why Breakfast is something to do with the King. Because when kings and knights everywhere go to war, in order to be able to fight the enemy on the battlefield more strength and energy is needed and a hearty breakfast is particularly important.It is hard to get delicacies in difficult circumstances .Therefore, they had whatever ingredient was available: tomato, mushroom, http://etc.In the beginning only the wealthy enjoyed this meal. The breakfast table, with rich ingredients, is one way for a host to show off their wealth to their guests. After this royal luxury it was time to bring this breakfast into the homes of ordinary people. The popularity of the English breakfast has spread so that today it is a truly national dish for the British, eaten by rich and poor alike.
All the above words might not change your mind to accept English breakfast. However, I still truly believe that there are lots of people who are loving it, such as British, me and you who wants to learn how to make an English breakfast!
傳統全套英式早餐菜譜|Traditional Recipe
Pan fry/grill the bacon, tomato, sausage, mushroom to personal preference.
Toast the bread and heat up the baked beans.
Pan fry an egg.
Serve with tomato ketchup, butter for the toast and a pot of tea.
To achieve the best result, Pan fry/grill the sausage and bacon to brown colour (almost burn but not burn)!
Don"t ask me why this recipe is that simple and it is unlike CeeChoo style.As we said before, this is a dish that doen"t require much cooking skill and is dead easy to make.
關注CeeChoo西廚微信公眾號ID: ceechooworld新浪微博:CeeChoo西廚Facebook: ceechooworldTwitter: ceechooworld官方網站:http://www.ceechoo.com
我很想回答這個問題,但實在懶的拍照上圖。英式早餐是我心中英餐的典範,其次是bangers and mash,只因我是香腸控…
我做英式早餐必不可少的是香腸,雞蛋,培根,豆子。這四樣材料是大多數超市都可以買到的。經典的傳統早餐還常帶有炸西紅柿這種奇葩以及大名鼎鼎的black pudding,但他們實在不符合個人口味…
香腸是最難掌握火候的,做好香腸,你就離成功不遠啦!IngredientsPer person, allow:
- 2 sausages
- 2-3 rashers of bacon
- 2 flat mushrooms
- 1-2 ripe tomatoes
- 1 thick slice of black pudding
- 1 large egg
- 1 slice of bread
- Method
Heat the flat grill plate over a low heat, on top of 2 rings/flames if it fits, and brush sparingly with light olive oil.
Cook the sausages first. Add the sausages to the hot grill plate/the coolest part if there is one and allow to cook slowly for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden. After the first 10 minutes, increase the heat to medium before beginning to cook the other ingredients. If you are struggling for space, completely cook the sausages and keep hot on a plate in the oven.
Snip a few small cuts into the fatty edge of the bacon. Place the bacon straight on to the grill plate and fry for 2-4 minutes each side or until your preferred crispiness is reached. Like the sausages, the cooked bacon can be kept hot on a plate in the oven.
For the mushrooms, brush away any dirt using a pastry brush and trim the stalk level with the mushroom top. Season with salt and pepper and drizzle over a little olive oil. Place stalk-side up on the grill plate and cook for 1-2 minutes before turning and cooking for a further 3-4 minutes. Avoid moving the mushrooms too much while cooking, as this releases the natural juices, making them soggy.
For the tomatoes, cut the tomatoes across the centre/or in half lengthways if using plum tomatoes , and with a small, sharp knife remove the green "eye". Season with salt and pepper and drizzle with a little olive oil. Place cut-side down on the grill plate and cook without moving for 2 minutes. Gently turn over and season again. Cook for a further 2-3 minutes until tender but still holding their shape.
For the black pudding, cut the black pudding into 3-4 slices and remove the skin. Place on the grill plate and cook for 1?-2 minutes each side until slightly crispy.
For "proper" fried bread it"s best to cook it in a separate pan. Ideally, use bread that is a couple of days old. Heat a frying pan to a medium heat and cover the base with oil. Add the bread and cook for 2-3 minutes each side until crispy and golden. If the pan becomes too dry, add a little more oil. For a richer flavour, add a knob of butter after you turn the slice.
For the fried eggs, break the egg straight into the pan with the fried bread and leave for 30 seconds. Add a good knob of butter and lightly splash/baste the egg with the butter when melted. Cook to your preferred stage, season and gently remove with a fish slice.
Once all the ingredients are cooked, serve on warm plates and enjoy straight away with a good squeeze of tomato ketchup or brown sauce.
ref from:http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/stressfreefullenglis_67721
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