


Please forgive the English...

First, thank you
to Zhou Mu for inviting me to answer the question. I wasn"t even
aware it existed. This is part of the problem with social media, it consumes
too much time, and your time (aka your life) is the most important thing that
you possess.

The world is changing
fast, and most institutions, including universities, simply aren"t capable of
adapting. This is the primary reason that the best way to affect change
is to simply ignore what currently exists and build around it. And thus, we"ve
begun to see an explosion of alternate "universities". (Prager
University, Minerva Schools) as well as new organizations (such as Udemy) that
exist to help established organizations expand their reach through new
technology. Some traditional schools totally get it, for example, MIT has
offered ALL of their courses (and importantly, course work), online, and FOR
FREE, for more than 5 years already. And finally, Google stopped requiring any
college for new hires a number of years ago. (Some teams at Google have up to 14%
non-college teammates.)

But while the outward
manifestations of our world change (today we take digital notes, on our phones,
tablets or laptops, as compared to the paper notebooks that I used when I was a
student), the underlying principles remain. The premise of Quixote University
is that we have always lacked for Leaders, and that in order to solve our
current problems, we don"t need more technology, money or even power, just more
Leaders. I"m not talking about "tour guide" leadership:
"Okay everybody, where do you want to go? Got it, I know the way,
follow me." That"s not real Leadership. I"m talking about sitting,
rotting in a jail for 27 years like Nelson Mandela - that is Leadership. (With
no hope or expectation of victory.) I"m talking about GIVING UP power to
stand by your beliefs, like Deng Xiaoping - that is Leadership. In short,
SACRIFICE. This is the foundation and purpose of QU: TO DEVELOP MORE AND

need POWER to Lead. If you did, then Deng would have shut up and held on to the
power. There is something far more important than power. Actually, two things:
Love (aka sacrifice) and Authority.]

If any of the following are more important to you than the well-being of
humanity, then QU is NOT the place for you:

financial security (aka $$$);

your family"s well-being;

fame; honor; prestige;

or even your own well-being.

There is nothing wrong
with any of the above, on the contrary, some are quite noble. But Deng Xiaoping
put YOU above his own family"s best Interests. (Not only was his own life in
grave danger, but also his family"s - .. his son is paralyzed today because he
was thrown out of a sixth floor window some 40 years ago. The danger was real
and omnipresent.) And yet, he gave up his power with the hope that his actions
would bring change to China. You probably already realize this, but here"s what
you"re probably missing.

Sir Isaac Newton famously said
"If I have seen further, it"s because I have stood on the shoulders of giants."
Deng was diminutive (short) but he stood on a mountain of dead Leaders.
Millions of unknown Chinese who gave up their lives saying the exact same
things that got Deng banned from Beijing and sent to work in the Guangdong
truck assembly line. Had Deng been the only one saying China should change her
economic system, he would have been easily dismissed as a crazy old man. But he
was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel"s back". His words
resonated, and were heard far and wide, BECAUSE he was standing on that
mountain of dead Leaders. Men and women, and especially IDEALISTIC youth who
SACRIFICED their own well-being so that China (and by extension) YOU would have
a better life. If I could have, I would have named my university after him.
(Perhaps I"m not as bold as some people believe that I am.)

Anyway, Don Quixote is a
great choice. The IDEA of heroic sacrifice and nobility goes far back in world history.
The novel Don Quixote is famous for representing these ideals in English.
Indeed, the adjective "quixotic" comes from his name. We can change our world, we
can build the world that our forefathers have dreamed of for dozens of centuries
- but only if we try, only if some of us are willing to put HUMANITY above all

If this isn』t you, no worries, go and live your life as you see fit. Just do
your best. But if you are like Deng, Mandela, and millions of others throughout
history, if you"re willing to SACRIFICE all for the benefit of a better present
and future for humanity, then please consider QU.

QU is free, and there are no classes, at least not in the traditional sense.
(If you want a traditional university, take your pick, there are more than
10,000 of them.) Likewise, there are no teachers. What there is plenty of is
this: opportunities to Lead and change things - unlimited opportunities. You
will earn your credits by proposing, planning and implementing Leadership
projects. When you have enough credits, you "graduate". That just means
you get to keep doing the same work (Leading), but outside of the

Certainly we"re not
looking and for your personal data. I only work for myself, and that is part-time
work tutoring Chinese students. I use that my income to fund my full-time work,
which right now is educating the poor to enable them to escape poverty. Yang
Yicheng is my Chinese example. He now earns 7,500% more than when I met him 10
years ago. Back then, he was selling sugar cane in the street for $ 40 a month.
Today he earns $3K per month and is nowhere close to being finished with his
growth or learning.

If you"re still reading,
then you"re probably a very good candidate for QU. All the rest left a long
time ago. Not a problem, we need everyone. But we do not need everyone to Lead.
Or sing. Or cook. . you get the IDEA. Until now, I have yet to have a SINGLE student
take me up on my offer. I"m not discouraged THIS IS HARD, VERY VERY HARD ...
(Life Lesson:. EVERY Valuable Thing is HARD)

So you could be the first -
you will not be the last. Besides, I"m not interested in quantity, I"m concerned
about quality.

Please feel free to write
me via my email with any questions :. QuixoteUniversity@gmail.com [Please NOTE:
I rarely use http://zhihu.com so please use my email to message me].

Thanks for your time and your
interest in QU.








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