





盟軍1 孤獨守衛(Lone Guardian):

未超時評價: 您閃電般的反擊,阻撓了蘇聯的侵攻。(Your lightning counterattack blunted the Soviet invasion.)

未超時軍銜:上士(Staff Sergeant)

超時評價:您幾乎沒有阻擋蘇聯的進軍。(You barely succeeded in holding back the Soviet advance.)


盟軍2 危機黎明(Eagle Dawn):

未超時評價:您發動的坦克突襲戰震驚了蘇聯軍隊,短短几小時內戰鬥就結束了。(Your tank blitz stunned the Soviets, ending the battle in a few short hours.)

未超時軍銜:士官長(Master Sergeant)

超時評價:您那令人難以忍受的攻擊,造成了幾百條人命的傷亡,但解放了空軍學院。(Your grinding assault cost hundreds of lives but liberated the Air Force Academy.)

超時軍銜:上士(Staff Sergeant)

盟軍3 為長官歡呼(Hail to the Chief):

未超時評價:總統在蘇聯能拷問出重要軍事情報之前,就被我們救出來了。(The President was rescued long before the Soviets could discover any important military secrets.)

未超時軍銜:軍士長(Sergeant Major)

超時評價:我們救出了總統,但許多軍事機密不幸泄露了。(The President was rescued, though many military secrets were compromised.)

超時軍銜:士官長(Master Sergeant)

盟軍4 最後機會(Last Chance):

未超時評價:雖然芝加哥損失慘重,然而遠不及整個國家毀滅的嚴重。你迅速的摧毀心靈增幅器,讓蘇聯人沒有時間再充分測試其威力。(The tragic loss of Chicago, however devastating, doesn"t compare to the loss of our whole nation. Your quick destruction of the Psychic Amplifier meant that the Soviets never had time to fully test its power.)

未超時軍銜:少尉(2nd Lieutenant)

超時評價:心靈增幅器被摧毀了,不過蘇聯已經獲得其使用效果的寶貴測試資料。不論芝加哥悲慘的損失,至少你拯救了整個國家免於落入蘇聯強大心靈武器的攻擊。(The Psychic Amplifier was destroyed, but not before the Soviets gained valuable test data about it"s effects. In spite of the tragic loss of Chicago, however, you"ve saved our entire nation from falling under the influence of the Soviets" most powerful psychic weapon.)

超時軍銜:軍士長(Sergeant Major)

盟軍5 暗夜(Dark Night):

未超時評價:蘇聯指揮官仍然在分析您的突擊,嘗試找出您到底是如何神不知鬼不覺的潛入。(Soviet commanders are still analyzing your attack, trying to discover the secrets of your advanced covert strategies.)

未超時軍銜:中尉(1st Lieutenant)

超時評價:飛彈已遭摧毀,其他蘇聯飛彈已經移到蘇聯內陸。(The missiles have been destroyed. Other Soviet missiles have been moved deep inside the USSR.)

超時軍銜:少尉(2nd Lieutenant)

盟軍6 自由(Liberty):

未超時評價:您徹底的消滅了蘇聯軍隊,解放了華盛頓特區,足以登上歷史。(The precision with which you destroyed the Soviet forces and liberated Washington DC is one for the record books.)


超時評價:我們拯救了華盛頓特區,但人員和物資都付出了慘重代價。(Washington DC has been saved, but at a terrible price in men and materials.)

超時軍銜:中尉(1st Lieutenant)

盟軍7 深海(Deep Sea):

未超時評價:您如此英勇的防守了珍珠港,太平洋是我們的了。(You defended Pearl Harbor with such ferocity that the Pacific is ours.)


超時評價:我們拯救了珍珠港,但夏威夷群島已經遭到蘇聯輪番猛攻而化為廢墟。(Pearl Harbor has been saved, but the Hawaiian islands have been devestated by the Soviet onslaught.)


