聽了葉芝寫的down by the sally garden很多年,sally是什麼花?



1. 我先搜了下wiki Down by the Salley Gardens

裡面提到了Salley Garden的位置問題:

Yeats indicated in a note that it was "an attempt to reconstruct an old song from three lines imperfectly remembered by an old peasant woman in the village of Ballisodare, Sligo, who often sings them to herself." The "old song" may have been the ballad The Rambling Boys of Pleasure...

It has been suggested that the location of the "Salley Gardens" was on the banks of the river at Ballysadare near Sligo where the residents cultivated trees to provide roof thatching materials. "Salley" or "sally" is a form of the Standard English word "sallow", i.e., a tree of the genus Salix. It is close in sound to the Irish word saileach, meaning willow.

2. Yeats 提到他這首詩是從一個老婦人唱的歌裡面重構出來的,老婦人唱的歌有可能是這首The Rambling Boys of Pleasure,而愛爾蘭後裔在美國也從這首歌演變出一首阿帕拉契亞民歌來,Down in the Willow Garden 這首歌的Salley被Willow直接替代了。(但是這首歌出現晚於葉芝的詩)

3. 愛爾蘭人民的科普:

What is a salley garden?

Salley or sally comes from the Gaelic word saileach which means willow. The Salley Gardens therefore simply means willow gardens.

Slender shoots of willow were used to bind thatched roofs and so it was common to find small willow plantations close to villages in Ireland. As well as providing willow shoots for thatching, they doubled up as a meeting place for young lovers.

- Down by the Salley Gardens






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