那麼他就是惡毒的。他阻止邪惡是不是既有心也有力?那麼, 惡從何而來?他阻止邪惡是不是既無心也無力?那你們為什麼要叫他上帝呢?呼喚真主吧,呼喚上帝既無用也無意義。——————————————————————————————這種論調,我感覺非常象無神論對於一神論的經典駁斥觀點。我非常驚訝何以穆斯林可以用這種方式來駁斥上帝?他們的哪些理論可以作為這種駁斥的論據?同出於亞伯拉罕諸教派的兩個宗教對於安拉和上帝的描述有什麼不同,求教下。——————————————————————————————原文:
geez, and all this time I thought it wasALLAN.Is your God willing to prevent evil, butnot able?Then he is not omnipotent.Is he able to prevent evil, but notwilling?Then he is malevolent.Is he both able and willing to preventevil?Then whence cometh evil?Is he neither able nor willing to preventevil,Then why call him God?」Just call him ALLAN its just as useless andmeaningless.
從籠統意義上說,那個the GOD,在基督/伊斯蘭/猶太教里是同一的,各自稱名不同,再加上各種或正宗或野路子的演繹,我們看到的就是上帝/耶和華/安拉/真主/唯一神/天父/天兄/神,等等等等。他們的本質可說是同一個「至高的、唯一的、排他的」人格化神。
譯言網 | 【伊斯蘭教----真主安拉】Know Your Enemy ----認識你們的敵人26
視頻: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1O-Zse7n8V0
穆罕默德出生在月神崇拜佔主流的文化里。更進一步說,他出生在阿拉伯古萊氏部落(Quraysh),那裡的人都崇拜月神。從數不清的碑文里,看到這個月神的名字是阿-拉(al- ilah),意思是「神」,是至高的神。al- ilah神,前伊斯蘭教時代里,簡寫成Allah。
這個部分可能會讓你有些迷惑。目前為止,巴比倫宗教系統里的太陽神,一般都是以男神的形象出現,月神則是女神。而現在是說男性月神(moon god), 而非月亮女神(moon goddess)。這是因為秘術系統里有不少分支,角色有時會反轉。在這裡,男神是月亮,女神是太陽。秘術的這種形態,在阿拉伯世界、歐洲的薩克森人(Saxons)、斯堪地那維亞人(Norsemen,挪威人)中較為普遍。男女神祗角色反轉的現象,在阿拉伯世界裡長期、廣泛地存在,後來才漸漸湮滅。這種罕見的男女神祗角色反轉,今天依然存在。
穆罕默德的父親、叔叔都把Allah (安拉)放入了他們的名字:父親的名字叫做Abd-Allah,叔叔的名字叫做Obied-Allah。這對應了巴比倫文化中,將「汝神之名」嵌入自己名字的傳統,通過將偉大月神放入名字的辦法來敬拜它。
穆罕默德與猶太人的敵對關係可以非常清晰地被看出來。 &<古蘭經&>前後兩個部分存在非常明顯的風格分野,這與穆罕穆德的前後兩個人生時期所呈現的狀態高度相關-------早年穆罕穆德住在麥加(Mecca),沒有什麼名望和影響力,比較弱小;後來他成為一位富庶的軍閥式首腦,遷至麥地那(Medina),並在那裡獲得政權。
麥加時期撰寫的&<古蘭經&>,行文寧靜,此時穆罕默德還沒有多少軍事實力,他要讓當地的猶太人相信他是上帝的先知。這是A計劃時期。 後來穆罕默德在麥地那獲得財富和權力,該時期他所撰寫的&<古蘭經&>,充滿對猶太人的仇恨和怒火。這是B計劃時期。穆罕默德開始預備戰爭,對象是那些反對他、或反對他的教訓的人。
伊斯蘭教中的"作廢"的原則,對我們理解古蘭經十分重要: 古蘭經中,若有兩段自相矛盾的經文,那麼前面的段落( 或較早的段落)將作廢;&<古蘭經&>中關於暴力、戰爭的經文是在後半部分、較晚(麥地那時期)撰寫,麥加時期的那些寧靜的經文就作廢了。
這個原則,是穆斯林的工具:當我們質疑他們有關伊斯蘭教的暴力時,他們就會引用麥加時期(早期)的寧靜的經文。一般人也許就這麼被說服了,因不明白伊斯蘭教中的「作廢」原則。穆罕默德在麥地那時期的言行,讓伊斯蘭教無止境地恨惡猶太人、造成中東的問題,這些言行也以侍奉安拉的名義,鼓勵一切形式的恐怖主義、謊言、暴力、對不信者的謀殺/ 壓制/ 統治,然後任意抵消所行的一切罪惡。
」與擋在安拉道路上的人打仗,殺死那些不相信安拉的人。「------Ibn Ishaq 992
安拉的使者呼叫阿里(Ali)說:往前去(戰鬥),不要觀望,直到安拉將勝利賜給你。「阿里按照命令做了一會兒、沒有觀望,然後停下來問:」安拉的使者,我要戰鬥到什麼時候?」先知說:「戰鬥到知道認定安拉是他們唯一的神、穆罕默德是他們的使者」「 ------Sahih Muslim 5917
"....Fartana和她的朋友是歌者,她們曾唱歌嘲諷使徒穆罕默德,所以命令殺死她們"-------Ibn Ishaq 819
