如何評價《職人介紹所》第 21 期節目,以及嘉賓 趙劼 和 winter 的表現?


徒手寫代碼 + 分析完整版視頻:《職人介紹所》第 21 期:你們要的 winter 趙劼徒手寫碼到分析代碼完整版

【節目中提到的編程題】:有一個數組,從中挑ABC三個整數,讓ABC三個整數加起來等於0,看有多少個這樣的數組?(3Sum | LeetCode OJ)

單純說題,這題如果放ACM Regional賽場上,基本上妥妥的是個簽到題,屬於一場比賽一百來個隊伍每一支都能過並且開場5分鐘上下就會被過掉的題目,因此真不是什麼難題。





class Solution {
vector&&> threeSum(vector& nums) {
vector&&> rt;
if (nums.size()&<3) return rt; sort(nums.begin(), nums.end()); int last_a=nums[0]-1, last_b=nums[0]-1; for (int i=0;i&0 k&>j) k--;
if (k &> j nums[i]+nums[j]+nums[k] == 0) {
rt.push_back({nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]});
return rt;

class Solution(object):
def threeSum(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
r = set()
numk = {}
for n in nums:
numk[n] = numk.get(n, 0) + 1
def st(a,b,c):
if a &> b:
a,b = b,a
if c &<= a: return (c,a,b) elif c &<= b: return (a,c,b) else: return (a,b,c) for i in range(0, len(nums)): for j in range(i+1, len(nums)): k = -(nums[i] + nums[j]) if k in numk: if k == nums[i] and k == nums[j]: if numk[k] &>= 3:
elif k == nums[i] or k == nums[j]:
if numk[k] &>= 2:
r.add(st(nums[i], nums[j], k))
r.add(st(nums[i], nums[j], k))
return [list(v) for v in r]



class Solution(object):
def threeSum(self, nums):
:type nums: List[int]
:rtype: List[List[int]]
r = []
numk = set()
for n in nums:
nums = sorted(nums)
for i in range(0, len(nums)-2):
if nums[i] &> 0:
if i &> 0 and nums[i] == nums[i-1]:
for j in range(i+1, len(nums)-1):
if j &> i + 1 and nums[j] == nums[j-1]:
k = -(nums[i] + nums[j])
if k &< nums[j]: break if k in numk: if k == nums[j]: if nums[j+1] == k: r.append([nums[i], nums[j], k]) else: r.append([nums[i], nums[j], k]) return r






class Solution {
vector&&> threeSum(vector& nums) {
vector&&> result;
int len = nums.size();
if (len &< 3) { return result; } sort(nums.begin(), nums.end()); for (int i = 0; i &< len; ++i) { if (i &> 0 nums[i] == nums[i-1]) {
int l = i + 1;
int r = len - 1;
while (l &< r) { int sum = nums[i] + nums[l] + nums[r]; if (sum == 0) { vector& triplet{nums[i], nums[l], nums[r]};
while (l &< r nums[l] == nums[l+1]) { l++; } while (l &< r nums[r] == nums[r-1]) { r--; } l++; r--; } else if (sum &< 0) { l++; } else { r--; } } } return result; } };



void bsearch(vector& num, int key, int l, int r, vector& result) {
int i;
if (num[l] == key) {
for (i = l; num[i] == key i &< num.size(); ++i) { result.push_back(i); } return; } if (num[r] == key) { for (i = r; num[i] == key i &>= 0; --i) {
int middle;
while (l &<= r) { middle = (l + r) / 2; if (num[middle] == key) { result.push_back(middle); for (i = middle+1; num[i] == key i &< num.size(); ++i) { result.push_back(i); } for (i = middle-1; num[i] == key i &>=0; --i) {
} else if (num[middle] &> key) {
r = middle - 1;
} else {
l = middle + 1;

class Solution {
vector& &> threeSum(vector& num) {
if (num.size() &< 3) { return vector& &>();
sort(num.begin(), num.end());
int i;
int j;
map& &> result_index;
for (i = 0; i &< num.size(); ++i) { if (i!=0 num[i] == num[i-1]) { continue; } if (num[i] &> 0) {
for (j = i+1; j &< num.size(); ++j) { if (j != i+1 num[j] == num[j-1]) { continue; } vector& ks;
bsearch(num, -num[i]-num[j], j+1, num.size()-1, ks);
for (int k = 0; k &< ks.size(); ++k) { if (ks[k] != i ks[k] != j) { vector& tmp(3);
tmp[0] = num[i];
tmp[1] = num[j];
tmp[2] = num[ks[k]];
char buf[256] = {0};
sprintf(buf, "%d%d%d", tmp[0], tmp[1], tmp[2]);
if (result_index.find(buf) == result_index.end()) {
result_index[buf] = tmp;

vector& &> result(result_index.size());
map& &>::iterator it;
i = 0;
for (it = result_index.begin(); it != result_index.end(); ++it) {

return result;