盟軍8 自由門戶(Free Gateway):

未超時評價:您拯救了聖路易市,讓市民免於遭受任何損傷。(You saved Saint Louis before her citizens could come to any harm.)

未超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

超時評價:我們雖然拯救了聖路易,但成千上萬的美國人將永遠轉向蘇聯陣營了。(Saint Louis was saved, but thousands of American citizens were permanently turned to the Soviet cause.)


盟軍9 太陽神殿(Sun Temple):

未超時評價:蘇聯士兵替您取了「鬼神」的綽號,因為您能神不知鬼不覺的痛宰他們。(Soviet Soldiers have nicknamed you "The Ghost" for your skills at stealthy destruction.)


超時評價:幸虧有你,我們已經重新取回我方科技。(Thanks to you, our technology has been recovered.)

超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

盟軍10 海市蜃樓(Mirage):

未超時評價:德國指揮官十分欣賞你的效率,請求您傳授德國軍官戰略和指揮的課程。(Impressed by your efficiency, German Commanders have asked you to train their officers in strategy and command.)

未超時軍銜:准將(Brigadier General)

超時評價:我們挽救了黑森林的實驗室,愛因斯坦的工作能持續下去了。(The Black Forest lab has been saved, Einstein"s work can continue.)


盟軍11 核爆輻射塵(Fallout):

未超時評價:俄國指揮官擔心您的指揮能力超過整個盟軍師團。如果說有人能扭轉戰局,那肯定是您。(Russian commanders fear your command more than whole Allied divisions. If one man can make a difference, you are that man.)


超時評價:超時空傳送場建造好了,由於您不眠不休的努力,盟軍已經要發動迎接勝利的最後一擊了。(The Chronosphere is built. Thanks to your tireless effort, the Allies are ready for one final push to victory.)

超時軍銜:准將(Brigadier General)

盟軍12 超時空風暴(Chrono Storm):

未超時評價:您那傳奇般的指揮技能,將永垂史冊。您是古往今來最傑出的將領之一。(Your legendary command skills will go down in history. You are one of the greatest generals of all time.)

未超時軍銜:戰區指揮官(Theater Commander)

超時評價:我們俘虜了洛馬諾夫,打了勝仗。勝利是您的了。(Romanov is captured, the war is won. Victory is yours.)


蘇聯1 紅色黎明(Red Dawn):

未超時評價:我們很快就粉碎了五角大樓,同時我方英勇的戰士。俘虜了許多美軍將領,讓美軍的軍力嚴重受挫。(The Pentagon was crushed so quickly that many important American generals were captured by our victorious soldiers, crippling their armed forces.)

未超時軍銜:一兵(Efreitor (Corporal))(翻譯出錯,明明是下士)

超時評價:由於您的傑出表現,我們摧毀了五角大廈,美軍陷入一片混亂之中。(Thanks to you, the Pentagon has been destroyed and the American military has been thrown into chaos.)

超時軍銜:二兵(Ryadovoy (Private))

蘇聯2 危機四伏(Hostile Shore):

未超時評價:美軍艦隊和海軍基地迅速遭到摧毀,您的部隊因而能俘虜數名美軍軍官。(The American fleet and Naval base were destroyed so quickly that your soldiers were able to capture several American officers.)

未超時軍銜:中士(Mladhiy Serzhant (Sergeant))

超時評價:我們已經摧毀了美軍艦隊。但蘇聯的傷亡也很慘重,不過只要您能繼續打勝仗,這算不了什麼。(The American fleet was destroyed. While Soviet casualties were high, this is of no concern so long as you continue to bring victory.)

超時軍銜:一兵(Efreitor (Corporal))(翻譯出錯,明明是下士)

蘇聯3 大蘋果(Big Apple):

未超時評價:心靈信標很快建立了起來,整個美國裝甲師團在逃脫之前都被其力量所控制。(The Psychic Beacon was built so quickly that an entire American Armored division was captured by its power before they could escape.)