「安拉(願平安歸於他)的使者派遣軍隊到奧他斯(Awtas)參加侯奈因(Hunain)戰役,獲得勝利後他們俘虜了敵人。一些安拉使者的同伴,不願意和有夫之婦交合( intercourse),所以高貴的安拉, 在&<古蘭經&>Sura 篇4章24節說:」除了俘虜之外,所有的結過婚的女人,你們不可以玷污。「
這件事說明穆罕默德是如此大膽,經文像帽子戲法一樣就這麼變了出來,支持強暴婦女;所有的一時興起,都可以被宣稱是來自上頭的啟示。穆罕默德深諳寧錄 塞米勒米斯之哲學:屬靈的權威,帶來世俗的權威。
」使者說:「殺死任何落入你手的猶太人」。於是,穆哈伊塞(Muhayyisa )跳到猶太商人Ibn Sunayna的身上,並殺了他,Ibn Sunayna與他有社會/商業上往來。Huwayyisa是穆哈伊塞的長兄,當時還不是穆斯林,動手打了穆哈伊塞,並且說:「你這個神的敵人,是猶太人的財富養肥了你,你卻殺了他嗎?」穆哈伊塞回答說:「若那個命令我殺他的人,同樣命令我殺你,我會毫不猶豫地砍下你的頭。」這是Huwayyisa接受伊斯蘭教的開........Huwayyisa驚呼道:「以安拉發誓,一個能讓你到如此境界的信仰,是一個了不起的奇蹟!」於是他成為了穆斯林。------Ibn Ishaq 554
這裡,伊斯蘭教鼓動人們殺死猶太人的能力,讓穆哈伊塞的兄弟印象深刻。在穆斯林的社群中,這樣的行為依然存在-------若有人不再信伊斯蘭教,那麼他甚至會被父母或 兄弟姐妹殺死。他們稱這為「仁慈的死刑」。上文的Huwayyisa因此相信了伊斯蘭教,雖然無法確定是否只是出於自衛本能。伊斯蘭教有漫長的強迫他人信伊斯蘭教的歷史,若不相信安拉,等待那人的就是死亡。
穆斯林被教導說,猶太人被全部消滅後救贖才會到來,因此他們不會停止對猶太人的戰爭:」穆斯林殺死猶太人後,末日才會到來。猶太人將藏在石頭和樹的後面。石頭和樹木也將呼叫說:噢,穆斯林,噢上帝的使者!有一個猶太人在我後面,來殺死他們." -----------Bukhari 4:176-177
聯合國為解決爭端,要讓以色列人和巴勒斯坦人分享土地、建立兩個國家。--------"耶洗別的靈」的字典里,沒有「雙贏」二字,她的目標是要控制一切。伊斯蘭教的終極目標是擴張影響力、統領全球。伊斯蘭教的視野里,世界目前被分割為兩部分,伊斯蘭教的帳棚 不信伊斯蘭教的帳棚,他們盼望全世界成為伊斯蘭教的世界,並為此努力。事實上,伊斯蘭「Islam」的意思是「服從/ 順從"-------全世界服從他們的月神安拉。安拉的另一個名字是巴力,巴力就是撒旦。伊斯蘭教認為世界和平,將在他們戰勝所謂的「異教徒「(infidel)後才到來。
AllahMuhammad was born into a culture where moon god worship was dominant. Furthermore, he was born into the Quraysh tribe, who were particularly devoted to the moon god. According to numerous inscriptions, the title of this moon god was al- ilah, which means "the deity or the god" meaning that he was the chief or high god among the gods. Al-ilah, the god, was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times.
Now this part may be slightly confusing. Until now we have seen that in the Babylonian system the sun is always presented as a male god and the moon presented as a female goddess. And yet here we find talk of a male moon god – not a moon goddess. This is because there were certain branches where the roles were reversed. The male divinity became the moon and female divinity became the sun. This form of the mysteries was particularly prevalent in Arabia and amongst the Saxons and Norsemen of Europe. This role reversal remained widespread around Arabia in particular long after its popularity had waned elsewhere.