老趙上來直接排序然後兩重循環+BinarySearch,就是因為他知道這條簡單直接的路是沒有坑的,winter沒見過吃虧了。至於排重的問題, HashSet的時間複雜度是O(n)(創建O(n),查詢O(1),總體O(n)),也就是不會增加時間複雜度,除非你其他部分的時間複雜度做到了O(n)這個程度了(當然複雜度不代表最終的時間)。





public class Solution
public IList&&> ThreeSum( int[] nums )
var all = new HashSet&( nums );
var left = new HashSet&();
var right = new HashSet&();
var doubles = new HashSet&();
var zeros = 0;

if ( nums.Length &< 3 ) return new int[][] { }; foreach ( var i in nums ) { if ( i &< 0 ) { if ( left.Add( i ) == false ) doubles.Add( i ); } else { if ( right.Add( i ) == false ) doubles.Add( i ); if ( i == 0 ) zeros++; } } var result = from i in left from j in right let k = -(i + j) where all.Contains( k ) (k != i || doubles.Contains( i )) (k != j || doubles.Contains( j ))//這裡是避免只出現一次的數字被兩次添加到結果 select k &> j ? new { i, j, k } : k &> i ? new { i, j = k, k = j } : new { i = k, j = i, k = j };//這裡是排序,為後面的排重做準備

var _result = result.Distinct().Select( item =&> new[] { item.i, item.j, item.k } ).ToList();
if ( zeros &>= 3 )
_result.Add( new[] { 0, 0, 0 } );//這裡是000補丁
return _result.ToArray();


其實我主要是想測試一下leetcode對LINQ Expression的支持程度。




順便說一句這個純屬賣弄風騷的代碼版本,竟然是C#裡面跑最快的?突然很奇怪其他人都寫了些啥?!(╯°Д°)╯ ┻━┻

當前最好的演算法是 	ilde O(n^2) 時間

(同時空間複雜度為 	ilde Omega(sqrt{n})

這個問題和 3-sum problem 聯繫密切

給定 x_1,ldots,x_n 想知道是否存在 x_i,x_j,x_h s.t. x_i+x_j+x_h = 0

可以看到 3-sum problem 比這道題目簡單一點。因為 3-sum problem 中只需要知道這樣的三元組是否存在。而這裡需要知道這樣的三元組的數目。

3-sum problem 當前最快的演算法就是 	ilde O(n^2) 時間。實際上有一個 3-sum conjecture,認為 3-sum 沒有 O(n^{2-varepsilon}) 時間的演算法。

在時間之外,還可以考慮空間。當前 3-sum 最優的演算法是 OBigl(frac{n^2 loglog n}{ log n}Bigr) 時間,OBigl(sqrt{frac{n log n}{ log log n}}Bigr) 空間的確定性演算法 [LWWW16](上個月才出爐的新鮮文章)

[LWWW16] Deterministic Time-Space Tradeoffs for k-SUM https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07285

實際上這篇文章提供了一系列演算法。可以以增加時間消耗為代價來節省空間。即用 	ilde O(n^{2+s}) 的時間和 	ilde O(n^{(1-s)/2}) 的空間。