未超時軍銜:上士(Starshiy Serzhant (Technical Sergeant))

超時評價:您已經將洛馬諾夫總理的勢力擴展開來,美國人民現在熱切希望加入我方軍隊。(You have spread the power of Premier Romanov. American civilians are eagerly joining our army.)

超時軍銜:中士(Mladhiy Serzhant (Sergeant))

蘇聯4 家鄉前線(Home Front):

未超時評價:韓國的入侵遭到殘暴的擊退, 以至於韓國部分政府官員秘密與我們求和。(The Korean invasion was repelled with such ferocity that some members of their government have spoken secretly to us of peace.)

未超時軍銜:士官長(Starshina (Master Sergeant))

超時評價:經歷了漫長而血腥的戰鬥後,您成功的防守了祖國俄羅斯。(In a long and bloody battle, you successfully defended mother Russia.)

超時軍銜:上士(Starshiy Serzhant (Technical Sergeant))

蘇聯5 燈火之城(City of Lights):

未超時評價:法國人對您的恐懼更甚於我軍的坦克。在巴黎他們稱您為屠夫。(The French fear your command more than they fear our tanks. In Paris you are known only as "The Butcher".)

未超時軍銜:軍士長(Mladshiy Leytenant (Sergeant Major))

超時評價:你將巴黎鐵塔轉變成恐怖的武器,這對歐洲的懲罰已經足夠。(You turned the Paris Tower into a weapon of terror. You have "punished" Europe sufficiently.)

超時軍銜:士官長(Starshina (Master Sergeant))

蘇聯6 劃分(Sub-Divide):

未超時評價:盟軍將軍拒絕將船艦派到海上,所以您很快就毀滅了珍珠港。(Allied Admirals now refuse to send their ships to sea, so quick was your destruction of Pearl Harbor.)

未超時軍銜:少尉(Starshiy Leytenant (1st Lieutenant))(翻譯出錯,明明是中尉)

超時評價:我們成功的隔絕了韓國與美國的會師,太平洋現在掌握在我們手中。(The Koreans and Americans have been successfully divided. The Pacific is ours.)

超時軍銜:軍士長(Mladshiy Leytenant (Sergeant Major))

蘇聯7 超時空防禦戰(Chrono Defense):

未超時評價:您那殘酷無情的效率,贏得了紅軍的崇高敬意,甚至有功高震主的現象。(Your ruthless efficiency has earned you great respect in the Red Army and made Soviet leadership fear your popularity.)

未超時軍銜:上尉(Kapitan (Captain))

超時評價:作戰實驗室已經安全了,盟軍不敢再度侵犯祖國俄羅斯。(The battle lab is safe. The Allies will not dare strike inside mother Russia again.)

超時軍銜:少尉(Starshiy Leytenant (1st Lieutenant))(翻譯出錯,明明是中尉)

蘇聯8 首都之辱(Desecration):

未超時評價:留意吧,叛徒:您冷不防直襲華盛頓特區,讓對手對您的戰略技巧感到膽寒。(Traitors beware: Your sudden and righteous attack on Washington D.C. has made your rivals fear your strategic skills.)


超時評價:維拉迪摩已經為他的罪行付出代價。您的勝利就算在此最黑暗的時刻,還是廣為周知。(Vladimir has been punished for his crimes. Your victory has not gone unnoticed in this dark hour.)

超時軍銜:上尉(Kapitan (Captain))

蘇聯9 狐狸與獵犬(The Fox and the Hound):

未超時評價:世界上的領導人一聽到我們的超能力部隊,莫不心驚膽顫。在您的指揮下,沒人能夠逃脫。(World leaders tremble in fear at the mention of our psychic troops. With you in command, no one is safe.)(「psychic troops」翻譯為「心靈部隊」更好。)

未超時軍銜:中校(Podpolkovnik (Lieutenant Colonel))

超時評價:我們將總統從心靈控制中解放出來了,您的努力與忠誠一定會獲得獎勵的。(The President is ours to command. You will be rewarded for your zeal.)(翻譯出錯,應為總統已經聽從我們的命令了)


蘇聯10 殘兵敗將(Weathered Alliance):

未超時評價:您的戰略技巧已經成為傳奇。人們公開流傳著,是您獨將他們帶往勝利。(Your strategic skills are becoming legendary. It is openly said among the men that it is you alone that will bring them victory.)

