
比較多看到是Culture Industry或Cultural Industry,還有Cultural Industries。到底哪個是對的,為什麼?

要麼用Culture Industry,要麼是Cultural Industries:

英文維基的Culture Industry專頁:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture_industry

The term culture industry was coined by the critical theorists Theodor Adorno (1903–1969) and Max Horkheimer (1895–1973), and was presented as critical vocabulary in the chapter 「The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception」, of the book Dialectic of Enlightenment (1944), wherein they proposed that popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods — films, radio programmes, magazines, etc. — that are used to manipulate mass society into passivity.

但國外另外兩者都用,比如UNESCO對Cultural Industries的解釋:http://culturalentrepreneur.org/blog/what-are-cultural-industries/

Cultural Industries are defined as those industries which produce tangible or intangible artistic and creative outputs, and which have a potential for wealth creation and income generation through the exploitation of cultural assets and production of knowledge-based goods and services (both traditional and contemporary). What cultural industries have in common is that they all use creativity, cultural knowledge, and intellectual property to produce products and services with social and cultural meaning.

The cultural industries include: advertising; architecture; crafts; designer furniture; fashion clothing; film, video and other audiovisual production; graphic design; educational and leisure software; live and recorded music; performing arts and entertainment; television, radio and internet broadcasting; visual arts and antiques; and writing and publishing. The term 「cultural industries」 is almost interchangeable with the concept of 「creative industries.」 Whereas the notion of 「cultural industries」 emphasizes those industries whose inspiration derives from heritage, traditional knowledge, and the artistic elements of creativity, the notion of 「creative industries」 places emphasis on the individual and his or her creativity, innovation, skill and talent in the exploitation of intellectual property. The notion of 『cultural industries』 is also closely linked to but, again, slightly different from a categorization based strictly on the notion of 「intellectual property,」 which is closely linked to the concept of information-driven economies, and which includes such activities as scientific and technological innovation, software and database development, telecommunication services, and the production of hardware and electronic equipment




TAG:英語翻譯 | 文化產業 |