首先,題目:3Sum | LeetCode OJ

節目中答應了大家要放出 @winter 和 @趙劼 寫的代碼。

下面兩張是二位分析 winter 代碼的分析過程,實在看不懂了……

限於節目的時長,我們沒有把整個的創作過程、review 過程及評價過程放出來。要是感興趣的人多,我們找機會再把這個部分的完整版視頻放出來?更新:完整版來了,請戳→《職人介紹所》第 21 期:你們要的 winter 趙劼徒手寫碼到分析代碼完整版

winter 聽起來冷冰冰的,然而







總體上winter表現還是符合預期的,風風火火大大咧咧的,說要日狗日的知乎,立馬就鼓動大家一起日。趙老闆真是……害羞的little boy……



AC那麼多次其實是因為我在測試leetcode的編譯器和伺服器的組合到底喜歡哪種優化,不過最後搞來搞去都差不多。濫用STL做了一點優化看起來時間跟 @單青峰 的結果也差不多嘛(逃

class Solution {
vector&&> threeSum(vector& nums) {
vector&&> results;

map& counts;
for (auto i : nums)
auto it = counts.find(i);
if (it == counts.end())
counts.insert(make_pair(i, 1));

int size = counts.size();
auto keys = new int[size];
auto values = new int[size];
int index = 0;
for (auto p : counts)
keys[index] = p.first;
values[index] = p.second;

for (int i = 0; i &< size; i++) { auto a = keys[i]; for (int j = i; j &< size; j++) { auto b = keys[j]; if (a == b values[i] &< 2) continue; auto c = -(a + b); if (c &< b) break; if (c == b values[j] &< 2) continue; if (c == a values[i] &< 3) continue; if (counts.find(c) == counts.end()) continue; results.push_back({ a, b, c }); } } delete[] keys; delete[] values; return move(results); } };

話說這道編程題是&ThreeSome&ThreeSum,在Algorithms 4th Edition第一章就提到了。

Analysis of Algorithms






請了老趙和 winter,結果拖住別人做這種狗屎題……





1. if (r &< j) continue; //這句是錯的,應該是 if (r &<= j),否則我給你一個[-2, 1, 2] 你會給我輸出一個 [-2, 1, 1]。

2. 查重仍然不夠。即使把(1)的錯誤改掉,仍然會有錯,比如有 [-2, 1, 1, 1],這個偽代碼會把 [-2, 1, 1]輸出兩次,而題目要求是 unique triplet。

另外,用hashtable顯然比binarysearch時間複雜度低,偽代碼的複雜度是O(n^2 log(n)),如果用hash就是O(n^2)。

當然複雜度的問題並不太大,你如果額外說只能用O(1)的空間那我也接受。但是 edge case 不考慮好,就是不及格啊,尤其是上來就聲稱「這題我見過,知道怎麼做」的情況下,寫成這樣真是挺糟糕的。

等了這麼久(截止20160621 13:00)都沒有看到最優解,我也忍不住寫了一發。。。


Remark: 最壞情況count可以越界,這裡懶特別處理了。。。


size_t ThreeSum(std::vector& v) {
size_t count = 0;
std::sort(v.begin(), v.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i &< v.size(); ++i) { size_t right_lowerbound = v.size(); size_t right_upperbound = v.size(); int64_t target = -v[i]; for (size_t left = 0; left &< v.size(); ++left) { while (right_lowerbound - left &> 0
(int64_t)v[left] + v[right_lowerbound - 1] &>= target) {
while (right_upperbound - left &> 0
(int64_t)v[left] + v[right_upperbound - 1] &> target) {
count += right_upperbound - right_lowerbound;
return count;





import sys
import traceback

def main():
indexed_arr = generate_array()
print("Official result: {0}".format(k_sum(indexed_arr, 3, len(indexed_arr), 0, create_cache())))
return 0

def run_tests():

def test_one_sum():
# 4
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
cache = create_cache()
result = one_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), len(arr), 4, cache)
if result != [(4, 3)]:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# 1
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
cache = create_cache()
result = one_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), len(arr), 1, cache)
if result != [(1, 0)]:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# 5
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
cache = create_cache()
result = one_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), len(arr), 5, cache)
if result != [(5, 4)]:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# Non-existent
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
cache = create_cache()
result = one_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), len(arr), 0, cache)
if result != None:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
except ValueError as ex:

def test_find_k_sum_all_results():
# 9 = 1 + 3 + 5 = 2 + 3 + 4
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
result = find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), 3, 9)
# Sort by the number
if result != [[(1, 0), (3, 2), (5, 4)], [(2, 1), (3, 2), (4, 3)]]:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# 21 = 3 + 8 + 10 = 3 + 9 + 9 = ...
arr = [9, 8, 4, 9, 5, 5, 10, 1, 3, 7]
result = find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), 3, 21)
# Sort by the number
if [(3, 8), (8, 1), (10, 6)] not in result:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
if [(3, 8), (9, 0), (9, 3)] not in result:
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# 100 is not achieveable by the array elements
arr = [9, 8, 4, 9, 5, 5, 10, 1, 3, 7]
result = find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), 3, 100)
if len(result) != 0:
raise ValueError("result is not an empty array--{0}".format(result))
except ValueError as ex:

