

美國當年給出去的錢被稱為「ex gratia」

何為「ex gratia」呢?

—used to describe something that is done or given freely rather than because it is required by a law

: as a favor : not compelled by legal right &<ex gratia pension payments&>

Ex gratia - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary


為什麼被稱為「ex gratia」,因為美國根本沒有承認那次事件是自己的責任。他們稱之為「accident」,只有給意外事件中的遇難者給的撫恤金才叫「ex gratia」。


  • 首先,肯定是因為近期的 MH17 事件導致了蘇聯方面的這些黑歷史被大多數人關注了。

  • 其次,蘇聯誤擊韓國客機曾經在五年內發生過兩次,分別在 1978 年和 1983 年。這當然也會更加引人注目。

  • 最後,韓國人發聲鳴冤的能力要比伊朗人強太多。所以事件過後那些時間被人們關注的肯定也就多。導致後人知道的就多。

補充點 1988 年事件的信息。


且看美國國防部對於那次事件的 Investigation[1] 中都是怎麼說的,注意劃線部分。

&" dw="621" dh="306" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy" w="621" data-original="https://pic4.zhimg.com/0e467dd358337a80ba7627080931210a_r.jpg" data-actualsrc="//i1.wp.com/pic4.zhimg.com/50/0e467dd358337a80ba7627080931210a_hd.jpg">

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Allowing it to fly a relatively low altitude air route in close proximity to hostilities that had been ongoing for several hours.


然而後來部分美國官方人士就承認了這是謊言,當然還有執拗的,比如說 Fiztwater 就對這個避而不談。

U.S. officials defended shooting down the airliner, claiming that the aircraft was outside the commercial jet flight corridor, flying at only 7,800 feet, and was on a descent toward the Vincennes. This claim was later proven to be a bald faced lie. One month later, U.S. authorities admitted that IR655 was in fact within the commercial flight corridor, flying at 12,000 feet, and NOT descending as was claimed earlier.[2]

至於 1996 年 International Court of Justice (of the U.S) 裁決美國應該賠償伊朗 61.8 + 70 million USD[3],上面是這麼說的:

&" dw="753" dh="389" class="origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb lazy" w="753" data-original="https://pic3.zhimg.com/87a134f6bb50c8919870700d34e5b885_r.jpg" data-actualsrc="//i1.wp.com/pic3.zhimg.com/50/87a134f6bb50c8919870700d34e5b885_hd.jpg">

裁決之後,當時白宮發言人 Marlin Fitzwater 是這樣說的:

"This offer of ex gratia compensation is consistent with international practice and is a humanitarian effort to ease the hardship of the families. It is offered on a voluntary basis, NOT on the basis of any legal liability or obligation," said Fitzwater. "The responsibility for this tragic incident, and for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of other innocent victims as a result of the Iran-Iraq war, lies with those who refuse to end the conflict."

取自:Ronald Reagan: 1988-89 Book II[3]

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可以看到美國一直都在用巧妙的言辭來避免自己承擔對此次事件的責任,通過將事情化為戰時的意外事件,然後謊稱曾發出過 Warning 並且謊稱 655 飛行高度過低導致艦艇士兵必須做出無可奈何的自衛行為。即使最後賠償也是被巧言作 ex gratia 來明示自己對事件不負任何責任。


1990 年的時候,老布希給當時射擊伊朗的 US carrier USS Vincennes 的艦長 Will Rogers 授予了美國的功勛勳章(Legion of Merit)給出的理由是:

for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service as commanding officer" of the Vincennes in the period from April 1987 to May 1989[5]



至於有些人提到 Regret 是 Sorry 的官方說法。不對,也不可能。美國官方在這些文件中的用詞都是詞詞小心,每一個詞都是很微妙的能讓自己避開對事情擔責任,所謂「regret」,所謂「voluntary」,所謂「ex gratia」這些詞和咱們的「有關部門」,「深入貫徹落實」等這些詞都是一個意思。


[1] DOD Investigation

[2] Iran Investigation

[3] Ronald Reagan: 1988-89 (in two books). [Book 2] P.935


[5] The United States and Iran: Sanctions, Wars and the Policy of Dual Containment By Sasan Fayazmanesh P.239


The United States government "expressed regret only for the loss of innocent life and did not make a specific apology to the Iranian government." In February 1996, the United States agreed to pay Iran US$131.8 million in settlement to discontinue a case brought by Iran in 1989 against the U.S. in the International Court of Justice relating to this incident, together with other earlier claims before the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal. US$61.8 million of the claim was in compensation for the 248 Iranians killed in the shoot-down: $300,000 per wage-earning victim and $150,000 per non-wage-earner. In total, 290 civilians on board were killed, 38 being non-Iranians and 66 being children. It was not disclosed how the remaining $70 million of the settlement was apportioned, though it appears a close approximation of the value of a used A300 jet at the time. Further compensation was paid for the 38 non-Iranian deaths. The payment of compensation was explicitly characterized by the US as being on an ex gratia basis, and the U.S. denied having any responsibility or liability for what happened.










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