如何看待「已故」 9 年的特工持槍潛入特朗普大廈行刺未遂?
目前有新聞來源:http://getoffthebs.com/deceased-fbi-agent-found-trump-tower-silenced-pistolhttp://www.startribune.com/secret-service-armed-man-arrested-at-trump-tower-no-threat/389095481http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/secret-service-armed-man-arrested-trump-tower-threat-41099912http://www.reuters.com/article/u ... rrest-idUSKCN10E2PR
http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/0 ... at-with-agents.htmlPS:有種碟中諜5+諜影重重的既視感。
共和黨布希控槍不嚴,導致 FBI 特工無辜犧牲。
為了阻止異鬼過長城,老天爺給 Benji 續命、讓囧雪復活這事都能幹的出來。如今川普大奸大惡不得人心,復活一個特工去幹掉他,這也沒什麼出奇的。
需要強調的是這完全是孤立事件,沒有普遍性,真正的 FBI 特工都是很溫和的。
各位請善用網頁歷史記錄例如 http://web.archive.org/web/20160804010048/http://getoffthebs.com/deceased-fbi-agent-found-trump-tower-silenced-pistol/
Deceased FBI Agent Found At Trump Tower With Silenced Pistol
August 2nd, 2016 – Brian Michael (New York)
A source within the NYPD has reported that an armed 62 year old man tried to sneak in to the Trump Tower late Tuesday night. Interestingly the suspect who was found with a semi-automatic handgun fitted with a silencer has been identified as Barry Lee Bush, a former Newark NJ FBI agent who has been dead since 2007.
A Secret Service agent discovered Bush after he had circumvented a security partition on the bottom floor of the Trump Tower. Questioned by Secret Service at the scene, Bush who initially identified himself as Barry Franklyn, remained silent offering no explanation for why he broke security at the Trump Tower.
According to the NYPD source, Bush was arrested for trespassing and for illegally carrying a pistol fitted with an illegal silencer. During his booking at the NYPD Jail, Bush』s fingerprints were submitted to the National Crime Information Center, which immediately reported Bush』s true identity.
「I wasn』t sure if our system had malfunctioned, so I rescanned his fingerprints to confirm that our system was working correctly. There was no system error. The man we have in custody was reported deceased in 2007 after being shot in an attempted bank robbery, 「one source speaking on anonymity said.
The New York Times reported on April 6, 2007 that Barry Bush, a veteran F.B.I. agent on a bank-robbery detail was fatally wounded apparently when another agent』s weapon accidentally discharged during a confrontation with three gunmen outside a bank in a quiet town in central New Jersey.
Not actual gun
Speaking about the weapon found on Bush, the NYPD source stated, 「We don』t find hardware like this on the streets–that Glock was never stamped at the factory [serial number]—those pieces are reserved for people with a lot higher pay grades than me.」
According to a spokesman at the Newark FBI field office, Bush was killed in the line of duty in April of 2007. Coincidentally, five minutes after we got off the phone with him, a page honoring FBI agents who were killed in the line of duty, went down on the FBI』s website.
It is not clear what Bush』s intentions were for sneaking around security to presumably access the service elevators at the Trump Tower, however it does not take much imagination as to why Bush was carrying a silenced pistol at the time of his arrest.
Trump is in Florida today for rallies in Daytona Beach and Jacksonville. Trump has informed us that he was not at the Trump Tower yesterday evening and did not have any information about the incident, other than an armed man had been arrested at his building and that it was not clear about what Bush』s intentions were.
Mr. Trump seemed to take the news that an armed dead person was found at his NY building, with a grain of salt. Fortunately for his family and supporters, Mr. Trump is still around to try to sort out this interesting incident.
原答案是為了修正另一位答主的答案,在那個答案里,答主認為鏈接內容和題主的提問有差異對不上,所以此問題可能為釣魚。我的回答是對這位答主的修正,他的原答案現在撤銷了。所以我的答案看起來有些無厘頭。另外,我的原答案是8月6號的情況。此事件已被法院判決,且雙方都沒有繼續炒作,可視為已經塵埃落定。此事件各方的報道也許都不真實,現實如何或許永遠無人知曉。各位看官請抱娛樂態度觀看。------------原答案:8月6日此問題不是釣魚貼,而是新聞本身遭到了篡改。第一條新聞鏈接好像直接被撤了,我再開是page not found。看原新聞鏈接地址的標題,就是新聞地址的後面部分「deceased fbi agent found trump tower silenced pistol 」---------------
有趣的是辯護律師庭後發表感言:She called the incident an "example of Donald Trump ruining another regular person"s life."「你們看看,又是一樁川普毀掉普通人生活的鮮活例子!」就差喊民主黨萬歲,希拉里凍蒜了,陰吹思婷。我就想問下,我刷新下新聞就變了。你懂那種感覺嗎!差點讓我懷疑人生。
完了 我還以為川普會上演林肯以及JFK的續集 沒想到狗急跳牆的Killary現在就按耐不住了
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