def test_k_sum():
# 9 = 1 + 3 + 5 = 2 + 3 + 4
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
k = 3
n = 9
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 27
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 20 = 3 + 8 + 9 = ...
arr = [9, 8, 4, 9, 5, 5, 10, 1, 3, 7]
k = 3
n = 20
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 33
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 is not achieveable by the array elements
arr = [9, 8, 4, 9, 5, 5, 10, 1, 3, 7]
k = 3
n = 100
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
if result != None:
raise ValueError("result is not None--{0}".format(result))

# 100 array 1, rand 0
arr = get_100_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(0)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 240625
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 1, rand 1
arr = get_100_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(1)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 419527
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 1, rand 2
arr = get_100_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(2)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 255
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 1, rand 3
arr = get_100_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(3)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 8595
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 2, rand 0
arr = get_100_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(0)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 103928
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 2, rand 1
arr = get_100_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(1)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 103917
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 2, rand 2
arr = get_100_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(2)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 678
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 100 array 2, rand 3
arr = get_100_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_100_3_sum_rnd(3)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 598680
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 1000 array 1, rand 0
arr = get_1000_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_1000_3_sum_rnd(0)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 8688
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 1000 array 1, rand 1
arr = get_1000_array_1()
k = 3
n = get_1000_3_sum_rnd(1)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 46150
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 1000 array 2, rand 2
arr = get_1000_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_1000_3_sum_rnd(2)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 6212
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

# 1000 array 2, rand 3
arr = get_1000_array_2()
k = 3
n = get_1000_3_sum_rnd(3)
cache = create_cache()
result = k_sum(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, len(arr), n, cache)
# Sort by the number
if result not in find_k_sum_all_results(conv_to_indexed_array(arr), k, n):
raise ValueError("result not expected: {0}".format(result))
# count: 6290
#print("Count is {0}".format(cache["count"]))

except ValueError as ex:

def k_sum(indexed_arr, k, i, n, cache):
cache["count"] += 1
if (k, i, n) in cache:
return cache[(k, i, n)]
if k == 1:
return one_sum(indexed_arr, i, n, cache)
result = None
for (curr_idx, (num, index)) in enumerate(indexed_arr):
cache["count"] += i - 1 # For slicing the array
ret = k_sum(indexed_arr[:curr_idx] + indexed_arr[curr_idx + 1:], k - 1,
i - 1, n - num, cache)
if ret != None:
cache["count"] += k # For building the array
result = ret + [(num, index)]
cache[(k, i, n)] = result
return result
return result

def one_sum(indexed_arr, i, n, cache):
cache["count"] += 1
if (1, i, n) in cache:
return cache[(1, i, n)]
result = None
for (num, index) in indexed_arr:
cache["count"] += 1
if num == n:
result = [(num, index)]
cache[(1, i, n)] = result
return result
return result

def conv_to_indexed_array(arr):
result = []
for (i, num) in enumerate(arr):
result.append((num, i))
return result

def generate_array():
result = [2, 5, 1, -6, 5, 8, 3, 9, 0, 8]
return conv_to_indexed_array(result)

def get_100_array_1():
return [ 8, 52, 55, 74, 15, 33, 68, 35, 24, 65, 44, 50, 89, 44, 36, 63, 81,
40, 55, 58, 77, 100, 59, 53, 55, 68, 35, 36, 85, 90, 60, 75, 55,
91, 7, 88, 99, 39, 54, 74, 58, 82, 50, 3, 90, 36, 88, 5, 93, 21,
97, 67, 81, 17, 44, 17, 36, 44, 30, 37, 40, 47, 61, 21, 55, 22, 99,
32, 32, 54, 84, 36, 77, 88, 6, 71, 18, 65, 18, 9, 14, 1, 22, 58,
56, 20, 57, 13, 75, 98, 34, 25, 85, 53, 86, 66, 99, 17, 32, 45, ]

