為什麼「dog days」會有「大熱天」的意思?

原問題『為什麼「dog days」被翻譯成「大熱天」「炎炎夏日」的意思?』表述不準確,修改之。

好把,既然@梁海 這個大哥給了提示,偶就扒了扒wiki

  1. 天狼星是大犬星座中的最亮一顆星;【狗狗星座 XXD
  2. 天狼星出現的時間,大概就是夏天要來啦;
  3. 所以,為了向天上諸神獻殷勤,所以殺只棕色狗做祭祀;
  4. 然後,就有了Dog Days


Dog Days

The Romans referred to the dog days as diēs caniculārēs and associated the hot weather with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the "Dog Star" because it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major (Large Dog). Sirius is also the brightest star in the night sky. The term "Dog Days" was used earlier by the Greeks (see, e.g., Aristotle"s Physics, 199a2).

The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius rose just before or at the same time as sunrise (heliacal rising), which is no longer true, owing to precession of the equinoxes. The Romans sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that the star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.

Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time "the Sea boiled, the Wine turned sour, Dogs grew mad, and all other creatures became languid; causing to man, among other diseases, burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies." according to Brady』s Clavis Calendaria, 1813.



「Dog days」的「dog」來自小犬座的天狼星,和狗沒有直接關係。

同學們,dog days are over這首歌里的dog days指的是"艱難的日子"的意思。不是什麼都要扯到詞根上,請查查俗語詞典或者自行谷歌歌詞的意思。



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