Echoes of this lesser known form still exist today. For example, Cush, Nimrod』s father was worshipped as a god under the title Meni or Manai, which means 『The Numberer』. He is accredited under the Babylonian system with inventing arithmetic. Now such has been the influence of the Saxons and Norsemen in particular on Scotland that we have a New Year festival that still exists today called Hogmanay. This comes from Hog-Manai, which means 「The Feast of the Numberer」 who numbers the years. Another small example of how Babylon permeates our culture.
Anyway, that was a little detour. Muhammad』s father and uncle both had the name Allah incorporated into their own names. His father was called Abd-Allah. His uncle was called Obied-Allah. This echoes Babylonian practice of incorporating your god into your own name and illustrates the pre-eminence of the moon god cult in his time.
This fact answers the questions, "Why is Allah never defined in the Qur"an? Why did Muhammad assume that the pagan Arabs already knew who Allah was?" The answer is because they already did know who Allah was. He was their moon god. Muhammad wasn』t attempting to introduce the concept of a new god in the Qur』an; he was merely building on the one that already existed in the area. All Muhammad did was go one step further than his fellow pagan Arabs. While they believed that Allah, the moon god, was the greatest of all gods in a whole pantheon of gods, Muhammad said that Allah was not just the greatest god amongst many but that he was in fact the only god.
In effect he said, "Look, you already believe that the moon god Allah is the greatest of all gods. All I want you to do is to accept that the idea that he is the only god. I am not taking away the Allah you already worship. I am only taking away his wife and his daughters and all the other gods."
Here is a picture of an Allah idol recovered in Arabia. Note the crescent moon on his chest.
The pagan Arabs never accused Muhammad of preaching a different Allah to the one they already worshipped and archaeological evidence proves that he was one and the same. The Encyclopaedia of Religion says, 「Allah is a pre-Islamic name…corresponding to the Babylonian Bel.」 Allah is nothing more than Baal again with a new name. Muhammad attempted to have it both ways though. To the pagans he said that he still believed in the Moon-god Allah. To the Jews and the Christians, he said that Allah was their God too. In effect it was the same technique that Catholic bishops used to merge Christianity with paganism. Many Christians today have swallowed the lie that Allah is the same as the Christian God when he is in fact Baal.
Fortunately, Jews and Christians of that time recognised Muhammad』s deceptive ideas and rejected Allah as a false god. Of course this angered Satan no end – and by consequence it angered his puppet Muhammad no end. And we know that when Plan A, manipulation and flattery, fails with Satan, he quickly resorts to Plan B, intimidation and persecution.
We perhaps never see this more clearly than in the relationship Muhammad had with the Jews. The Qur』an has a distinct split personality that correlate to two periods in Muhammad』s life. At the start of his life, in Mecca, he was relatively obscure and had no particular type of influence. He was in a position of weakness. In the second part of his life he moved to Medina as a wealthy and powerful warlord. There he was in a position of power.
All the earlier writings from his time in Mecca are generally peaceful. This was the period when Muhammad was in a position of weakness trying to convince the local Jews that he was a prophet of their God. The Plan A years. All the later writings from his time in Medina, after he had risen to a position of wealth and power, are full of hate and anger towards the Jews who had rejected him. These are the Plan B years. He started calling for their slaughter and waged war against them – along with anyone else who rejected him or his message.
Now it』s important to understand that in Islam there is a principle of abrogation. This simply means that wherever there is a contradiction between verses, and the Qu』ran contradicts itself a fair amount, the later one cancels out the earlier one. Since the violent, warring verses are the later ones from his time in Medina, they cancel out the earlier peaceful ones from his time in Mecca. This has been a great tool of deception for Muslims as whenever they are challenged about the violent fruits of their religion, they point to the peaceful Mecca verses. In ignorance, the average person takes them at their word completely unaware that those words are effectively null and void under the principle of abrogation. They have been replaced by later commands to slaughter all non-believers and conquer the world.