def get_100_array_2():
return [ 88, 24, 65, 20, 59, 96, 78, 48, 71, 52, 16, 44, 59, 36, 47, 70,
85, 64, 30, 93, 87, 60, 46, 61, 83, 69, 36, 97, 19, 15, 2, 59, 50,
98, 61, 71, 15, 47, 2, 84, 22, 71, 84, 65, 40, 64, 79, 38, 12, 73,
35, 8, 60, 21, 96, 98, 66, 65, 34, 76, 66, 16, 51, 62, 80, 95, 41,
21, 93, 89, 80, 92, 46, 78, 64, 36, 83, 49, 83, 66, 47, 90, 74, 82,
21, 1, 25, 32, 44, 13, 63, 82, 57, 50, 3, 89, 44, 43, 19, 87, ]

def get_100_3_sum_rnd(index):
if index == 0:
return 288
elif index == 1:
return 289
elif index == 2:
return 157
elif index == 3:
return 17
raise ValueError("Invalid index--{0}".format(index))

def get_1000_array_1():
return [ 404, 118, 227, 795, 986, 803, 602, 920, 839, 731, 648, 474, 636,
954, 995, 740, 510, 339, 522, 971, 576, 978, 380, 95, 650, 588,
632, 441, 989, 820, 525, 753, 789, 865, 180, 410, 738, 660, 102,
669, 716, 159, 745, 260, 539, 594, 241, 761, 368, 35, 129, 380,
754, 720, 885, 130, 892, 693, 386, 840, 131, 863, 725, 580, 510,
123, 109, 117, 259, 683, 257, 716, 539, 658, 532, 691, 68, 300,
356, 985, 365, 640, 815, 322, 481, 259, 214, 805, 393, 172, 94,
120, 451, 357, 582, 669, 292, 253, 717, 202, 298, 477, 20, 238,
548, 337, 561, 474, 271, 648, 862, 974, 773, 69, 432, 961, 976,
435, 928, 273, 950, 652, 772, 435, 727, 388, 523, 22, 249, 7, 729,
766, 306, 888, 848, 828, 226, 267, 308, 176, 925, 341, 2, 892, 269,
610, 202, 8, 246, 98, 36, 381, 620, 927, 970, 916, 322, 429, 241,
237, 180, 979, 139, 322, 777, 851, 319, 770, 140, 853, 332, 937,
826, 158, 89, 645, 781, 976, 896, 808, 778, 561, 702, 534, 62, 331,
244, 977, 620, 324, 776, 33, 486, 488, 477, 837, 363, 782, 607,
768, 416, 581, 483, 46, 363, 168, 728, 445, 283, 368, 552, 604,
818, 584, 208, 553, 307, 560, 115, 605, 57, 953, 623, 935, 97, 313,
555, 160, 54, 616, 560, 257, 242, 794, 432, 170, 266, 44, 467, 213,
753, 62, 33, 139, 789, 695, 759, 424, 635, 217, 208, 295, 449, 331,
205, 399, 720, 440, 145, 378, 922, 278, 327, 595, 580, 65, 271,
754, 87, 392, 851, 123, 115, 70, 544, 535, 202, 848, 815, 743, 974,
271, 796, 653, 926, 796, 173, 956, 404, 359, 712, 988, 799, 148, 1,
800, 75, 947, 723, 727, 964, 468, 168, 202, 514, 86, 243, 48, 64,
669, 48, 824, 702, 799, 534, 325, 388, 696, 243, 347, 159, 729, 95,
5, 274, 597, 651, 275, 352, 249, 865, 887, 967, 899, 266, 320, 327,
931, 141, 947, 965, 654, 4, 932, 409, 834, 672, 998, 63, 468, 732,
582, 91, 828, 946, 436, 753, 821, 61, 580, 20, 626, 257, 251, 347,
165, 842, 390, 634, 686, 9, 235, 939, 569, 250, 957, 637, 580, 719,
355, 675, 465, 63, 641, 692, 291, 704, 620, 92, 168, 854, 864, 628,
568, 108, 302, 368, 688, 592, 770, 503, 798, 841, 828, 760, 845,
96, 926, 109, 812, 231, 259, 317, 178, 168, 831, 12, 457, 280, 606,
582, 382, 587, 732, 164, 884, 796, 735, 377, 517, 988, 990, 827,