未超時軍銜:上校(Polkovnik (Colonel))

超時評價:盟軍在你笨手笨腳的攻擊下, 看來也撐不了多久了。不過你倒是把部下的生命犧牲的很愜意呀!(The Allies cannot hold out much longer against your heavy-handed assaults. You use the lives of your men well.)

超時軍銜:中校(Podpolkovnik (Lieutenant Colonel))

蘇聯11 紅色革命(Red Revolution):

未超時評價:您的大名就連學童也聽過了,您是有史以來最偉大的將軍。(Already your name is known to school children as the greatest general the world has ever known.)

未超時軍銜:將軍(Glaviy Marshal (General))

超時評價:尤里的防禦軟弱無力。您的坦克師團將他掃蕩完全,同時也掃除了許多其他人。(Yuri"s defenses were weak and feeble. Your tank divisions swept him aside as you have swept aside so many others.)

超時軍銜:上校(Polkovnik (Colonel))

蘇聯12 北極風暴(Polar Storm):

未超時評價:歷史會將您的大名與史上最偉大的指揮官並列。現在世界歸您統治了。(History will name you among the greatest commanders that has ever lived. Now the world is yours to rule.)

未超時軍銜:總司令(Generalissimus (Supreme Commander))

超時評價:盟軍已經失敗,世界各地的人們懇求您的軍隊能饒過他們一命。至高無上的權勢,現在歸您獨有。(The Allies are beaten and the world is begging to be spared the carnage of your armed forces. Supreme power is yours alone.)

超時軍銜:將軍(Glaviy Marshal (General))


盟軍1 光陰似箭(Time Lapse):

未超時評價:你的快速反應,抓到了蘇聯與尤里的防守漏洞,蘇聯入侵舊金山的行動遭到了挫折,而尤里的布局也被全盤破壞。指揮官,幹得好!(Your quick thinking caught both the Soviets and Yuri off guard. The Soviet invasion of San Francisco has been thwarted, and Yuri"s plans have been thrown into disarray. Well done, Commander.)

未超時軍銜:中尉(1st Lieutenant)

超時評價:雖然我們已經阻止了蘇聯與尤里的計劃,但舊金山的人民已經遭受了可怕的傷亡。(Though we have thwarted both the plans of the Soviets and Yuri, the population of San Francisco suffered terrible losses.)

超時軍銜:少尉(2nd Lieutenant)

盟軍2 好萊塢,夢一場(Hollywood and Vain):

未超時評價:指揮官,表現真傑出。你的快速行動使得本城市的傷亡降到最低,並阻斷了尤里計劃的重要收入來源。好萊塢的星探們已經開出價錢,想取得你生平故事的授權,拍成電影。(Great job, Commander. Your quick actions minimized civilian losses in the city and denied Yuri an important source of income to fund his plans. Hollywood agents are already offering deals for the rights to your life story.)


超時評價:尤里已經損失了重要的收入來源,但還不及洛杉磯市民們所付出的慘痛代價。(Yuri has lost an important source of funds, but not without exacting a heavy price on the civilian population of Los Angeles.)(翻譯出錯,not without這裡是雙重否定,等於with。可翻譯為「但洛杉磯市民們付出了慘痛的代價。」)

超時軍銜:中尉(1st Lieutenant)

盟軍3 集中攻擊(Power Play):

未超時評價:尤里企圖勒索西雅圖市的陰謀已經被破壞了,你有如光速般的快捷反應,成功的讓市民免於遭受重大的傷亡。尤里必須另外尋找方法以籌集戰爭資金了。(Yuri"s plot to blackmail the city of Seattle has been thwarted. Your lightning-fast response prevented heavy losses to the population. Yuri will have to look elsewhere to fund his war effort.)


