

Answer on @Quora by Suzanne Sadedin to How/why do koalas get chlamydia? http://qr.ae/Rookpb

原作者Suzanne Sadedinn (http://qr.ae/RookFn)



If you love koalas, don"t read any further. Please. I don"t want to destroy anyone"s dreams.


The reason you think koalas are cute and sweet is that they spend around 20 hours out of every 24 asleep, with a metabolic rate half that of a normal mammal. Why are they so slow and sleepy? Because they"re drugged to the eyeballs, struggling to digest ridiculous levels of toxins from their diet of poisonous eucalyptus leaves.


For the other 4 hours, in the depths of the spring night, their true nature emerges. And you don"t want to be there when that happens. The evening starts with a series of bloodcurdling bellows (think Darth Vader with a chainsaw). That"s the males sizing one another up. Larger males viciously attack smaller ones. They chase, wrestle and bite one another. It"s every koala for himself in this ugly melee, as their tiny, drug-addled brains are too stupid to form any sort of coalition or even recognize one another effectively. Virtually every adult male bears numerous scars on his arms, face and ears from this seasonal conflict.


Why are they fighting? The usual reason. Girls. It used to be thought that one dominant male would mate with all the females in one area. But it turns out female koalas are highly promiscuous. They will mate with pretty much anybody, so dominant males spend much of their time and energy trying to drive away interlopers. They also smear urine and chest secretions on everything in their territory to try to stake their claim. This seems to prevent other dominant males from claiming the territory, but it doesn"t stop wandering juvenile males from sneaking in to get it on with the local matrons.


As exciting as this lifestyle might be, hygienic it is not. Chlamydia is transmitted sexually and in open wounds, and possibly in urine and chest secretions as well. Since males are routinely involved in random violence, and females are routinely involved in random sex, infections spread like wildfire. It doesn"t help that koala populations these days are often confined to small, isolated patches of habitat where their populations fluctuate dramatically, leading to low genetic diversity which may compromise their immune systems. Many also have immune problems caused by a widespread retrovirus. Plus, one of the effects of chlamydia is to render females infertile, which may lead to them going into estrus more often, which may result in them having sex with more males, causing more fights and spreading more chlamydia.


搬運一個。現在Quora上贊同已超過3.7k。 翻譯可能有紕漏。歡迎指正。



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你對待的態度應該是:必須果斷not giving it a shit,把他們的優秀(成功)當Pi。












Good Luck.

Q: Should I marry a girl for her looks? Or let her marry me for my looks?

A: Don"t be shallow. She might turn out to be no good in bed.



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