22, 447, 325, 142, 432, 225, 572, 503, 401, 790, 985, 258, 107,
850, 1000, 539, 971, 309, 917, 50, 860, 543, 452, 753, 885, 37,
805, 619, 381, 459, 373, 652, 357, 706, 513, 748, 26, 655, 563,
938, 199, 448, 578, 398, 97, 131, 805, 213, 390, 947, 485, 358,
837, 26, 354, 963, 915, 483, 695, 227, 169, 185, 597, 908, 590,
904, 314, 323, 355, 452, 799, 768, 252, 508, 407, 586, 499, 162,
618, 838, 916, 792, 817, 524, 37, 175, 280, 603, 199, 736, 378, 28,
108, 347, 24, 119, 106, 10, 976, 754, 970, 166, 785, 401, 818, 114,
940, 697, 540, 667, 490, 749, 686, 631, 363, 719, 205, 302, 76,
392, 697, 181, 452, 787, 229, 968, 827, 131, 256, 885, 750, 855,
661, 72, 595, 422, 33, 242, 835, 56, 339, 879, 241, 439, 246, 207,
22, 27, 179, 947, 881, 462, 930, 72, 923, 330, 940, 338, 526, 498,
642, 350, 96, 169, 183, 147, 36, 604, 507, 521, 722, 267, 706, 482,
292, 739, 760, 478, 523, 619, 728, 295, 869, 759, 570, 732, 562,
528, 670, 449, 123, 52, 425, 814, 598, 257, 584, 195, 285, 373,
229, 954, 17, 371, 140, 237, 28, 596, 370, 892, 934, 476, 786, 46,
291, 366, 991, 725, 101, 881, 998, 529, 856, 957, 613, 657, 573,
951, 516, 775, 785, 972, 687, 222, 461, 171, 488, 52, 421, 76, 83,
496, 862, 454, 184, 623, 399, 898, 164, 598, 593, 326, 101, 652, 8,
60, 901, 338, 23, 921, 864, 376, 189, 699, 503, 789, 694, 315, 593,
969, 23, 1000, 186, 180, 156, 615, 511, 334, 803, 685, 818, 641,
697, 542, 351, 296, 157, 163, 2, 857, 379, 576, 255, 509, 603, 513,
683, 760, 37, 549, 601, 423, 200, 133, 577, 223, 184, 104, 259,
508, 924, 998, 950, 88, 520, 176, 8, 476, 217, 160, 299, 947, 999,
324, 452, 647, 865, 689, 463, 767, 481, 184, 173, 715, 686, 767,
664, 739, 16, 267, 99, 483, 848, 311, 639, 508, 209, 576, 500, 894,
875, 391, 197, 583, 539, 571, 561, 479, 153, 125, 389, 481, 613,
455, 731, 547, 808, 633, 952, 518, 943, 112, 742, 535, 662, 143,
345, 158, 606, 138, 369, 607, 531, 325, 819, 497, 563, 794, 841,
355, 967, 688, 162, 398, 575, 185, 224, 620, 936, 857, 815, 793,
371, 159, 51, 876, 614, 965, 623, 507, 493, 23, 412, 13, 513, 304,
456, 842, 243, 734, 622, 663, 850, 353, 856, 771, 786, 243, 273,
714, 630, 297, 157, 981, 330, 718, 540, 413, 845, 802, 976, 651,
237, 164, 760, 571, 536, 191, 541, 787, 634, 459, 166, 242, 347,
812, 155, 769, 247, 112, 55, 202, 403, 101, 842, 498, 855, 250,
696, 751, 964, 899, 789, 318, 453, 570, 470, 158, 104, 169, 281,
318, 407, 564, 989, 784, 840, 404, 909, 465, 113, 642, 667, 994,
280, 489, 664, 666, 985, 972, 82, 490, 669, 433, 93, 875, 439, 477,
538, 415, 796, 482, 548, 596, 899, 762, 540, 12, 195, 234, 697,
771, 669, 18, 416, 387, 713, 522, 713, 93, 630, 43, 736, 237, 165,
769, 187, 577, 690, 707, 54, 769, 735, 823, 640, 426, 918, 695, 76,
100, 105, 403, 623, 976, 320, 600, 857, 176, 300, 660, 911, 604,
742, 179, 142, 445, 637, ]