It is Muhammad』s words and actions from the Medina years that fuel Islam』s never-ending hatred towards the Jews and the problems in the Middle East. It is the words and actions of Muhammad in the Medina years that encourages and condones all forms of terrorism, lying, deceit, violence, murder of non- believers, oppression and domination as a service to Allah. Islamic terrorists are not acting contrary to the example of Muhammad, their prophet; they are acting in perfect harmony with his own actions 1400 years ago. The bible says that, 「you shall know a tree by the fruit it bears.」 The entire history of Islam has been littered with this type of violence and when we look at the life of Muhammad in any detail we will discover why. It produces bad fruit because it was a bad tree with its roots in the kingdom of darkness. The following are the recorded words and deeds of Muhammad:
「Fight everyone in the way of Allah and kill those who disbelieve in Allah.」 - (Ibn Ishaq 992)
「…fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them.」 – Sura 9:5
Allah"s Messenger called Ali [and said]: 「Proceed on and do not look about until Allah grants you victory,」 and Ali went a bit and then halted and did not look about and then said in a loud voice: 「Allah"s Messenger, on what issue should I fight with the people?」 Thereupon he (the Prophet) said: 」Fight with them until they bear testimony to the fact that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his Messenger…」 (Sahih Muslim 5917)
「…two singing-girls Fartana and her friend who used to sing satirical songs about the apostle [Muhammad], so he ordered that they should be killed…」 (Ibn Ishaq 819)
In the following example we see Muhammad suddenly and conveniently receive a message from Allah to rape captured women.
「The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) sent a military expedition to Awtas on the occasion of the battle of Hunain. They met their enemy and fought with them. They defeated them and took them captives.
Some of the Companions of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) were reluctant to have intercourse with the female captives in the presence of their husbands who were unbelievers. So Allah, the Exalted, sent down the Qur』anic verse: (Sura 4:24) "And all married women (are forbidden) unto you save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." (Abu Dawud 2150)
This event shows a particular audacity; permitting rape at the drop of a hat simply by conjuring a verse from Allah to support it. Any whim or fancy that took him could be acted upon if he claimed he was doing it under divine authority or instruction. Muhammad understood what Nimrod and Semiramis understood – spiritual authority gives temporal authority.
Wherever Satan is involved there is often a tell-tale hatred for the Jews and this comes through loud and clear in Islam.
The apostle said, 「Kill any Jew that falls into your power.」 Thereupon Muhayyisa lepat upon Ibn Sunayna, a Jewish merchant with whom they had social and business relations, and killed him. Huwayyisa was not a Muslim at the time, though he was the elder brother. When Muhayyisa killed [the Jew] Huwayyisa began to beat him, saying, 「You enemy of God, did you kill him when much of the fat on your belly comes from his wealth?」 Muhayyisa answered, 「Had the one who ordered me to kill him ordered me to kill you I would have cut your head off.」 This was the beginning of Huwayyisa』s acceptance of Islam… [Huwayyisa] replied exclaimed, 「By God, a religion which can bring you to this is marvelous!」 and he became a Muslim. (Ibn Ishaq 554)
Here, the unbelieving brother was seemingly impressed with Islam』s ability to influence people to kill Jews and family members. This practice continues to this day in the Muslim community. Parents will kill children and brothers will kill siblings who leave Islam and call it a mercy-killing. The brother in this instance converted on the spot – although we can』t be sure he didn』t do it out of self-preservation. Islam has a long history of forced conversions where the alternative is death.
Muslims have even been taught that their redemption will not come until all Jews have been destroyed and therefore they will not stop fighting against them until they have reached this end.
"The last hour won"t come before the Muslims would fight the Jews, and the Muslims will kill them. So Jews would hide behind rocks and trees. Then the rocks and trees would call, "Oh, Muslim. Oh, Servant of God. There is a Jew behind me. Come and kill him."" - Bukhari 4:176-177
The prophet Ezekiel reports a time when Arab nations will team up with Russia to attempt to wipe out Israel. They will be driven to do this partly because of this prophecy. If the Jews aren』t wiped out, according to Islam, their false messiah can』t come. Do not be misled by claims of Muslims that their gripe with Israel is about land. Satan wants the Jews destroyed as he has done from the beginning of time. He has hardwired this desire into the core of Islam through Muhammad and they will work towards that end no matter how much land Israel gives them.
Muslims believe they must kill all Jews or their religion has been proved to be false. It』s that simple.
The United Nations are attempting to create a two state solution where Jews and 『Palestinians』 share the land but we know from our studies of the character of the Satanic Jezebel spirit that it will not be content to share control of anything. It will have no equals. The goal of Islam is to extend its influence until it rules the entire world. In Islam the world is currently divided into two; the house of Islam and the house of the unbeliever. They foresee a day when the whole earth will become Islamic and work continuously towards this end. The name 「Islam」 actually means 「submission」 and this refers to the whole world submitting to the rule of the pagan moon god, Allah. Allah being another name for Baal, and Baal being Satan. They believe that world peace will only come when they have triumphed over all the so-called infidel.
還「geez」。那我也geeeez好了低端穆黑們加油咯。^^ source太差,差評哦。