超時評價:雖然尤里已經從西雅圖撤退了,但這座城市卻為你的勝利付出慘痛的代價;許多西雅圖市民現在都躺在充滿輻射的廢墟中,軟體市場也被搞得一團亂。(Though Yuri has been driven from Seattle, the city paid a heavy price for your victory. Much of Seattle now lies in radioactive ruins, and the software market has been thrown into disarray.)


盟軍4 古墓奇擊(Tomb Raided):

未超時評價:藉由你快速且準確的行動,我們已經解救了愛因斯坦,並且破壞了尤里的設施;尤里終於見識到你是一名難纏的敵人。(With your speed and accuracy Einstein was rescued and Yuri"s installation is no more. Yuri realizes now you"re a force to be reckoned with.)

未超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

超時評價:你解救了愛因斯坦。但尤里在基地被摧毀前,已經將主要軍隊撤離了。(You rescued Einstein but Yuri was able to withdraw key forces before his base was destroyed.)


盟軍5 紐澳複製戰(Clones Down Under):

未超時評價:多虧了你出眾的戰略,尤里的複製工廠現在已經變成一堆瓦礫,幹得好!(Yuri"s cloning facilities are now rubble thanks to your incredible tactics. Well done!)


超時評價:你已經摧毀了尤里的複製工廠,但漫長的戰事,已經使雪梨的元氣大傷。(You have destroyed Yuri"s cloning facilities, but the long battle has left Sydney devastated.)

超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

盟軍6 萬聖節(Trick or Treaty):

未超時評價:尤里永遠都不會有機會的,世界各國的領袖都安全了。尤里也已經被趕出倫敦,將軍,你表現的真好。(Yuri never had a chance. The world leaders are safe and Yuri has been driven from London. Excellent work, General.)

未超時軍銜:准將(Brigadier General)

超時評價:這是勝利的一天…但代價是什麼?世界各國的領袖在戰鬥中害怕生命受到危險,紛紛在第一時間逃離。合約將暫時受到擱置…至少目前是如此。(The day is won...but at what cost? The world leaders feared for their lives during the battle and fled at first chance. The treaty holds...for now.)


盟軍7 腦死(Brain Dead):

未超時評價:現在整個世界都知道你具備了一名傑出指揮官的特質,你的肖像還出現在世界各國的郵票上,為了你的光榮事迹,還制定了全世界一致的國際假日。(The whole world now knows your true brilliance as a commander. Your image is appearing on stamps in every nation across the globe, and a worldwide holiday has been declared in your honor.)


超時評價:全世界永遠都不會知道它差一點就遭受全面破壞,讓我們衷心期盼能逮到每一個尤里複製人。(The world will never know just how close it came to complete destruction. Let"s hope we got every last one of Yuri"s clones.)

超時軍銜:准將(Brigadier General)

蘇聯1 時空轉移(Time Shift):

未超時評價:你已經在尤里啟動心靈控制器之前將其摧毀,尤里還來不及實現他的計劃。(You have destroyed the Psychic Dominator before Yuri could react. Yuri does not yet realize our plans.)(翻譯出錯,應為「在尤里作出反應之前,你就把心靈控制器摧毀了。尤里尚未了解我們的計劃。」)


超時評價:心靈控制器已經被摧毀了…,但現在尤里已經知道我們的計划了。(The Psychic Dominator has been destroyed...but Yuri is now aware of our plans.)

超時軍銜:見習少尉(Junior Lieutenant)(翻譯出錯,明明是少尉)

蘇聯2 似曾相識(Deja Vu):

未超時評價:你對愛因斯坦實驗室的猛烈攻擊,以及對超時空傳送儀的迅速破壞,已經替蘇聯人民奠定了必勝的基石,盟軍已經全面從前線撤離。(Your ferocious assault on Einstein"s Lab and the swift destruction of the Chronosphere have ensured that the Soviet people shall be victorious in the war. The Allies are already retreating on all fronts.)