def get_1000_array_2():
return [ 289, 552, 459, 938, 42, 986, 108, 746, 199, 716, 196, 834, 518,
677, 133, 251, 534, 149, 317, 482, 855, 402, 825, 87, 817, 370,
687, 448, 886, 630, 461, 921, 589, 765, 312, 160, 572, 854, 682,
481, 741, 529, 591, 344, 174, 699, 281, 11, 686, 893, 13, 89, 769,
556, 219, 21, 444, 440, 195, 650, 921, 554, 435, 547, 366, 184,
502, 969, 588, 231, 201, 498, 401, 168, 197, 696, 797, 259, 668,
836, 992, 360, 189, 171, 112, 215, 840, 625, 619, 980, 395, 908,
183, 424, 416, 249, 570, 556, 851, 706, 356, 5, 899, 137, 905, 393,
743, 128, 597, 878, 47, 913, 716, 307, 984, 364, 802, 242, 882,
790, 156, 659, 599, 317, 453, 714, 736, 999, 236, 434, 144, 110,
644, 829, 496, 376, 463, 75, 367, 743, 114, 33, 63, 996, 956, 270,
753, 930, 785, 587, 211, 331, 219, 806, 312, 288, 184, 425, 747,
665, 342, 374, 441, 863, 519, 309, 493, 867, 272, 659, 985, 709,
550, 971, 263, 100, 767, 765, 618, 811, 902, 212, 493, 387, 616,
141, 461, 607, 269, 426, 417, 284, 669, 766, 764, 377, 71, 386,
100, 506, 21, 843, 829, 589, 466, 556, 767, 761, 590, 282, 849,
982, 89, 616, 171, 562, 889, 389, 437, 875, 314, 68, 845, 16, 259,
258, 35, 725, 636, 772, 433, 30, 923, 715, 995, 83, 242, 745, 827,
1000, 652, 851, 482, 825, 123, 23, 142, 187, 396, 337, 430, 156,
783, 173, 693, 952, 949, 429, 19, 186, 680, 499, 856, 90, 149, 604,
161, 348, 876, 222, 968, 884, 855, 255, 115, 418, 524, 699, 874,
699, 759, 959, 863, 126, 979, 240, 885, 179, 721, 990, 823, 903,
583, 87, 6, 506, 341, 461, 61, 462, 786, 139, 763, 381, 226, 611,
32, 237, 477, 516, 848, 483, 89, 786, 815, 277, 622, 610, 487, 807,
108, 694, 859, 77, 585, 1000, 292, 693, 460, 725, 389, 508, 65,
268, 35, 125, 946, 821, 184, 536, 641, 704, 169, 43, 122, 839, 283,
82, 399, 337, 937, 439, 684, 66, 630, 463, 540, 471, 351, 691, 382,
736, 530, 47, 81, 653, 928, 783, 163, 105, 34, 163, 671, 217, 269,
921, 341, 224, 173, 754, 897, 334, 815, 837, 671, 643, 131, 420,
38, 205, 258, 468, 374, 184, 998, 763, 26, 877, 782, 752, 58, 9,
123, 475, 683, 601, 249, 840, 486, 158, 540, 660, 172, 377, 738,
351, 286, 800, 739, 155, 484, 494, 277, 438, 370, 352, 106, 467,
612, 424, 810, 523, 528, 306, 434, 415, 933, 54, 857, 473, 165,
677, 119, 820, 687, 126, 641, 918, 382, 628, 640, 939, 136, 888,
802, 390, 727, 537, 390, 806, 92, 206, 128, 664, 313, 773, 924,
853, 439, 899, 996, 533, 21, 737, 468, 556, 372, 870, 145, 434,
683, 824, 657, 64, 262, 511, 318, 579, 172, 104, 600, 155, 127, 67,
733, 864, 647, 526, 733, 605, 973, 374, 461, 374, 788, 28, 315,
251, 860, 605, 473, 302, 845, 117, 645, 557, 622, 396, 615, 396,
180, 205, 956, 531, 688, 288, 660, 317, 173, 675, 423, 714, 878,
651, 286, 193, 661, 955, 892, 101, 604, 358, 315, 117, 850, 113,
564, 204, 426, 487, 805, 936, 842, 664, 366, 974, 917, 32, 498, 15,
573, 22, 432, 398, 701, 705, 998, 294, 646, 252, 629, 605, 386,
375, 92, 73, 840, 389, 767, 590, 562, 329, 132, 547, 643, 932, 631,
731, 776, 471, 337, 246, 3, 674, 606, 512, 20, 134, 640, 388, 438,
750, 927, 286, 510, 371, 157, 417, 146, 966, 483, 422, 474, 765,
393, 259, 473, 129, 306, 826, 276, 263, 654, 854, 550, 433, 81,
968, 271, 286, 917, 470, 537, 851, 459, 253, 760, 596, 383, 278,
56, 577, 993, 485, 470, 578, 575, 749, 862, 147, 987, 243, 849,
134, 91, 223, 271, 811, 975, 292, 441, 681, 837, 881, 649, 906,
746, 389, 278, 808, 892, 599, 482, 319, 404, 91, 687, 481, 62, 970,
571, 683, 6, 824, 353, 617, 796, 637, 645, 423, 223, 556, 861, 409,
162, 183, 274, 957, 211, 141, 108, 50, 312, 238, 829, 243, 814,
629, 915, 102, 839, 599, 719, 997, 862, 330, 644, 805, 761, 296,
205, 350, 112, 492, 856, 359, 907, 774, 170, 65, 420, 295, 383, 68,
814, 958, 201, 519, 961, 871, 566, 523, 706, 64, 911, 279, 190,
727, 912, 36, 281, 350, 239, 940, 416, 836, 631, 307, 26, 933, 714,
112, 471, 976, 60, 146, 850, 366, 358, 788, 48, 37, 368, 1, 915,
616, 5, 357, 21, 733, 606, 558, 469, 218, 917, 241, 1000, 493, 56,
69, 155, 499, 40, 480, 891, 530, 82, 957, 533, 923, 837, 280, 37,
314, 835, 189, 492, 283, 683, 393, 101, 601, 194, 220, 413, 654,
510, 906, 675, 420, 375, 235, 922, 899, 100, 767, 206, 621, 662,
780, 650, 924, 573, 946, 752, 66, 366, 703, 198, 603, 684, 613, 38,
528, 122, 379, 506, 894, 420, 706, 904, 783, 736, 414, 602, 958,
849, 820, 617, 701, 317, 188, 837, 711, 979, 477, 98, 739, 849, 67,
22, 533, 54, 561, 513, 583, 655, 774, 87, 313, 194, 235, 525, 31,
344, 529, 871, 252, 495, 417, 812, 143, 684, 708, 370, 239, 580,
641, 829, 147, 236, 18, 363, 977, 891, 894, 667, 848, 54, 153, 733,
687, 434, 501, 897, 245, 321, 569, 892, 274, 127, 810, 306, 495,
742, 947, 82, 912, 554, 107, 32, 506, 805, 563, 504, 618, 834, 514,
28, 210, 581, 960, 98, 48, 913, 307, 433, 105, 726, 876, 526, 940,
786, 517, 287, 616, 29, 151, 638, 935, 930, 95, 479, 808, 869, 150,
416, 1000, 43, 595, 329, 350, 602, 451, 149, 273, 404, 133, 463,
607, 39, 407, 788, 608, 953, 879, 137, 320, 11, 240, 744, 826, 944,
899, 282, 777, 170, 143, 666, 840, ]

