
剛剛聽了一個 lecture 里提到「fortune cookie comments」,比原文 chicken soup for the soul 多一層諷刺……

你說我怎麼這麼笨,忘記關評論啊。強烈建議知乎 app 下一版加入關閉評論選項。


Inspirational nonsense

Inspirational speech / Motivational speech

就叫Chicken Soup for the Soul.


……這詞不就是由"Chicken Soup for the Soul"翻譯成中文的么?

難不成要回譯成別的詞才接地氣?比如"蔣介石"譯成"Chiang Kai-shek"再回譯成"常凱申"?

心靈雞湯本來就是《讀者文摘》的《Chicken Soup for the Soul》系列暢銷書的直譯。再翻譯成英文幹嗎?幫美國人出口轉內銷?


樓上評論的都有道理,心靈雞湯起初確實是由chicken soup for the soul翻譯過來的,但那個時候僅僅是指客觀的和心理有關的舒緩文章,不帶有貶義。

但現在我們說心靈雞湯大多數是帶有貶義的指某些無用但看似哲理很深的偽諺語,chicken soup for the soul就表達不出這個意思了,所以fortune cookie comments 應該會跟適合,到底怎麼翻要看語境。


聽Tal的幸福課時,他用over-promising and under-delivering形容「讓你快樂的五種方法」此類文章、書籍或者演講。覺得這種形容的方式與如今許多人對「心靈雞湯」的理解[貶義]比較貼合。只是Tal這種用法是形容屬性的,如果需要譯成名詞屬性的話,可以加上連字元。

如:the over-promising-and-under-delivering

chicken soup for soul

要抖機靈逗樂的快去豆瓣微博糗事百科 去晚了就來不及了

原本我不想答的 是我手欠又進來看了一眼 於是就不答不舒服司機了

sweet drink flavored with salt

Self-help | Wikiwand

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Self-help or self-improvement is a self-guided improvement[1]—economically, intellectually, or emotionally—often with a substantial psychological basis. Many different self-help group programs exist, each with its own focus, techniques, associated beliefs, proponents and in some cases, leaders. Concepts and terms originating in self-help culture and Twelve-Step culture, such as recovery, dysfunctional families, and codependency have become firmly integrated in mainstream language.[2]



Scholars have targeted self-help claims as misleading and incorrect. In 2005 Steve Salerno portrayed the American self-help movement—he uses the acronym SHAM: the Self-Help and Actualization Movement—not only as ineffective in achieving its goals, but also as socially harmful.[3] "Salerno says that 80 percent of self-help and motivational customers are repeat customers and they keep coming back "whether the program worked for them or not"."[39] Others similarly point out that with self-help books "supply increases the demand... The more people read them, the more they think they need them... more like an addiction than an alliance."[40]

Self-help writers have been described as working "in the area of the ideological, the imagined, the narrativized.... although a veneer of scientism permeates the[ir] work, there is also an underlying armature of moralizing."[41]

Christopher Buckley in his book God is My Broker asserts: "The only way to get rich from a self-help book is to write one".[42]

soul soother

剛剛看了一種翻譯叫damn happiness

fxck your life



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