

英國藝術家Simon Peers 花了5年時間使用蜘蛛絲紡成的一塊布。目前這玩意正在紐約美國自然歷史博物館上展出。它長3.35米,一共花費30w英鎊。

據說所有的絲提取自100多萬隻馬達加斯加島golden orb 雌性蜘蛛。# 簡直就是瘋子。據說Simon Peers 的靈感來自19世界法國在馬達加斯加島的殖民者試圖用golden orb 蜘蛛線來編製一個獨一無二的衣料。來源nytimes



這件織物保存在courtesy American Museum of Natural History跟大夥印象中的白色蜘蛛絲不一樣,這是黃金蜘蛛吐的絲,壕們發現新大陸了吧~



贊同@水鳥 的答案。蜘蛛絲在很多性能上是比蠶絲要強很多的。但是為什麼人類歷史發展了這麼久蜘蛛絲都沒有被普遍使用呢?

首先,蜘蛛是肉食動物,要養蜘蛛就得給它喂蟲子,不然它們就互相蠶食。就算是可以餵給蜘蛛足夠多的蟲子作為食物,產生蟲子殼也難以處理。所以想要實現高密度的養殖難度也很大。 還有,蜘蛛可能會咬人,存在一定的危險性。





Spider silk cuts weight of bridges

? A strong, light bio-material made by genes from spiders could transform construction and industry

A. Scientists have succeeded in copying the silk-producing genes of the Golden Orb Weaver spider and are using them to create a synthetic material which they believe is the model for a new generation of advanced bio-materials. The new material, biosilk, which has been spun for the first time by researchers at DuPont, has an enormous range of potential uses in construction and manufacturing.

B. The attraction of the silk spun by the spider is a combination of great strength and enormous elasticity, which man-made fibres have been unable to replicate. On an equal-weight basis, spider silk is far stronger than steel and it is estimated that if a single strand could be made about 10m in diameter, it would be strong enough to stop a jumbo jet in flight. A third important factor is that it is extremely light. Army scientists are already looking at the possibilities of using it for lightweight, bullet proof vests and parachutes.

C. For some time, biochemists have been trying to synthesise the drag-line silk of the Golden Orb Weaver. The drag-line silk, which forms the radial arms of the web, is stronger than the other parts of the web and some biochemists believe a synthetic version could prove to be as important a material as nylon, which has been around for 50 years, since the discoveries of Wallace Carothers and his team ushered in the age of polymers.

D. To recreate the material, scientists, including Randolph Lewis at the university of Wyonming, first examined the silk-producing gland of spider. 「We took out the glands that produce the silk and looked at the coding for the protein material they make, which is spun into a web. We then went looking for clones with the right DNA,」 he says.

E. At DuPont, researchers have used both yeast and bacteria as hosts to grow the raw material, which they have spun into fibres. Robert Dorsch, DuPont』s director of biochemical development, says the globules of protein, comparable with marbles in an egg, are harvested and processed. 「We break open the bacteria, separate out the globules of protein and use them as the raw starting material. With yeast, the gene system can be designed so that the material excretes the protein outside the yeast for better access,」 he says.

F. 「The bacteria and the yeast produce the same protein, equivalent to that which the spider uses in the drag lines of the web. The spider mixes the protein into a water-based solution and then spins it into a solid fibre in one go. Since we are not as clever as the spider and we are not using such sophisticated organisms, we substituted man-made approaches and dissolved the protein in chemical solvents, which are then spun to push the material through small holes to form the solid fibre.」

G. Researchers at DuPont say they envisage many possible uses for a new bioslik material. They say that earthquake-resistant suspension bridges hung from cables of synthetic spider silk fibres may become a reality. Stronger ropes, safer seat belts, shoe soles that do not wear out so quickly and tough new clothing are among the other applications. Biochemists such as Lewis see the potential range of uses of biosilk as almost limitless. 「It is very strong and retains elasticity; there are no man-made materials that can mimic both these properties. It is also a biological material with all the advantages that has over petrochemicals,」 he says.

H. At DuPont』s laboratories, Dorsch is excited by the prospect of new super-strong materials but he warns they are many years away. 「We are at an early stage but theoretical predictions are that we will wind up with a very strong, tough material, with an ability to absorb shock, which is stronger and tougher than the man-made material that are conveniently available to us,」 he says.

I. The spider is not the only creature that has aroused the interest of material scientists. They have also become envious of the natural adhesive secreted by the sea mussel. It produces a protein adhesive to attach itself to rocks. It is tedious and expensive to extract the protein from the mussel, so researchers have already produced a synthetic gene for use in surrogate bacteria.

日本Spiber公司最近和Northface公司合作利用人造蛛絲製作了一件衝鋒衣MOON PARKA,雖然現在只有原型,但是量產指日可待。Spiber Inc.

額 可以用來做防彈衣....








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