def get_1000_3_sum_rnd(index):
if index == 0:
return 2291
elif index == 1:
return 823
elif index == 2:
return 2209
elif index == 3:
return 2217
raise ValueError("Invalid index--{0}".format(index))

def find_k_sum_all_results(indexed_arr, k, n):
indexed_set = set(indexed_arr)
result = find_k_sum_all_results_rec(indexed_set, k, n)
result = [list(x) for x in result]
return result

def find_k_sum_all_results_rec(indexed_set, k, n):
if k == 1:
return find_one_sum_all_results(indexed_set, n)
result = set()
for (num, index) in indexed_set:
indexed_set.remove((num, index)) # Take the number before recursion
ret = find_k_sum_all_results_rec(indexed_set, k - 1, n - num)
# We sort the result, so that duplicate ones can automatically be
# eliminated
# A set needs to use tuples rather than lists as members
result.update([tuple(sort_indexed_iterable(list(x) + [(num, index)]))
for x in ret])
indexed_set.add((num, index)) # Put the number back
return result

def sort_indexed_iterable(indexed_iterable):
sorted_list = list(indexed_iterable)
return sorted_list

def find_one_sum_all_results(indexed_set, n):
result = set()
for (num, index) in indexed_set:
if num == n:
result.add(((num, index),))
return result

def create_cache():
return { "count" : 0 }









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