未超時軍銜:中尉(Senior Lieutenant)(翻譯出錯,明明是高級中尉,介於中尉和上尉之間)

超時評價:雖然超時空傳送儀被摧毀了,但愛因斯坦有充分的時間帶著他的研究數據逃逸,進而使他的超時空傳送計劃依然存在。(Though the Chronosphere was destroyed, Einstein had enough time to flee with his research papers and keep his Chronosphere project alive.)


蘇聯3 洗腦行動(Brain Wash):

未超時評價:心靈控制器已經被摧毀了,盟軍們認為我們是為了正義而戰,那些笨蛋。(The Psychic Dominator has been destroyed and the Allies believe we fought for a common good. Fools.)


超時評價:心靈控制器已經被破壞了,但我懷疑盟軍是不是還願意再次協助我們。(This Psychic Dominator has been neutralized, but I doubt the Allies will ever help us again.)

超時軍銜:中尉(Senior Lieutenant)(翻譯出錯,明明是高級中尉,介於中尉和上尉之間)

蘇聯4 北非諜影(Romanov on the Run):

未超時評價:多虧你快速且果決的消滅了尤里的基地,洛馬諾夫總理已經遭到解救,且安全的撤離了。(Premier Romanov has been rescued and safely evacuated thanks to your quick and decisive elimination of Yuri"s base.)


超時評價:洛馬諾夫總理已經被援救出來,且安全地撤離了。但他並不是很高興,因為您耗費太多時間了。(Premier Romanov has been rescued and safely evacuated but he is not happy. It took too long for you to rescue him.)


蘇聯5 脫離地心引力(Escape Velocity):

未超時評價:你的快速攻擊將使這座小島成為一個永遠的秘密,尤里的部隊已經完全撤退了。再加把勁吧,將軍!打敗尤里!(Your swift attack will keep this secret island a secret forever. Yuri"s forces are in full retreat. Press on, General--Defeat Yuri!)

未超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

超時評價:尤里的潛艇已經不再具有威脅,但是您的長期包圍也給予了尤里充裕的時間以實行其陰險的計劃。(Yuri"s submarines are no longer a threat, but your lengthy siege has given Yuri ample time to form another devious plan.)(沒翻譯出another,翻譯為「但您的漫長的圍攻給了尤里充裕的時間來制定另一個陰險的計劃。」更好)


蘇聯6 前往月球(To the Moon):

未超時評價:你的行動是如此快速,導致尤里什麼都來不及做,只能眼睜睜的看著他在月球上的設施全部遭到毀滅。月球現在已經是榮耀蘇維埃聯邦的領土了。(You moved so quickly that Yuri couldn"t do anything but watch his lunar establishment crumble. The moon is now a part of the glorious Soviet state.)


超時評價:尤里的月球基地已經被摧毀了,恭喜你,將軍。(Yuri"s lunar base has been destroyed. Congratulations, General.)

超時軍銜:中校(Lieutenant Colonel)

蘇聯7 首腦遊戲(Head Games):

未超時評價:由於您相當猛烈的攻擊和優異的戰術,讓尤里暈頭轉向。無庸置疑的您能將他完全的摧毀。(The sheer ferocity of your attack and genius of your tactics left Yuri stunned. There is no doubt you have crushed him once and for all.)

未超時軍銜:蘇聯將軍(Marshal of the Soviet Union)(翻譯出錯,明明是蘇聯元帥)

超時評價:雖然這場戰爭相當漫長,你還是將尤里從這個世界上消滅了。(Though the battle was long, you have finally rid the world of Yuri.)(若翻譯為「讓尤里從世界上消失」更好)



如何理解 "War, war never changes." 這句話 ?

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