
請問大家,如果在偏遠地區讀碩士研究生,graduate diploma一年+master coursework一年半,畢業了這樣能拿到澳洲學歷5分,偏遠地區5分,和兩年工簽(485)嗎?能具體解釋一些澳洲的graduate certificate和graduate diploma的概念嗎?謝謝各位!



最近移民局關於GD算不算在Australian study requirement一事,是比較矛盾的。。。


在規定加分細則的法條Reg 2.26AC(6)中,規定了四種被承認的degree:

(i) in the case of a bachelor』s degree — satisfactory completion of year 12 in the Australian school system or of equivalent schooling; and

(ii) in the case of a master』s degree — satisfactory completion of a bachelor』s degree awarded at an Australian tertiary educational institution or of an equivalent award; and

(iii) in the case of a doctoral degree — satisfactory completion of a bachelor』s degree awarded with honours, or a master』s degree, at an Australian tertiary educational institution or of an equivalent award; and

(iv) in the case of a postgraduate diploma — satisfactory completion of a bachelor』s degree or diploma awarded at an Australian tertiary educational institution or of an equivalent award;

那麼問題來了,按照(iv)的要求,GD算不算是postgraduate diploma呢?這個存疑,下面說。

而另一方面,在Australian study requirement的PAM(可以理解為類似司法解釋)中,又明確規定了:

For example, a visa applicant who has completed in Australia:

a Certificate II in any discipline or

a Certificate IV in a discipline other than a trade, for example a Certificate IV in Business Management or

a Graduate Certificate or

Graduate Diploma

cannot use that qualification on its own to meet the Australian study requirement. (The list above is illustrative, not exhaustive.)

結合上面兩條,雖然我們可以按照(iv)的規定,認為GD是postgraduate diploma中的一種,但說到底,這只是一種對於法條的理解。而PAM中是明確規定了GD不屬於Australian study requirement的。從優先順序來說,肯定還是要認為GD不符合規定比較好。


Only study that has resulted in the completion of a degree, diploma or trade qualification can be counted towards meeting the Australian study requirement. If applicants intend to use multiple courses to meet the Australian study requirement, they must demonstrate the multiples courses are the same course or packaged courses. A course cannot be counted simply because the Diploma, degree or trade qualification was awarded as a 「result of」 the applicant』s completion of a pre-requisite course. The course must be part of the Diploma, degree or trade qualification. This means the course must be packaged with the Diploma, degree or trade qualification or RPL is accepted as part of the Diploma, degree or trade qualification.







"The Delegate is required to make a decision based on the information they have available to them at that time. The Procedural Instructions (formerly known as the PAM) were recently reviewed and clarification was obtained regarding the definition of eligible qualifications for the purposes of applying for a Temporary Graduate Visa.

Based on the Federal Court case Bhatt v Minister of Immigration and Citizenship [2012] FCA 918 (Bhatt), the Department』s view is that neither a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma meets the definition under Regulation 2.2AC(6), as it does not give any reference to either qualification in its definition of a Degree or a Diploma."





Migration Regulations 1994 - Specification under item 6D101 of Schedule 6D - Location of Campuses and Postcodes - June 2012


首先Graduate Certificate和Graduate Diploma這兩個一個是研究生證書,一個是研究生文憑,一個讀半年左右,一個是一年。

在澳洲是否有移民加分兩年,主要是看你學的專業,學分夠不夠兩年,所以關健在於你選專業的時候,選的專業是否學分是兩年的,如果是一年半的,你在前面加讀了一個Graduate Certificate或者Graduate Diploma都是算一年半的。如果你的專業是兩年的,但在申請的時候,自己的背景不夠,學校經常會讓你先讀Graduate Diploma+MASTER(加起來一共也是只讀兩年),如果順利讀完Graduate Diploma的一年,成績達到學校的要求,是可以把Graduate Diploma這一年的學分轉到MASTER的第一年,這樣轉完第一年的學分後,接著讀MASTER的第二年課程,這樣的情況,是完全是算二年的。所以選了偏遠地方,一定是有5分的偏遠分遠,也一定有二年的學習5分加,也一定可以拿兩年工簽(485)。

所以當自己一開始申請的專業是一年半的時候,無論你用什麼方法, 使自己在澳洲的學習超過二年,三年,都是算一年半的學分的,這個二年的定義,不是看你在澳洲學習多久,移民局是看你的學分是否夠兩年。


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